Finally, I captured the bandit chief known as "Storm Killer", I took him to the first room of the cave and gathered everyone together to see what I'm going to do now.

"Érica use your telepathic spell to get Ibuki to join the conversation." (me)

"Yes Master." (Érica)


<[ Telepathic link format with a member of the Érica party ]>


<[ Telepathic link format with party member Diana ]>



<[ Telepathic link format with party member Ibuki ]>

"(I plan to make him my slave, what do you think about that?)" (me)

"(Master, I don't agree with this, but if the master wants to, I'll follow his decision.)" (Érica)

"(I agree that he has a lot of master potential, but I agree with Érica too, I wouldn't trust him so easily.)" (Diana)

"(I understand you, but it's not just his strength I'm looking at, he knows the criminal underworld, he'll get information that you Diana wouldn't get if I sent you into town looking for information.)" (me )


"(And for that reason I need him, I'm not doing this just because I want another man on the team.)" (me)

p "(...)" (Érica)

"(...)" (Diana)

"(Anything the master does Ibuki will agree, the master is always right.)" (Ibuki)

"(Well changing the subject, we have a problem now, it's that I need to weaken his mind to get the skill to work.)" (me)

"(The Master can't use multiple skills at the same time as it was with Érica and me.)" (Diana)


"(With you it was different, Diana you were physically and mentally exhausted, Érica was even easier she forced herself into a pact with me and her situation was even more critical, her mind was already broken.)" (me)

"(You are right master, my state was tragic, but the master saved me.)" (Érica)

"(Master if the condition for you to use your ability is to weaken the target's mind, wouldn't it be better to make him pass out or sleep?)" (Diana)

"(...)" (me)

"(That's a good plan Diana, I don't know how I missed something so simple, but how am I going to put him to sleep?)" (me)

"(Maybe a blow to the jaw makes him faint.)" (Érica)

"(That won't be necessary, while I was in this room I smelled a certain plant.)" (Diana)

Diana goes to a worn and old wooden cabinet and opens one of the caves pulling a plant from inside, it has a normal green color but its leaves have a blue color around the entire edge of the leaves.

"(This plant is illegal in the Kingdom, only some alchemists working for the government can use it, it is called a 'dream vine' its faint odor is soothing but if the leaves are boiled the resulting liquid is a drug that makes those who sniffing or ingesting fall into a deep sleep.)" (Diana)

"(Because of these effects, which is a prohibited plant, they probably used this plant against kidnappings.)" (Diana)

"(I think I understand what you're getting at Diana, you want to use this plant to make the bad guy sleep soundly before the master uses his abilities, don't you?)" (Érica)

"(That's Érica's idea.)" (Diana)"(And I must say it's an excellent idea, let's do this.)" (me)

"(Leave it to me master, if the drug is so easy to produce that you just boil this plant in hot water, then let me do that.)" (Érica)

"(All right, I'll leave it to you Érica.)" (me)

"(I'm going now, master.)" (Érica)

Érica takes the plant from Diana's hands and a mug of some kind of iron along the way and leaves the room a little, within fifteen minutes she returns with the mug with some kind of blue-green liquid and hands it to me.

"(Here is master.)" (Érica)

"(Very well Érica, thank you.)" (me)

With that problem solved I go to the bad guy and lift the mask enough to see his mouth and make him swallow half the mug, one thing I noticed is the various scars on his lips and chin, which is why I didn't want to take it off. the rest of the mask.

After making him drink it only takes a few seconds before he goes to sleep, as he goes to sleep and I get ready to use my skills I see tears falling behind the mask.

I was intrigued by this reaction but decided to leave it for later, I needed to make him submit it to me soon, in the morning we have to go back to our house and I'll take him with us.

I thought about using four skills, I noticed when I used it with the girls that my skill [ Aura of judgment: 1 ] activates and increases its power automatically using the Skill [ Aura of chaos: 1 ], probably because both are Aura skills when one active she should use the second one to increase her effects and power, at least that's my theory.

So when I activate [ Aura of Judgment: 1 ] the ability [ Aura of Chaos: 1 ] activates and its effects complement each other, I'll use [ Intimidation: 2 ] at the same time to lower any resistance it might still have and lastly activate [ Blood Servant: 1 ] to enslave him.

Using all of these skills at the same time is going to be tricky, I hope everything goes well, praying it works I activate the four skills and try to focus my mind on the bad guy to see if I can somehow target my skill only on him, and it looks like It worked.

I started to feel all of my mana leave the body and felt my Aura expand and mix with my mana, then eventually cover the whole room like it did before they go to the bandit boss and cover him but don't enter his body.

"Ahhh!" (me)

Suddenly I felt a lot of pain all over my body and at this time I realize that my blood is also coming out of my pores, as well as my Aura and mana my blood floats to the bad guy and circulates him, with all this I feel weak, very weak, bad I'm able to stand up, can't feel it, but Intimidation must be taking its toll as he's slightly shivering in his sleep.

At first, it seemed like everything was going well but soon I could hear some whispers in a voice that made it impossible to tell if it belonged to a man or a woman, a young man or an old man, the voice was disconcerting and it was coming from the bad guy.

"No, no, I prefer death." (Storm Killer)

From these whispers I realize that he is resisting, this can be dangerous, my skill [ Aura of judgment: 1 ] might end up treating him as an enemy which can harm him or even kill him as the skill is getting a power boost because of of the other three.

I have to do what I did with Diana and Érica, I'm going to try to get him to agree to something he wants, but what does he want?

I walk over and speak beside his head.

"What you want?" (me)

"Do you want power?" (me)

"Do you want authority?" (me)

"Do you want wealth?" (me)

"Do you want fame?" (me)

I ask him these questions and I don't know how but it's like I know the answer to all of them is no.

"Do you want revenge?" (me)

When I say this his body stops shaking for a second before starting again.

"I think not." (me)

"So answer me what you want, what you've buried inside yourself." (me)

"What do you want? Answer!" (me)

In the end, I talk to him as if ordering him to answer, I don't know why but it's like I already know the answer to all these questions, I feel like I'm directing him to an answer he doesn't want to say.He starts to let more tears fall from his mask, I know what he's looking for now, what many have been looking for all their lives.

"What you want is a purpose." (me)

"Serve me, submit by your will." (me)

"Do this of your own free will and I will make you see your purpose for yourself." (me)

The moment I say this he stops shaking and I can see my blood, Aura, and mana vibrate as if resonating with something.

"Yes..." (Storm Killer)

When these words leave his mouth in a whisper I'm pushed back by my power and I see my blood, Aura, and mana entering his body and for a second I see a purple spot of light inside him and feel like everything that has entered. it gets sucked into that spot and merges with it before spreading through the bandit chief's body.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

<[ You have successfully submitted Kira (Grey Elf) ]>



<[ Kira has submitted of her own free will and becomes her blood relative ]>



<[ Empower Kira to complete the pact. ]>

Once again my head fills with my abilities and their minor ramifications.

Of all the skills I felt I should choose [Contract: 1 ] which is a minor skill that belongs to [ Blood Servant: 1 ], I don't know why, but I feel it has to be this one.

Ding! Ding!

<[ The empowerment process has been completed ]>



<[ The ability [ Contract: 1 ] has been activated and fused with a Spirit ]>



<[ Skill Evolved [ Contract: 1 ] > [ Spiritual Contract: 1 ] ]>




<[ Blood Servitude Pact has been completed ]>

When all my power has been absorbed by the Bandit Boss and the ability I've given him has evolved, he wakes up and stands up taking off his mask and lowering his hood, and saying while I'm shocked at what I see.

"I swear to serve you body and soul for eternity master." (Kira)

"Today I Kira by the ancestral vows made before the World Tree swear to be the shadow and blade of Zenos, that Dravos God of Spirits be a witness." (Kira)

I drop to my knees, not from the weariness and exhaustion I'm feeling, but from the shock, I hold my head in my hands and freak out in my mind at this surprise.

"(Why? Why? Why? Why?)" (me)

"(This is not what I expected, not what I wanted.)" (me)


<[ His skill leveled up [Mental disorder: 5 > 6 ] ]>

"(Since I didn't realize this before, has this horrible luck played with me all this time?)" (me)
