Chapter 5710: Immortal Emperor Slaughtering Formation  

Each arrow seemed capable of piercing an emperor’s fate palace and dao fruits. Anyone within their range had no chance of surviving.

“Immortal Emperor Slaughtering Formation!” Celestial Court’s commanders became startled after seeing the familiar formation. They had suffered grievous losses to this formation during the previous war.

It had been honed and refined repeatedly for incremental improvements across the years. Normally, killing top cultivators proved to be a difficult task. This formation, true to its name, could slaughter them.

“Fire!” Silver rays shot out from all over Imperial Field, enough to blind everyone temporarily like a torrential rain of needles.

They pierced and exploded, causing excruciating pain and echoing screams. They killed the targets before the sounds of them cutting through the air could be heard.

Soldiers and commanders became sieves. Flesh and blood splashed everywhere despite them being protected by the light of Celestial Court.


The armies erected powerful defenses while top cultivators channeled their power, wanting to stop the insane arrows. magic

“Ahh!” Some emperors and monarchs were pierced despite utilizing their best treasures and techniques while mustering all of their strength. Not even the heavenly light could save them due to the instantaneous nature of their death.

The stronger ones managed to run away, albeit with serious injuries. A few were obliterated but the heavenly light managed to bring the remnants away, keeping them alive. ????????????.???

The main target was still the colossal giant. Billions of silver arrows struck it in waves, breaking through its automatic defenses. More focused on the weakened areas, wanting to inflict actual damage to the giant.

“Replenish!” Someone shouted and energy vectors came from the engines, fixing all the weakened parts to prevent arrows from flying through.

“Break!” The giant smashed again, destroying a wave of incoming arrows.


“Combine, destroy it!” Demon commanded with confidence.

“Buzz.” Calamity and the other dao lords were busy deriving a primordial tree on each island. They heard her order and sent their trees together, culminating into a larger one. Its light reached the nine heavens and ten earths, exuding a majestic primordial power on the same scale as a world-ending flood.

“Clank!” The great tree naturally had countless silver arrows.

They converged together and formed a gigantic arrow stretching for countless miles. The world became silent with its appearance. Screams and battle shouts, bombardment and explosions, all became mute. The murderous potential of this arrow made everything else appear infinitely small.

This thing could obliterate all living beings. Not even ants were lucky enough to survive this calamity. The world rarely had the privilege to witness a perfect tool for murder.

Of course, those on the battlefield didn’t feel so lucky, only fear.


“Initiate!” The machine giant observed the arrow’s assembly and felt threatened.

“Boom!” The heavenly rays from the sky vault intensified to the limit. Its unending empowerment made the giant grow thicker and taller. The continent had a difficult time accommodating its existence.

Vectors and flames from the emperor emanated from the armor and combined with the heavenly rays, resulting in a unique glow.

“Rumble!” With its power fully activated, divine rings pulsed from the armor, seemingly made from countless unique stars that seemed to be unbreakable.

They rotated around the giant, forming an impregnable wall impressive enough to incite doubt regarding the arrow’s ability to pierce it.
