Diana Pov:

The battle has been going on for two hours and the Undead continue to emerge from the tunnel, ten adventurers have already died during the battle and dozens are seriously wounded.

Those who are too wounded to continue the battle have been sent to the support group to be protected, those who can still fight are facing the Undead right now.

I'm not sure how many supplies we still have, but the HP and MP potions the Adventurers' Guild distributed before the mission began must be running out if they haven't already.

Support mages are helping less and less and adventurers in combat are showing more and more signs of exhaustion, if things continue like this it could be dangerous.

I myself am feeling tired if it were before I could be as exhausted as the other adventurers, but since I joined the master my body has become much stronger than in the past, this power that the master gave me is also helping me a lot. in the battle.

The power of Wild Aura allows me to fight with all my strength as long as there is the will to fight, I realized that the more I fight the stronger my Aura gets, but it's a shame I don't know how to manipulate Aura yet to use it properly.


The number of Zombies I've eliminated is almost two hundred, I've also eliminated a few dozen Skeletons, the only ones still fighting full steam are me, Grade C adventurers, and Grade B adventurer Barbarian.

Grade B mage is casting her spells only when Grade B monsters appear to quickly eliminate them without depleting all of her Mana.

The Guild employee named Luci stopped giving orders a few minutes ago, she finally realized that there's nothing left to do but keep fighting the way we're already doing, an adventurer who has skills that increase his speed was sent to the city to seek help and to talk about a large number of the Undead.

"Someone help me, I can't hold that many Skeletons!" (Adventurer A)

"I'm on my way!" (I)

I run-up to an Adventurer who holds a big shield in one hand and a spear in the other, he is being attacked by six Skeletons, three of them are using swords to attack.


As soon as I get close, two Skeletons with swords try to attack me, I use my swords to slash their hands from the bottom up and disarm them, then I walk past them and use my swords to pierce another two Skeletons behind them between the ribs. breaking the core from the inside, I use my swords carved into them to brace my body and throw myself upward.

From above I spin somersaulting in the air and so much a kick in the skull of a Skeleton that breaks and goes flying a nucleus that falls to the ground, as soon as I land on the ground three Skeletons try to attack me I turn quickly and shove my two hands inside the ribs of two Skeletons from below grabbing their core and pulling out.

Just as the last Skeleton would hit me a spear pierces him from behind destroying his core.

"Thanks." (I)

"Thank you." (Adventurer A)

Without delay, I retrieve my swords and return to battle as well as the adventurer I helped.


"There are many, help me!" (Adventurer B)

"Help, I don't want to die!" (Adventurer C)

"I got bitten, I can't feel my arm, help me!" (Adventurer D)

It's been a while since I've been fighting to help adventurers instead of trying to eliminate more Undead, but I'm not able to help them all.

I keep fighting as much as I can, there are many enemies, I gave my Mana positions to another adventurer, he was a mage and would be more useful to him than to me.

The holy water is gone too, I used it to wash my swords to deal as much damage as possible against the Undead.

"The number coming out of the tunnel is not as much as before, stand firm!" (Grade B Adventurer)

"He's right, more enemies will stop appearing soon, hang on!" (Luci)I don't know if they're telling the truth or this is an effort to lift the mood that's been waning throughout the battle.

All I can do is keep fighting, I can't let my guard down at any time, the master will be very nervous to find out I didn't run to protect myself as I promised.

I keep running as I decapitate the Zombies and drill into the Skeleton core, the numbers are many and there are too many bodies on the ground that impede movement for me and the other adventurers.

A lot of stinks are also coming out of the sheer number of bodies on the ground as if that wasn't bad enough already I look at the state my swords are in and start to worry.

The blades are chipped in several places and I see small cracks forming too, if this battle continues my weapons won't hold much longer.

With nothing to do about it I continue in the battle, I use my Ki in my weapons to increase its durability and its cut, my father had taught me a long time how to do this.

I've been training this while hunting missions along with Kira, this is one of the reasons I'm able to continue this exhausting battle.

I see an assassin trying to decapitate a Zombie from behind only to trip over one of the many bodies on the ground, as she falls the Zombie turns around and tries to bite her, I run and cut her head off as I scream at her.

"Get up quick, more are coming from the right." (I)

No time for thanks she gets up and we both fight three Zombies that were attacking us from the right.

I further increase the amount of Ki I use on my swords and use all my strength to cut off the heads of two Zombies at the same time as I cut off their arms trying to block my attack.

The assassin manages to decapitate the remaining Zombie using her superior speed, after which we look at each other and nod our heads before splitting apart for the fight.

I see an adventurer a little farther away from being attacked by seven Zombies and two Skeletons, I'm closer to him than any other adventurer, from the distance he must have tried to run just to be surrounded.

I run up to him and jump over the enemies joining the adventurer surrounded in the center of a ring of enemies, I have my back to him telling him to get up.

"Get up fast, don't try to run or you'll end up surrounded and killed." (I)

"I don't want to die, I just got a girlfriend, it was supposed to be an easy one-day mission thanks to our numbers." (Adventurer E)

"We don't have time for this, get up to fight." (I)

"I'm sorry and thanks for the sacrifice." (Adventurer E)

"What..." (I)

I had my back to this adventurer and my attention was focused on the walking Undead around and the others approaching, when I understood his words it was already too late.

He had stabbed me in the back and kicked me closer to the Zombies who ran as soon as I hit the ground.

"You bastard!" (I)

"I won't die to a bunch of Undead!" (Adventurer E)

"(I don't have the strength to lift my swords, I don't have any more HP potions either.)" (I)

"(We are too far away from the others to expect any help.)" (I)

"(This is my end.)" (I)In the midst of my despair, the image of the master appears in my mind, I see him crying screaming something at me that I couldn't understand.

"(I wish I had spent more time with the master.)" (I)

I close my eyes waiting for my death, but suddenly the image of the master gets stronger and I start to hear a voice full of anger and authority coming from within me, a voice I recognize.

"(Get up and fight!)" (Zenos)

"(If you're hurt, I'll be your cure!)" (Zenos)

"(If you are weak, I will be your strength!)" (Zenos)

"(If you need power, I share my power with you!)" (Zenos)

"(Remember that those who serve me will never be abandoned.)" (Zenos)

The master's voice comes from inside me, his voice gets stronger and stronger until it's the only thing I can hear, little by little I feel the heat on my back and the wound starts to heal.

I feel the Aura of the master rising from me and running through my entire body, images of a martial art appear in my head as if they were always there.

Suddenly my body starts to move on its own and gets up, I feel safe as if I'm being hugged by the master.

The Aura that ran through my whole body explodes out of me, I feel like it's just a means, an intermediary of something bigger.

The Aura explodes out of me and the Undead who were ready to attack me stop for a second, then I feel my body move like the martial art I saw in my mind.

My body feels light, I see myself punching and destroying the head of two Skeletons that were on both sides attacking me, then I turn around kicking a Zombie in the head that is ripped off with the force of the kick.

During the kick spin, I retrieve my swords which during the spin I use to decapitate another Zombie, so I throw myself forward attacking four Zombies at the same time, cut the heads of two, and then pierce the swords into the heads of the other two, throw them to the ground piercing the swords along with their heads into the ground and I stand up supporting my body with my arms while my swords are taped into the ground, I spin with a kick and a knee from top to bottom finishing off two more enemies before putting my feet back on. on the floor and put my swords on my hips.

It was a strange feeling to see my body move against my will, but I didn't try to resist, I just let it know and feeling that I was the master, I already swore that this body was yours to command, suddenly my body turns to the adventurer who stabbed.

I see he's still here, he's on the ground like he's fallen over backward and he's shaking looking at me in fear.

"Don't hurt me!" (Adventurer E)

"I was just scared, I was desperate, I didn't want to hurt you." (Adventurer E)

When my vision turned to the adventurer I started to feel a feeling of intense anger, this feeling was not mine, but it was getting bigger, soon the Aura I felt before exploded again from my body and enveloped the adventurer, then a second Aura arises from within me and involves the adventurer as well.

The first Aura is chaotic and extremely violent and oppressive to the adventurer, the second Aura clings to it as if judging it, I feel like there is an authority, a right to condemn or save someone in that Aura.

Suddenly a voice that doesn't belong to me comes out of my mouth full of anger and desire, this is the voice of the master talking to the adventurer.

"You will be judged, for mine is the right to judge those who do wrong to those who serve me." (Zenos)

"Mine is the judgment and I find you guilty." (Zenos)

With the words of the master the two auras enter the adventurer who starts to shake then he falls to the ground, his face in despair and crying, a picture of the terror he felt in his last moments.

"This is the end of those who hurt those I care about." (Zenos)

The Master's Aura recedes into me and gradually disappears, I feel that I regain control of my body and I can no longer feel the Master's presence.

All that's left around me is the battle that continues, the bodies of the Undead that the master defeated using my body, and the dead body of the adventurer who stabbed me in the back.

A happy smile appears on my face.

"(I don't know how the master did it, but I won't let my guard down again.)" (I)

I look at the battle taking place with renewed spirit and throw myself into the fight.

After another thirty minutes of fighting the Undead stopped coming out of the tunnel and we eliminated the ones that were left in a short time to everyone's relief.
