Chapter 882: Big Baby Confirmation Su Yayan glanced at the screen and confirmed that most people were already satisfied with the Chinese edible frog dish. The corners of her lips curled up as she started to deal with the last dish—Duck Blood in Chili Sauce.

It was not difficult to make the Duck Blood in Chili Sauce, but it required a certain amount of patience and care.

There were more ingredients in this dish. The handling method of each material, the timing of the addition, and the heat when cooking all required attention.

Su Yayan first rinsed the tripe, duck blood, and cod briefly. Then, she added chili powder, ginger slices, and chopped onions to make the soup.

Beansprouts, daylilies, fungus, asparagus, and other vegetables were easily cooked. Once they were cooked, they had to be scooped up immediately for future use. Otherwise, the taste would deteriorate if they were cooked for too long.

It was the same for the tripe. The duck blood and salmon needed to be boiled in the soup pot first, and the tripe only needed to be heated for a while before it was ready. Such tripe was crispy and tender, and the texture was excellent.

Then, she poured the red chili oil on it, instantly attracting everyone’s attention.


Some of them did not even have time to climb out of the bowl of dried Chinese edible frog pot before they fell into the pot of Duck Blood in Chili Sauce. They were really looking into the pot while eating.

When she started cooking the Duck Blood in Chili Sauce, most of the rabbit’s head that had been soaked in the brine had been collected.

Fishing out the spare from the brine, she lifted the pot and added the peppercorn noodles and chili noodles. He stir-fried them so that the rabbit head was fully wrapped in red oil.

The audience in the livestream felt that they had just eaten a few tender Chinese edible frog legs when two red and fragrant dishes appeared in front of them. Their eyes widened.

After eating the soft, spicy, and fragrant rabbit head, the people who were originally shouting, “Bunnies are so cute, why should we eat bunnies?” collectively changed their words to “Bunnies are so cute, don’t let them go.”

Rabbits, who had instantly become the public enemy and the future food of countless people, were speechless. Humans were indeed pigs!


While the group was busy tasting the three spicy dishes, the soup, water, and meat pie sweet porridge that they had made previously were also cooked.

Although it was only a virtual taste, the taste effect of Huo Chenhuan’s virtual simulator was quite perfect.

Even if it was just a taste and three spicy dishes at once, many of the audience’s mouths were still hot and spicy. Drinking some porridge soup could relieve them.

Everyone who had recovered from the shock finally realized something and focused their attention on the three spicy dishes that Su Yayan had made.

[...Did anyone realize that the three dishes the host made for Big Baby are all spicy and super invincible?]

[I, I, I... I realized that too. Children definitely can’t stand this kind of spiciness. I have a guess...]


[I have a theory myself...]

[Me too...]

The group of people began to flood the bullet screen with specious words, making it look like an underground organization meeting each other.

In the end, someone could not stand the crowd’s mystique and asked directly.

[What kind of riddles are you guys talking about? If you have something to say, say it.]

[Hahahaha, no, I can’t hold it in anymore. Big Baby Hubby is the real deal! Look, look, the three dishes are all hot and spicy. Children can’t stand so much spicy food, so Big Baby can only be an adult! And if I remember correctly, the host’s husband likes strong flavors. Those crayfish and boiled fish were all prepared for him. Today’s three dishes must be the same. I’m jealous!]

