Introducing the map of Midgardr by the inimitable Soraya! I'm thrilled with how this turned out, and couldn't wait to share it with you guys.

I've always gotten a thrill when I see one at the start of a new epic fantasy novel, for they act as a promise from the author: the heroes shall travel far and wide, see wonders strange and terrible, shall plumb the depths of Moria and stroll the streets of Ankh-Morpork, cross the glittering Bifrost and sail the bounding seas.

In this case, this map is a promise to myself: when this epic's done I'll have brought each corner of this world to vivid life. Though I've already written the first 200k of Skadi's Saga, I've thus far only explored the Draugr Coast on the very northern edge of the map. That means there's miles and miles to go before we sleep, and countless adventures, betrayals, victories, and wonders to be found before I finish this web novel.

Thanks for joining me on this ride!
