Chapter 187 - THE SECRET IS OUT!  

Rudra sat in a discrete corner in the tavern with Ruby , he had regained a bit of his composure as he remembered that saving Ruby was currently a great priority.

Ruby said " What is it that you wish to tell me Honorary Bishop? ". She was kind of perplexed and did not know what Rudra wanted to talk to her about.

Rudra sighed , he needed to make a believable excuse to tell her the fate that she would suffer should she not heed his warning.

Rudra decided to go with using the Goddess's name to bullshit his way through the situation. Given his background as Honorary Bishop , it was the perfect cover story.

Rudra said " what I am to discuss about cannot leave this room. By telling you these things I am risking a lot , soo I beg your highness to be discrete ".

Ruby was shocked. The matter seemed serious she instantly nodded and reassured Rudra. She said " The words you say will not leave this room ".


Rudra was satisfied , her melodious voice would make him beleive even the most ridiculous lies that came out of it , much less the truth.

He said " I have a special power granted by the Goddess of light herself , I am an Oracle who can see the future. However my ability only works when the goddess chooses to show me something I need to see. Nobody in the Church knows about this , I only told you this because I was recently shown your future by the goddess. Which is why I am here in this tavern , waiting for you , your majesty".

action Ruby's eyes widened in surprise , Oracles were the most respected people in the Church of Light , there was no Oracle in the Church since the last 150 years , if what Rudra said was true , it was a big big deal. However, the Oracle had seen her future , this .....

Rudra continued " I know it is hard to believe my words , soo let me ask you something , were you here to meet your friend to seek advice about reporting your brothers incentuous advances towards you?".

Any doubts that Ruby had about Rudra as an Oracle were shattered at that instant , she looked at him as if he was the pope himself..... After 150 years the Church finally had an Oracle.

She meekly said " Yes ".


Rudra's heart melted .... Such a gentle lady , how dare the bastard prince kill her!!

Rudra continued " what I tell you is of utmost importance , in the future the goddess shows me , your friend whom you confide in betrays you , she is in love with the first prince and reports you to him. The first prince then executes you before you can report him to the king. He thought he did a good job of covering the murder up , however his sin was discovered and he was forced to go into hiding [email?protected]@-#&#@@#..."?Something weird happened at that moment , Rudra tried to speak but no sound would come out of his mouth , as he was teleported into the blue system space.

Rudra was dumbfounded , how was he suddenly teleported here?

What Rudra did not know was that ever since the cuber corporation put a monior command on him. The AI had been constantly monitoring his every word and his every action. He had not broken the rules untill now hence was never caught , however the moment he used knowledge that noone was supposed to have , Gaia caught him.

The little fairy that Rudra was used to seeing was now a mature full sized fairy , she looked at Rudra with cold eyes as she asked " That plot , how do you know what's going to happen next? ".

Rudra's back was drenched in sweat , he knew at this moment that he had been caught , his gaming career might be over.


The fairy repeated the question again " I asked you how do u know the coming plot? ".

Rudra struggled for words as he said " I ... I ...


( Real world , Ethan Grey's office )

Ethan was a solid man through and through , he was cold and ruthless , not having a family and a lover he was a cold lone wolf . Being so he never really thought about philosophical side of life.

Even when he was reincarnated he never thought about anything else other than making a name for himself , earn huge amounts of money , and right the wrongs he did in his past life.

However that single meeting with Rudra changed everything ... Meeting the second reincarnator , who reincarnated on the same day as when he died in his first life , the 1st Jan 2100 , could not be a coincidence.

This made him think about the philosophical side of life for the first time ever is also because of this that he felt that supressing Rudra was a bad choice .... Being a reincarnator himself he gave the kid a chance.

And he was right , Rudra was?everything he expected and even much more .... Ethan had no doubt that with this reincarnated brother of his he could become the world's richest man .?However that only made his questions deeper.

Of all the people that die everyday, why were he and Rudra chosen to be reincarnated , was there a grander scale of things that he was missing?

Are god's and the myths of the ancient world?actually real?

Just thinking about it sent goosebumps down his spine .... What if it was true? Was there a reincarnator before him , will there be one after Rudra? , Were the two of them the only reincarnated in the world or were there more?

Soo many questions, soo many mysteries , that he knew absolutely no answers about. Not even a hint . Not even a clue.

/// Bonus chapter for hitting 400 golden tickets , good job you all! , A great day with lots of chapters , we are back at regular pace for bonuses , thankyou for being patient with me as I re-edited the novel.

A lot of unanswered questions guys , hope you all stick around to find the answers ! Enjoy! ///
