Chapter 190 - Ruby Confronts Frey   action

King Frey was in his private chambers , when the apple of his eye , his beloved daughter from his beloved wife visited him.

Frey beamed with joy upon seeing her face as he said , " It's been a long time since you visited me in my chambers , to what do I owe this joyous occasion to ? ".

Ruby bowed as she said " What I am to speak off father , is a very serious issue , please allow me to interrupt your rest , as the matter is of utmost importance ".

Frey straightened up , his daughter was a playful child , her being soo awfully serious shocked Frey , he knew that the matter would be extremely serious for her to act this way.

Frey quickly dismissed the guards , as he said " Sure , speak your mind freely , your father is here to support you ".

Ruby took in a deep breath as she started her story " Father I met an Oracle today .."


Frey's eyes widened in shock , there was no Oracle for the last 150 years .... If what her daughter said was true then this was an extremely joyous occasion but he was a bit skeptical

Ruby continued " Yes , even I was very happy at first , but also skeptical , however he accurately told me about events of my life that no one else knows about. Also he is a honorary Bishop of the Church ".

Frey nodded , although it was not verified yet , however he could give the man the benefit of the doubt if he was a honorary Bishop in the church . Anyone holding a post in the Church was assumed to have outstanding moral character.

Ruby said " however what he told me , is very concerning. The only reason he revealed his identity as an Oracle to me was because he wanted to save my life. In the divination shown to him by the Goddess , he was shown my death at the hands of my step brother the first prince".

Frey's eyes turned into a cold glint , he did not know what to make of the information but he was boiling with anger.

Ruby hesitated before continuing as she said " Also , he told me that the first prince is not actually your child , but an illegitimate son born from an affair with a mere servant. He....he ....he is not a high elf ".


Frey reached his boiling point now as he said " Blasphemy !!!! , the Bishop dares slander the royal family? Set up a court meeting , call the first prince , the queen and the Church members , send the bishop a court summon . This matter will be dealt here and now! ".


( Meanwhile , somewhere in Vanaheim )

Rudra gathered alongside his guild members. He told them " The quest for which I came here has gone sideways , now we need to deal with some scums of the society. Sorry , but let me clarify beforehand , now the quest is not for the guild but a personal help for me.".

Karna put his arm on Rudra's shoulder he knew Rudra well enough to know that he was feeling guilty about the change of events. However he was more than happy to help the guild leader even for private affairs.

In Rudra's original plan before meeting Ruby , he was going to save the elven princess to gain merits with King Frey and ask for a division of Elven archers to help him in his conquest for the city of Purplehaze as his reward.


However after meeting Ruby , he wished to ask for her hand in marriage instead as reward. This was a problem , as it meant he would not get the help of the elven division for the conquest of becoming Purplehaze city overlord.

He was prioritising himself over the guild. Hence he felt very guilty. He tried to give himself the excuse that even without the elven division he could still probably win Purplehaze city , albeit with much more difficulty . But if he did not ask for Ruby's hand in marriage it would get difficult for him to do it later on.

Jhonny asked Rudra outright " I dont mind lending a hand , but you owe me an explanation as to why ".

Rudra blushed , he was embarassed to say the reason. However he owed them that much , hence he said " I have fallen for the Elven Princess . I met her once and I know it's pathetic , but I think no beauty will ever be able to enter my eyes again. If we complete the quest then I can ask for her hand in marriage ".

Now both Yume and Jhonny placed hands on Rudra's shoulders , their eyes burning with passion.

Yume said " Amitabha , the pursuit of love is a noble cause , this Yume will help you ".

Jhonny said " Real men are not afraid of love at first sight. I appreciate your taste in Elven women , they are bountiful ".

A big question mark hung on both Rudra and Karna's faces , this reaction was unexpected.

However yume and Jhonny looked at each other and nodded in understanding , as great old perverts they had fallen for women in first sight countless times. Hence they wished to help the junior.

It was then that the royal guard approached . As they said " Honorary Bishop Shakuni , of the human race , you have been ordered to be brought to the royal court of Vanaheim ,by the order of the king his majesty Frey!?to be tried for slandering of the royal family, you may choose to come willingly , or we are authorised to use force ".

The guard said coldly , Rudra nodded he said " I will comply and come willingly , no need for restraining me ".

The other three looked at each other perplexed , what did the leader get himself involved into? Isn't he trying to court the princess? Then why is he being charged for slandering the royal family? Is he stupid ?

/// Today will be potentially a 3 chapter day , one bonus for powerstones is guaranteed as we have hit the mark , we are also close for golden tickets hence even that is possible .

Shoutout to immortal_nova for the 500 coin gift!! Thankyou for the patronage! ///
