Chapter 2869: Possession  

Soon, Ancestor Lu Yuan returned to the Perennial World.

With what Lu Yuan and the others had accomplished, as well as what Lu Yin had done, things seemed to calm down between humanity and Aeternus. Even the fighting on the Endless Frontier was not as intense as normal. Given the situation, it was Lu Yin’s turn to take action.

He summoned Wei Rong, and once again verified a few details concerning some pawns. With that, Lu Yin announced that he was going into seclusion. He planned to use up the star essence he had just received.

His first target was the Cyclic Universe, which was also the most important target.

After announcing his seclusion, Lu Yin went straight to the Cyclic Universe, where he found an unremarkable location. There, he raised his hand and brought out his die. He tapped it with a finger, hoping for a good result.

Far away, Mu Ke entered the Origin Universe, seeking out Mu Xie and Qing Ping.


“Senior Brother.”

“Senior Brother.”

Mu Ke looked at the two. “Master’s judgement when accepting disciples remains as sharp as ever.”

Mu Xie smiled. “That truth is reflected vividly in you, Senior Brother. You are able to challenge even the Seven Skygods head-on.”

Mu Ke shook his head. “It is only truly reflected in our junior brother.”

“There’s no need to compare ourselves with our junior brother. I believe that even Master himself is amazed at junior brother’s power,” Mu Xie commented.


Mu Ke looked at Qing Ping. “I’m here to take you to the Endless Frontier. With things a bit stabilized there, it’s the perfect opportunity for you to gain some experience and search for the opportunity to break through and become a Progenitor.”

Qing Ping agreed, “It’s time.”

Lu Yin missed this reunion of fellow disciples, as he had not expected Mu Ke to visit the Origin Universe in order to take Qing Ping to the Endless Frontier.

At the moment, Qing Ping was no longer one of the most powerful experts in the Heavens Sect. However, the moment that he broke through again, the fact that he was a Semi-Progenitor Realmbreaker made it difficult to judge just how powerful a Progenitor the man would become.

Mu Ke, Mu Xie, and Qing Ping all possessed enough talent to cause Mister Mu to notice them, but that talent would only be fully expressed once they reached the level of Progenitors.


Lu Yin looked at the spinning die as it slowly stopped on Timestop.

His first roll was four pips.

Entering the Timestop Space, Lu Yin increased his time in it to nearly a year, intending to focus on cultivating during this time.

The power system in his chest had almost all of the various energies forming stars in the sky above the continent. Lu Yin was eager to see how his strength would transform once the transformation was completed.

The energies that Lu Yin had cultivated into his own universe included death energy, Destiny’s power, and other energies, but all of them were different from stellular energy. It was very possible that this transformation would not trigger a stellular tribulation, but Lu Yin understood that there could very well be unexpected consequences.

As the scenery changed before his eyes, Lu Yin left his Timestop Space and resumed rolling his die.

Enhance. Lu Yin truly wished to repair the Books of Destiny, but each one needed at least 6 trillion star essence, which meant that repairing all three books would consume nearly half of Lu Yin’s current resources in one go. He could not accept that cost.

Lu Yin resisted the temptation and forced himself to continue rolling the die.

While the most powerful individuals, such as the Great Sovereign, were in seclusion, Lu Yin needed to do something. He had already been encouraged to do so by Ancestor Lu Yuan, so Lu Yin was eager to proceed.

For Lu Yin’s third roll, his die landed on six pipes: Possession. With hopeful excitement, Lu Yin’s consciousness entered the strange dark space, and he started searching through the orbs of light. All that he saw were dim. At best, the ones he saw belonged to people with the strength of Semi-Progenitors, which was utterly useless to him.

He kept searching, but was unable to find any bright lights.

It was difficult to find anyone with the strength of a Progenitor. There were countless cultivators across the various parallel universes, but very few peak powerhouses. It was a challenge to find even one.

Helpless, Lu Yin exited the dark space, knowing that even his failure had consumed some of his resources.


The fourth roll was Pilfer, and something useless fell out. All that he could do was rest for ten days before he could resume rolling the die.

After ten days, Lu Yin rolled Pilfer, Enhance, Gift Copy, and Timestop. After nearly a year in his Timestop Space, Lu Yin waited for ten days before resuming. Enhance, Gift Copy, Possession.

Before Lu Yin could even react, his mind was back in the dark space again.

Entering the dark space was no guarantee that Lu Yin would be able to Possess a Progenitor-level powerhouse. There was a good deal of luck and searching involved as well.

This time, luck seemed to be with Lu Yin. He saw a bright ball of light. It was exceptionally brilliant, and even if it did not belong to a peak powerhouse, it had to belong to someone with the strength to fight against such experts.

The Cyclic Universe had more than one Realmbreaker capable of challenging peak powerhouses. Chu Jian, Yao Lan, and even Bai Xian’er were perfect examples. In fact, Lu Yin was even more eager to Possess those three than many peak powerhouses, just because of their potential.

In particular, Bai Xian’er was high on Lu Yin’s list. He had never been able to understand her, and Possession seemed to be the only way.

He moved closer to the orb with his consciousness, and then merged with it.

The body quivered, and then Lu Yin’s eyes snapped open. Where was he? The Wall of Purity?

His vision took in both sides of the Wall of Purity, and all the fighting that was taking place. Lu Yin also saw Bai Sheng, Xia Qin, and Specter Progenitor. However, none of them were participating in any of the battles. They were just standing atop the Wall of Purity and gazing off into the distance.

So, Lu Yin had Possessed Arrow Sage?

Lu Yin had Possessed Arrow Sage. His goal had been to Possess one of the Three Sovereigns and Nine Sages, and he had done just that. Success was a bit of a surprise.

Possessing a Sage could allow Lu Yin greater understanding of the Cyclic Universe.

Lu Yin, or rather, Arrow Sage, stood quietly in place, gazing into the distance along with Bai Sheng and the other Progenitors. However, Arrow Sage’s eyes were a bit unfocused, as Lu Yin was busy going through the man’s memories.

The most important memories were those of Arrow Sage receiving his power from the Great Sovereign.

People always claimed that the Three Sovereigns and Nine Sages had had their power bestowed upon them by the Great Sovereign and that the Great Sovereign was able to give anyone the strength of a peak powerhouse, while also able to strip that power away, if she so wished. At first, Lu Yin had not believed it. How could the Great Sovereign possibly be capable of granting the strength of what was regarded as the peak of human cultivation?

However, after having more contact with the Sixverse Association, Lu Yin had started to believe the rumors more and more. Everyone claimed that the Three Sovereigns and Nine Sages received their cultivation from the Great Sovereign, including Lord Xu.

Lu Yin was curious about how the Great Sovereign bestowed that power, and finally, he was able to see for himself.

In front of Arrow Sage, Bai Sheng averted his eyes and looked at Xia Qin. “They’re retreating.”

Xia Qin nodded with a sigh. “Word from the Endless Frontier says that the intensity of the fighting everywhere is calming down. It looks like that’s true here as well, now.”

“The Great Sovereign and the rulers of the member universes all attacked Aeternus in a massive battle that involved even True God and the Seven Skygods. It is said that even outsiders joined the fight, which resulted in a lose-lose situation between us and Aeternus. With this, the Sixverse Association and the Endless Frontier will surely see some stability,” Specter Progenitor commented.

Bai Sheng turned to look at Arrow Sage. “The war is gradually diminishing. I would like to retreat and rest within the Cyclic Universe. Is that acceptable?”

It was not that Bai Sheng needed to obey Arrow Sage’s commands, but that the three Progenitors were currently like homeless dogs. They needed the protection of the Cyclic Universe, and no matter how confident they might be, the Three Sovereigns and Nine Sages were intimidatin. After all, Bai Sheng was not the same as Bai Wangyuan.

Arrow Sage did not answer.

Bai Sheng frowned. “Arrow Sage?”

Arrow Sage still did not answer.

Xia Qin and Specter Progenitor turned back to look, and they both shouted as well. Finally, Arrow Sage’s eyes regained a bit of clarity, but the man glared at the three Progenitors. “Be quiet! Just stay where you are!”

Xia Qin became upset. “Arrow Sage, while I do respect you as the Three Sovereigns and Nine Sages, we are also Progenitors. There’s no need to be so rude!”

“Arrow Sage” sneered. “How do any of you deserve my respect? You’re nothing but stray dogs.”

“Shut up!” Bai Sheng’s temper snapped, and he clenched his Superior Heavenly Cudgel tightly.

“Arrow Sage” looked up. “What? You want to fight? Once Aeternus withdraws, you actually dare to show disrespect to my Cyclic Universe? Do you really believe that you are the ones who defeated the Aeternals? If you have that ability, then get out of my Cyclic Universe. You are not welcome here.”

Specter Progenitor spoke up in an icy tone, “Arrow Sage, your words are sowing discord between your Cyclic Universe and us. The Great Sovereign won’t let you off.”

“Arrow Sage” did not care. “That depends on whether you stray dogs can even manage to see the Great Sovereign. Forget about you guys, not even Bai Wangyuan and Wang Fan can see her.”

Bai Sheng’s face turned red. This was outrageous. This person was suddenly acting so rudely. As soon as the Aeternals retreated and the Progenitors were no longer needed, did Arrow Sage really want to burn bridges the moment the Sixverse Association had a chance to catch its breath?

Bai Sheng then suddenly thought of a possibility. Since the Origin Universe had become a member of the Sixverse Association, Arrow Sage’s sudden change in attitude felt quite strange. Was this representative of the entire Cyclic Universe? Were the three Progenitors going to be abandoned?

Bai Sheng quickly shared his fears with Xia Qin.

It was impossible to share much with Specter Progenitor, as the man was Wang Fan’s clone. Wang Fan had a very different relationship with the Cyclic Universe than the other two Progenitors.

Bai Sheng’s worries made a great deal of sense to Xia Qin.

Arrow Sage had cooperated with them quite harmoniously in the past. While the man had a cold demeanor, he had been kind. However, his attitude had changed rather drastically, indicating a problem.

Lu Yin watched as Bai Sheng and Xia Qin’s expressions changed, and knew that his goal had been achieved. He ended the Possessionfrom the fusion.

In a certain location in the Cyclic Universe, Lu Yin opened his eyes, frowning. He had indeed seen when Arrow Sage had been bestowed his power by the Great Sovereign, but truthfully, Lu Yin did not understand it. He had felt something, but it had been mysterious and elusive, he didn’t understand, but he felt something—the mysterious and elusive sensation.

During his Semi-Progenitor tribulation, one of Lu Yin’s inner worlds had transformed with Flipping the Sky as the trigger, and when overcoming that tribulation, he had felt something similar.

At the moment when Arrow Sage had received his power, it had seemed as though he had been assisted by the entire Cyclic Universe. It had been a strange and marvelous feeling.

Lu Yin took a deep breath. While he could not understand where Arrow Sage’s bestowed power came from, he had been able to confirm that the Three Sovereigns and Nine Sage truly did receive their power from the Great Sovereign. However, just because they had received their power did not mean that the Three Sovereigns and Nine Sages were not true peak powerhouses.

Even before receiving power from the Great Sovereign, Sovereign Shao Yin had already been a peak powerhouse. With his foundation of the power of Extreme Yin, the great Sovereign had bestowed upon Shao Yin even greater power, strengthening him to the point of touching upon the comprehension of sequence particles in one step.

It would be a lie to say that Lu Yin was not envious. If he were capable of similarly bestowing power upon others, restoring the former glory of the Heavens Sect would no longer be a mere dream. Just granting people power equal to the Three Sovereigns and Nine Sages would be enough to create many Progenitors.

However, Lu Yin had always felt that there was something wrong with this method.

Aside from gaining this bit of knowledge, unexpectedly, by Possessing Arrow Sage, Lu Yin had been given the opportunity to shout at Bai Sheng and the others. While Lu Yin had no idea what the final outcome might be, he at least knew that he had upset the four ruling powers.

They had believed that by fleeing from the Origin Universe and joining the Cyclic Universe they would escape, but how could Lu Yin let them off so easily?

Lu Yin checked to see how much he had used during that Possession, and groaned.

trillion star essence! What an exaggerated amount! The most he had ever used before during a Possession had been just over 2 trillion star essence, and that had been when he had Possessed one of Aeternus’s Twelve Marquises. Just how much had the cost increased?

This was the price of Possessing a Progenitor-level expert, and it was exorbitant.

The gap between a Semi-Progenitor and a Progenitor was truly vast.
