I was very surprised by this magical technology, I have to remember to check it out later, now we have more important things to take care of.

Let's spend one more night here before we go home, I want to take this time for the girls to talk about their lives and increase their affection for each other, it will help to trust each other more by understanding their pasts.

"Well I'll check it out later." (me)

"Now let's try to get to know each other better, talk about your lives a little if you want." (me)

"Who wants to start?" (me)

"The master's idea is simple but it will be effective, let me get started." (Diana)

"As the master may already know I'm twenty-two years old and I'm a Grade D adventurer, my family consists of adventurers from my younger brother to my grandparents, being adventurers is in my family's blood and we're all trained from childhood to that." (Diana)


"I've been an adventurer for seven years now, and I've experienced many things." (Diana)

"I collected magic herbs, fought monsters, explored Dungeons, lost friends, killed bad guys, and even trained novice adventurers like Érica back then." (Diana)

"As an adventurer, I've traveled to many places and had some boyfriends and girlfriends, I have no prejudice of any race, as the master may know I'm from the Wolf tribe of the Man-Beast and as such we live free until and if we find a master, a master is the one we swear to protect with our lives without a doubt, so it shouldn't be anyone, in my case I chose you as my master because my instinct screamed it was the right choice, and I always followed my instinct because he was the one who kept me alive to this day." (Diana)

"Well that was my story, now who's next?" (Diana)

"Very well Diana, I'm glad to hear more about you." (me)

"Thank you, master." (Diana)


"I think I'm next." (Érica)

"As Master and Diana already know, I was from a noble family." (Erica)

"What? A Lesser Demon being noble?" (Kira)

"I thought only Archdemons could be noble in the Demon Race." (Kira)

"I think there was some misunderstanding." (me)

"The truth is I was human before I met the master, when the master saved me and Diana and turned us into his servants I turned into a Demon." (Érica)


"What????" (Kira)

"The master can turn others into Demons that easy!?" (Kira)

"I can't, Érica's case was special, as you must have felt also my power burns the darkness inside someone and turns it into power for the target, but in Érica's case she had a lot of darkness and basically gave herself to her then when I used my ability on her she turned into a Demon." (me)

"The master is right, the truth is that I was in a state of no return when the master's power filled me I let myself be consumed to be reborn, I didn't know what I was doing, it was an automatic reaction, I just gave in to her and this is the result." (Érica)"I see, I think." (Kira)

"Back to my story, I was the third child of a noble family from a smaller kingdom called Kingdom Mara." (Érica)

"Since I didn't want to be used as a political tool by the family, I asked a friend for help to lose my virginity and be expelled from the family, that's when I found Diana here and formed a group with her, then we were captured by Goblins and we were at their mercy for months before the master rescued us." (Érica)

"And who was this friend?" (me)

"He was the fifth prince, he abdicated his title and his right of succession to the throne to become an adventurer too, he ran away with one of the Palace maids he fell in love with," but before he left I asked him for this favor, of course with your girlfriend's consent." (Érica)

"And his girlfriend allowed this?" (me)

"I'm his childhood friend and I was the one who introduced them, even helped them with their escape plan, she knew I didn't love him, that I just needed his help and wouldn't ask a stranger for that." (Érica)

"Well, the rest you've heard, about me being captured along with Diana and about the master saving us, the master treats us very well and doesn't force us to do anything, he even takes care of how he treats us." (Érica)

"You noticed?" (me)

"Hard not to notice master, once you saw us naked, you even looked away in shame so as not to bring up bad memories didn't you?" (Diana)

"Yeah, it's like you said, being a Goblin I didn't want to bring up any bad memories for you guys." (me)

"The master doesn't need to be so careful around us." (Érica)

"We know the master is not like those creatures." (Diana)

"We ended up deviating from the topic, now it's your turn Kira." (me)

I was embarrassed at the turn of the conversation and tried to change the subject back to Kira's story now.

"Yes Master." (Kira)

"I'll start by talking about my mother, my mother was a Night Warrior, she moved to a village in a smaller kingdom called Reino Bara with me as a baby, she had lost her right arm and leg and used a wooden leg to move." (Kira)

"The village was happy and I grew up happily learning and being trained by my mother until the village lands were transferred to another nobleman who started raising taxes annually." (Kira)

"Over time the once happy village became gloomy and sad, children and elderly people began to die of hunger, even epidemics of disease began to occur." (Kira)

"My mother got sick too, we didn't have money for doctors or medicine so she ended up dying." (Kira)

"One night one of my neighbors kidnapped me crying and apologizing and sold me into slavery out of desperation." (Kira)

"Whether by fate or bad luck I ended up being bought by the same corrupt nobleman who raised the village's taxes, he bought me because of the Gray Elves' reputation for being the best spies and killers." (Kira)

"I was lucky that he believed in human supremacy, so he never saw me as a woman and forced me through hellish training to be of use to him." (Kira)

"I spent years under his command stealing items and information he wanted, sometimes even being ordered to discreetly kill his enemies, thanks to these missions I was injured and nearly died many times, my body was covered in scars and my face became unrecognizable." (Kira)

"In the end, I, who was always around that nobleman, could see his son killing him to inherit his position faster, the moment the nobleman died the bondage mark on my body disappeared and I was free." (Kira)

"The problem was that I was filled with hate and anger and had no one to take it out on after that nobleman died." (Kira)

"I had freedom but I didn't know how to use it, I had no friends or family, I had nowhere to go or dreams to follow." (Kira)

"In the end, I decided to dump all my hatred on corrupt nobles like the one who destroyed my life, I came to this Realm and gathered some people as expendable pieces to start kidnapping and enslaving nobles for sale." (Érica)

"Are you saying that all the nobles you kidnapped were corrupt?" (Érica)

"Yes, I do the investigation myself to be sure." (Kira)

"Why would anyone buy nobles as slaves? They are not capable of doing anything in combat or cleaning." (Diana)

"Actually they are very valuable, in addition to using the slavery seal to get information, you can use them to get children to snatch the title of nobility from legitimate descendants." (Érica)

"And how would they do that?" (Diana)

"After begetting a child with the enslaved nobleman they try to kill the legitimate successors and then present the illegitimate child to be the successor to the title and fortune as if it were the son of a prostitute the nobleman visited or a maidservant." (Kira)

"They can identify someone's lineage to know if they belong in the family yes or no with an item called a pedigree crystal, as the child definitely has the family lineage is a good plan." (Érica)

"From time to time there is someone who tries this plan, even if it is valid it is difficult to reach without being discovered, the nobles are always protected, and if a nobleman dies or disappears, the royal palace investigates to find out what happened, not to mention that after the disappearance of a nobleman appears a bastard child is very suspicious." (Érica)

"Eliminating the true successors is also difficult as they will not only have barracks but will be protected by the Palace or by allied nobles." (Kira)

"If the plan is so risky why do they try?" (me)

"For greed, this is a quick way to get wealth and authority." (Kira)

It seems that politics in this world is the same as in the middle ages, but from what they said the political system can be crueler than in my world, the nobles have authority but they are also targets, I must keep that in mind and avoid foolish people in the future.

I don't want to get involved in politics in this world, it can be more dangerous than a forest full of monsters.

"Now that you guys talk it's my turn and Ibuki's." (me)

"I'll talk about Ibuki's past myself, she was part of the Goblin family that captured Érica and Diana, but because her body was weak she was marginalized by other Goblins and often suffered at their hands, I knew her when another Goblin a was beating and trying to use her as bait to attract monsters, after killing the Goblin I turned her into my servant." (me)

"..." (Érica)

"..." (Diana)

"..." (Kira)

"The master has a complex about saving girls in distress?" (Érica)

"..." (me)

"That would make sense, the master must be one of those who get in trouble just to help a pretty girl." (Diana)

"..." (me)

"My mom always said that these kinds of people are attracted to trouble wherever they are, but they're also the most trustworthy." (Kira)

"(No, no, no, they're wrong aren't they? I didn't save them all for such a stupid reason did I? I didn't even know Kira was a woman, that theory must be wrong, she has to be wrong, please be wrong...)" (me)
