Sibling love

Soon the staff member returned. Since Xie Ming did not tell him what she exactly wanted for breakfast, he brought little bit of everything that was available. Placing the tray on the table he said," Ma'am your breakfast."

Xie Ming placed the magazine back and gestured the staff to go.

When Li Singtan saw the huge amount of food in the table, he stopped the staff member and said," This is too much. You should take some back."

Xie Ming who was placing food on a plate for Li Singtan stopped the staff member and said," No need to take anything back. You can go."

As the staff member left, Xie Ming handed the plate to Li Singtan and said," Here start eating you have to finish everything that on the table."

Li Singtan gulped and said," But this is too much. I have never eaten so much in my entire life."


Xie Ming picked up her magazine and said," Forget your breakfast next time and I'll make you eat three days breakfast in one go. So now start eating."

Li Singtan sighed and started eating.

Within ten minutes he had finished eating everything that was present in his plate.

Xie Ming was secretly watching him. She thought that she was being very strict with him but this was the way to make him not miss his meals. She was just concerned about him. Though they were married under different circumstances and there was also her terms and conditions but they were still a married couple now and she was his wife. So as a wife she had to take care of certain things.

Li Singtan was about to take more food when Xie Ming's stopped him and said." That's enough." She the took the plate from his hand and handed him a tissue," I hope that you have learnt your lesson."

Feeling helpless in front of his wife Li Singtan could only nod his head. Never in his entire wife had anyone controlled him like this. But being controlled by someone who was so dear to him specially Xie Ming made him feel happy and content


After sometime there was a knock at the door. Han Zihao came in and said," Sir Madam the plane haa landed."

Xie Ming and Li Singtan nodded their head and got up.

Excited to see her brother after such a long time, Xie Ming forgot about the man standing beside her. She quickly ran out of the room without waiting for him.

Li Singtan sighed. Understanding her excitement he quietly followed her.


Xie Ming was looking left and right in order to find her brother.


Suddenly she saw a familiar face. She had not seen her for 3 years but still she could recognise him.

Xie Yufan was a handsome young man who was twenty years old. He had been studying in aboard since he was fifteen. Father Xie wanted Xie Yufan to complete his studies and then come back but Xie Yufan insisted on coming back. When he heard what Xie Yurin had down to his elder sister and how that Chen guy had used all his powers to go against their business, he couldn't contain it and decided to come back and help his father. Xie Yufan never liked Chen Siquan. He was against Xie Ming's and Chen Siquan's relationship and their marriage. This is why he refused to be a part of it. He was happy that her sister did marry that Chen Siquan but he was also angry with his other sister Xie Yurin.

When Xie Ming saw her brother, she shouted," Yufan."

Hearing his name Xie Yufan looked at his sister direction. His face brightened at the sight of his sister. He dropped everything that was in his hand and rushed towards his sister," Ming Ji."

Hugging his sister tightly, Xie Yufan took and deep breath. Tears of joy started flowing from Xie Ming's eyes.

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Letting his sister go, Xie Yufan said," Hey what are you crying." Wiping Xie Ming's tears away he said," I missed you a lot."

Xie Ming patted his head and said," Silly. I missed you too. And look at you. You have grown up to be so handsome."

When Xie Ming and Xie Yufan were showing off their sibling love, a man was standing not very far from them with a gloomy expression on his face.

Han Zihao couldn't help but feel dejected. His boss was even feeling jealous with his wife's brother.
