I woke up in the middle of the night to replace the girls in surveillance, I stayed until dawn watching the prisoners in case they wake up.

When morning came Érica came to see me with the others.

"What will we do today master?" (Érica)

"I want to talk to them both, let's separate them and hear their story, I'll take the man to another room with Kira and Érica." (I)

"The others keep an eye on the woman, after talking to her brother I'll want to talk to her." (I)

"Érica and Kira want you to put on the red clothes and mask again, I don't know if the person who wore the control symbol on them can share their senses." (I)

"Understood, master." (Érica/Kira)


After the girls and I change clothes, Érica uses magic to make the man float and we go to the most fantastic room in the cave, arriving there I tell Érica not to say anything and Kira to disguise her voice, I also use my manipulation skill body to change my voice, after preparation I tell Érica to wake up the man, she raises her hand and a dark purple magic circle appears then the man starts to open his eyes.

"Where am I?" (faceless brother)

He looks in our direction and then looks around desperately, then starts screaming.

"Where is my sister!?" (faceless brother)

"What did you bastards do to her!?" (faceless brother)

"I swear if you guys did something to her I'll kill you all in the most horrible way possible!" (faceless brother)


"Be still, your sister is fine for now, as you may have already noticed, you won't be able to use any abilities or magic, so stop trying to distract us and try to escape." (I)

"..." (Faceless brother)

"I want to ask you some questions and I hope you'll answer them honestly, if I'm not going to kill you and your sister in the first lie, believe me, you can't hide the truth from me." (I)

"(He is smart, he pretended to look for his sister to confirm where he was and the situation, he also tried to scream and demonstrate despair as he tried to use his skills, after so many meditation sessions and the various energy sense skills I have already I can feel the energy fluctuations around me.)" (I)

"(His concern of his for his sister seems genuine, but he's using it as an excuse to try to escape now.)" (I)

The man wearing only a pair of pants was sweating with worry.


"Alright, what do you want to know?" (faceless brother)

"I want to know who placed this symbol of control on you and your sister's bodies?" (I)

"So you know what this thing is, I'm surprised." (faceless brother)

"It was one of the leaders of the extremist faction of the Church of Light, Archbishop Thomas Galaretto." (faceless brother)

"Why did he do it?" (I)

"Our mother belonged to the peaceful faction of the Church of Light, my grandmother was a saint so our lineage has a high affinity with the element of light." (faceless brother)

"Because of our lineage my mother, sister, and I were born with the elemental affinity of Light, this is the rarest type of elemental affinity as it is stronger and has the same effect as magical elemental affinities, elemental affinities of Ki, and spiritual elemental affinities." (faceless brother)

"How did he put the control symbol on you and your sister?" (I)"A few years ago my sister and I had the chance to see the book he used to do this, it was an ancient necromancer's diary, the book described several of his experiments, including how to put the control symbol on other people to get stronger control than the mark of slavery." (faceless brother)

"In the book, it described that wizards and Alchemists normally used their blood to create the symbol of control in Golems to create a bond with him." (faceless brother)

"The necromancer after many experiments found a way to use the control symbol on people and control them." (faceless brother)

"It was necessary that the one who would be marked by the control symbol had a blood connection with the one who controlled it, the control symbol would also only have an effect if it was made using the blood and dust from the bones of someone of the same blood as the one who is marked, this is so there is no rejection of the control symbol and there was no way to remove the control symbol either." (faceless brother)

"After months my sister and I found out he left the book in a place we could see on purpose, he wanted us to know there was no way to escape it." (faceless brother)

"..." (I)

"Just as you might be thinking, he used our mother as an ingredient to create these symbols of control in our bodies." (faceless brother)

"(I can't believe the level of cruelty of this man, wait...)" (I)

"You said there was a need for a blood connection between the one who is controlled and the one who controls, didn't you?" (I)

"Yes, Thomas Galaretto is our father, he abused our mother to get her pregnant, that's how we were born trapped in this monster." (faceless brother)

"..." (I)

"(What kind of abomination does this to his children?)" (I)

I was controlling myself not to explode in anger, doing something like that to a woman is unforgivable, but doing it to your kids is beyond any level of evil I dare think of.


<[ His skill leveled up [ Mental disorder: 7> 8 ] ]>

"Calm down master, this is not the time." (Kira)

I turn around and realize that the hand Kira has placed on my shoulder is shaking with anger, she more than anyone in my group hates those who try to control others, I imagine this story must have been crueler to her than it was. for me.

I place my hand over hers and hold it until it stops shaking, then I look back at the faceless brother who is lost in thought with tears silently pouring out of his eyes.

"Did he do this to your face and your sister's?" (I)

"My mother was afraid he would do to my sister what he did to her, so she used her light power to burn my sister's face incurably, we understood why, but I couldn't just see it, so I asked to she would do the same to me so my sister wouldn't have to suffer alone." (faceless brother)

"(I really want to kill this Thomas guy.)" (I)

"One last question, do you hate Thomas Galaretto?" (I)


"I hated him at first, but in the end, I realized that instead of wasting my time hating this bastard I should protect my sister." (faceless brother)

I looked into her eyes and didn't see any trace of darkness that someone full of hate should have, all I saw was a look of concern that should be directed at her sister.

After that I asked Érica to put him back to sleep, we took him back to the other room and brought her sister to the room we were in before, I asked her the same questions and got the same answers, she also didn't feel hate for Thomas Galaretto, she just wanted to be beside her brother, I made Érica put her to sleep and take her to the same room they were both in before.I was full of hate and went out with Diana to hunt, I asked her to take me to groups of monsters so I could pour all this aggression on them.


I killed dozens of monsters, made Diana take me to where the Earth Monkeys were, they are monsters that walk in groups, I killed a lot of them, kept killing until I couldn't stand up anymore, so Diana had to carry me back to the camp, but I had achieved my goal of reaching the maximum level.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

p <[ You gained 348 EXP from killing Land Monkeys ]>




<[ Your skill leveled up [ Wolf Claw: 8 > 10 ] ]>



<[ Your skill leveled up [ Corrosion: 2 > 3 ] ]>




<[ You have acquired the skill [ Seismic Sense: 1 ] ]>




<[ You have leveled up ]>

After we arrived, we met in my room, and I left in such a hurry that I didn't realize that Kira and Érica must be angrier than I was.

"You two should go to bed, Ibuki and Diana will take their first watch today." (I)

"I'm fine master, I just want to rip this Thomas Galaretto's heart out like my own hands and eat in front of him." (Érica)

"Your words show that you're not okay, go rest, tomorrow I'll try to do something about those two brothers since I can't do what I did to you." (me)

"(Using my auras on them to break this symbol of control won't work if they don't have enough darkness inside them to burn, these two have replaced their hatred for their father with the concern and love they feel for each other.)" (I)

"I'll let you know, I must evolve tonight, I can already imagine what I'll become, but I'll let you know." (I)

With that I end the meeting and go to meditate to integrate my newly obtained levels, after that, I lie down to sleep giving in to tiredness after so many struggles today.

As soon as I close my eyes I blackout, but suddenly I find myself in the same room as before, the mysterious woman with red hair and the black crown was in front of me looking at me with a big smile on her lips, I could see her fangs showing.

"Welcome Zenos." (mysterious woman)

"You did really well this time, so I'm going to give you a present." (mysterious woman)

"..." (me)

"I will grant you the title Child of Blood." (mysterious woman)
