At nightfall Érica and Ibuki came to my room, our evening meetings to talk became a routine.

"How was your day?" (I)

"Ibuki trained a lot, Ibuki will get stronger to protect the master." (Ibuki)

"Nice job Ibuki, but don't overdo it, tomorrow I want you to read these two books, no training until you've finished reading both." (I)

Both are storybooks, one is a story of a boy from a small village who trains and when he grows up he becomes an adventurer, the book tells his whole journey whether it's happy, sad or difficult times until he becomes a recognized hero. all.

The other book is about an orphan girl who struggles to get money, the book tells the girl's whole life being a beggar, selling items she made herself, using her little money to buy things from one city and sell in a more expensive one and setting up her first store until she became one of the biggest merchants on the continent.

I want Ibuki to read these books for several different reasons, first I want her to practice her reading, second I want her to learn more about how to live in society, whether it's among normal adventurers or merchants and educated people, third I want her too take a break from your physical training so you don't overload your body.


I chose these two books after talking to Érica, it will be good to expand Ibuki's knowledge of the world a little and show how big this world is.

"And you Érica, how was your day?" (I)

"It was a good master." (Érica)

"Kira got the book with the demonic human transformation spell for me, I spent the morning studying the magic and found that I would need other magic to hide my tail, wings, and horns." (Érica)

"The two spells seem to complement each other." (me)

"You're right, they complement each other, they're also not as difficult to learn as I thought." (Érica)


"I spent the afternoon training both spells, I think in a few days I'll be ready to use them normally." (Érica)

"With these spells and the concealment item Kira bought from the Black Market, no one will be able to discover that I'm a Demon." (Érica)

"That's fine, keep practicing then." (I)

I talked with the girls until late at night, after they left to watch and sleep I went to bed early to rest my brain more.


The next morning I woke up to Érica sweeping my room, she was using the broom I had made.


"Good morning Érica." (I)

"Good morning Master." (Érica)"I didn't wake you up, did I?" (Érica)

"Don't worry, I woke up early today because I went to bed early last night." (I)

"Are you cleaning the cabin?" (I)

"I'm cleaning up a bit, I'm not very good at these things, I grew up surrounded by maids who did it for me." (Érica)

"You're doing well, I know you're just like Ibuki, always trying to be helpful." (I)

"I will continue to strive master." (Érica)

After talking a little more with Erica, I let her work and asked her to come to see me when it was over.

While she was working I started reading a book that explained the dungeons I asked her to fetch for me.

I spent the whole morning reading the book before Érica came back, she came into the room with a pitcher of water and a plate of boiled eggs.

"Thanks for the food." (I)

"That is my duty as your slave." (Érica)

"So what did you want to talk to me master?" (Érica)

"Yesterday I was thinking about several things, so I thought a lot about everything I did in this forest." (I)

"One thing I noticed in my memories is that there is a monster that I almost didn't find until now, the name was Flame Snake." (I)

"I wonder if you know why neither I nor the others encountered this monster during the hunt?" (I)

"I know why, Kira and Diana probably do too." (Érica)

"Then explain to me please." (I)

"This monster is not original from this forest, it must be a monster that came out of the Dungeon of the Great Serpent, a Grade S Dungeon near the city of Valen." (Érica)

"A few months ago there was a wave of monsters in that dungeon, due to that many Snake-type monsters came out and spread through the forest, the monster the master encountered must be one of the few left after months of hunting adventurers." (Érica)

"Diana and you guys had already told me about the two dungeons you have in this town, which is the other one?" (I)

"The other dungeon is called Blood Dungeon, this is another Grade S dungeon." (Érica)"Could you tell me more about these two dungeons?" (I)

"I'll do my best, but I don't know much about them, Diana never let me in on either of them." (Érica)

"The reason this city is the headquarters of the Alchemist Guild rather than the Kingdom Capital is because of these two dungeons." (Érica)

"In one, you can get most of the known poisons and in the other, you can get the blood of rare monsters with rare bloodlines, those two things are what the Alchemists want in this town." (Érica)

"I see, thanks for the explanation." (I)

"Do you want to know anything else?" (Érica)

"No, that's all thanks." (I)

After talking to Érica I ate the food she brought and then went back to reading the book.

I could understand why Guild Headquarters chose to stay in this city, but I still didn't know how a dungeon formed, what it was like inside it, or what a dungeon was, so I continued reading the book until nightfall, it was a book thick that explained almost everything about the dungeons.

I found out that there are two types of dungeons, one that is naturally formed and one that is formed by a curse.

A normal dungeon is formed by the world itself in areas where it has a high concentration of miasma or energy, dungeons regulate the miasma or energy around them so as not to spread and get out of control.

Dungeons take shape from their environment, they use the elements and the surrounding environment as the basis for what it will become, if the dungeon is at sea it will be a water dungeon most of the time, if it is in the mountains it will be a dungeon from caves or aerial, there are infinite types of dungeons, they can even have dungeons geared towards a single species of the monster like the Great Serpent Dungeon.

Inside normal dungeons, some chests contain treasures such as weapons, armor, equipment, gems, global currencies, and other items, it can also have traps, one thing that all dungeons have is monsters, all monsters inside a dungeon are the first generation without intelligence and with strong instincts.

Dungeons have floors, the number of floors shows how old and strong the dungeon is, with each floor the monsters get stronger and the traps get more numerous and dangerous, every ten floors will have a floor boss who is a monster very powerful, but it also has intermediate bosses that can appear on any floor randomly, they are not as strong as floor bosses, but you never know which floor it will be on, at the end of every dungeon there is the dungeon boss who it is always the strongest and hardest monster to kill.

In a normal dungeon, there are dungeon cores that are protected by the dungeon boss, if the bosses fail and the core is not destroyed a new boss will appear after a while, if the dungeon core is destroyed then the whole dungeon collapses being destroyed.

Normally normal dungeons are not destroyed, only if there are a lot of dungeons around or it is a dangerous type of dungeon that will be destroyed.

Dungeons are in their own space, their environment regenerates itself, no matter how much it is destroyed it always returns to normal, some dungeons are used as eternal mines of natural resources, it is better to get resources from inside the dungeon than if regenerates than the world and wipes out the environment.

The book mentions that damaging the environment too much has serious consequences, but it doesn't say what it is.

When monsters are destroyed within the dungeon they are consumed again by the dungeon and some items referring to those monsters are left in place such as claws, fangs, fur, global coins, magic core, etc.

Not just monsters, people who die inside the dungeon must be stored inside storage items or within a few dozen minutes are completely consumed by the dungeon along with all the items you have, your items can reappear in chests in the dungeon.

The Cursed Dungeons are just like normal Dungeons in almost everything, but they don't regulate the miasma of the environment, they spread the miasma in the environment, they also don't have a core, you need to kill the Dungeon Boss to destroy it.

When a Cursed Dungeon is found a request is issued by the government and the local Adventurers Guild to destroy it as quickly as possible.

Cursed Dungeons are formed not naturally, but rather from a strong curse that someone has cast on themselves or the world, a curse that is at extreme malice levels.

There are some stories about dungeons, about how there is a dungeon that has a forest with a sky inside, or how there is a dungeon that looks like a ruined kingdom.

It also has stories about the formation of Cursed Dungeons, it had the story of a soldier who was the only survivor in a bloody and brutal battle, in the end, all enemies died, but all his companions too, he was surrounded by thousands of corpses, he was traumatized from what he saw and full of sadness for his comrades, in the end, he cursed himself for being the only survivor, his sadness, hatred, and loneliness were so great that he drew malice around him, all malice generated by that battle was for him, soon the miasma was also attracted, so a Cursed Dungeon was created and that soldier turned into a monster inside that dungeon becoming the boss of the dungeon.
