"You are what?".....

"Honey that is the truth, I am just enlightening them with the truth. Pregnancy is seriously very hard and you know it," he frowned.

Ignoring him, Ming sighed, "Don't listen to him, he always tends to exaggerate things he doesn't like. Being pregnant is a part of a woman's life, of course it's not gonna be easy but when you hold your little one for the first time, everything is worth it."

"You girls are still young, don't think about babies now," Singtan instructed.

Glancing at the watch, Ming added, "We need to go and see Guang in the hospital, it's already getting late."

"How is he now? Zixin and I will visit him in the evening," Yumi stated.

Placing his hand on Ming's back, Singtan remarked, "Qiang has already called me several times, I think she is missing us."




"Babe you should seriously stop moving and sit down somewhere," Guang sighed.

Fidgeting with her fingers, Qiang kept pacing back and forth in the room, impatient waiting for her parents to arrive. "Brother Zian is also not here, how are we going to manage everything?"

"Qiang come here," he instructed.



Cutting her off, he stated, "are you coming here or do you want me to get down from the bed?"

Left with no other choice, she made her way towards him and sat right beside him. "Do you think I should call them again? Or maybe we can ask them not to come and just wait for brother Zian to arrive or—"

"Okay, you need to calm down first." Kissing the back or her hand, he tried to calm her down. "I know you are nervous and it's okay to be that way but you tell me, will being nervous or freaking out help?" When she shook her head, he added, "So just relax and take things easy."

"What if they don't take this well and shout at us?"

Shrugging his shoulder, he sighed, "Well, this isn't something we should be proud of so we can't expect them not to say anything. They are our parents so it's okay if they shout at us, we will quietly let them lash out at us until they finally calm down. And I am also sure that uncle Singtan will understand."



Fifteen minutes later.

"You are what?" Singtan shouted before turning towards Ming. "Did she just say pregnant? Did I hear that right?"

Ming, who was equally shocked and surprised, could only stare at her daughter who was on the verge of crying. "Y-You are really pregnant?"

Qiang slowly nodded her head before hiding behind Guang who was trying to calm down his nerves.

Holding her head, Ming sat down on the couch. "Oh good lord."

"You are pregnant?" Scrunching his brows, Singtan snapped, "How can you be pregnant? You are so small. I think it's a mistake, we should get you checked again."

Placing his hand on his chest, Singtan started freaking out. "How—when—pregnant—so hard."

"Dad, please calm down and—"

Cutting Qiang off, he snapped harder, "Calm down? How am I supposed to calm down when my youngest daughter who is not even married yet is pregnant with a real baby?" Glaring at Guang, he fumed, "And you, if not for that injured knee of yours, I would have definitely kicked your ass."

"Dad it's not just Guang's fault, I—"

"When did I say that it's just Guang's fault, you are grounded for life Li Qiang," he snapped.


"If you don't want me to faint from anxiety and panic attacks, you better keep quiet and let me think." Without waiting for anyone's reply, he crashed on the couch.

After several minutes of silence, Ming took a deep breath. "I always thought Yushen would be the first one who would make a grandma but who would have thought it would be you Qiang, you seriously do so many unpredictable things all the time." Pausing for a while, she inquired, "How long has it been."

"Nine weeks," Guang and Qiang answered unanimously.

"Nine week already? When did you find out about the pregnancy?" Singtan yelled.

"Day before yesterday."

Just then Zian arrived. "I am so sorry, I got stuck in a meeting," he explained.

Glaring at her eldest son, Ming inquired, "You knew about it, didn't you?"

"I—actually I—"

Cutting Zian off, Qiang quickly jumped to his rescue. "I told brother Zian about it recently and I asked him not to tell anyone about it until I talk to Guang."

"You knew about it but you still did not tell us about it," Singtan shouted.

"I knew something was off when he insisted on bringing over plain and healthy food for Qiang but I never thought she would be pregnant out of nowhere," Ming frowned.

"I-I did scold her and Guang for being careless." looking at the two of them, Zian remarked, "Come on kids, tell them that I scolded you before showing my support."

Guang nodded his head and explained, "Y-Yes, brother Zian scolded us a lot."

"You see, I scolded them first."

Getting up, Singtan crossed his arms in the front. "Do you both know what protection is?"

"Singtan, stop it,' Ming snapped.

"One second honey, let me ask them a few questions." Looking at Qiang and Guang, he inquired, "Tell me, are you both familiar with the concept of protection?"

Both of them awkwardly nodded their heads and answered, "Yes we are."

"Then why the hell didn't you use it? Do you think the whole concept is just for fun?" Singtan snapped.

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Qiang made her way towards her father. She then slowly grabbed his hand and explained, "I know you are very disappointed with us and this was definitely not something anyone of us wanted but it happened and we could do nothing to stop it."

