“This... is the kind of outside business activity that could get you into great trouble with the Family, Cameron!” his father said urgently, striking his fist on the table.

His youngest son just looked back at him placidly. “The primary goal of the facilities being erected inside those zones is the production of alternate primary materials corresponding to the goods of the Angaesilim and DuPont business interests in India. I have it on good faith that within five years they should take at least half of DuPont’s sales there away, in addition to whatever other goods may end up being produced.

“At the same time, significant investments in real estate, construction, schooling, and infrastructure are being made, which should net those lucky enough to know what was coming a substantial return on their money.” He spread his hands innocently. “I took out a small loan from Sama to gamble on my future.”

His father blinked at him. “That hag gave you a loan?”

“A piffling sum of money,” Cameron confirmed. “You know she has, mmm, substantial revenue sources, especially recently, right?”

“How much money are you in debt to her for?” Henry asked swiftly.

“Ah, it was a mere signature loan, it has no impact on the Family,” Cameron half-smiled.


“How much, Cameron?!” his father demanded icily, his voice rising.

“Six billion dollars.”

He was expecting a number, but not that number. Henry Dow’s face went white with shock.

“My business partners over there also have some personal grievances against the Anjaesilim and DuPonts to settle, but they were having some liquidity problems. The backing really did ease some doors open and help the establishment of the White Mana Zones. Our first Typeless mages are already trained and at work, the initial contracts are in place, and we’ll start shipping tomorrow.”

“Six billion dollars,” his father repeated hollowly. While it was not insurmountable to the Family, it basically meant Sama Rantha owned his son, body and soul!

“I expect to have her fully repaid within two years,” Cameron went on idly, and watched his father’s jaw drop. “Pure profit, then, as we grind down the Anjaesilim and DuPonts. And, of course, they have no idea it is coming, and won’t be able to take action until it is too late to do so.”


Cameron was as relaxed as ever, clearly enjoying the moment of revelation somewhat, and was wholly unconcerned about the debt he was currently in.

“Cameron, you may have to be banished from the Family until this debt is settled,” his father began.

“As the Family wishes,” Cameron interrupted him shortly, utterly unconcerned. “In two years, I shall be worth six billion dollars and more. The Family may send me away for nothing, but bringing me back, ah, I wonder what price the Family will pay?”

His father was silent, looking at this son of his, who he was beginning to doubt he had ever known at all.

At last, he sighed and moved on to the final matter. “What of this sequestering of yours these past two months? Were you hoping to break through to Archmage on your own?” he asked his son calmly. They both knew the odds of that were small now, as the best time to have done so was a decade before.

“Ah, I was spending time with Babe, Princess Karegnondi, and Queen Gichigumi. They had some important lessons to teach me.” Water Magic swirled up on his hands, broadcasting the clear and pure power of a Mage in his Element.


Henry Dow bolted to his feet in shock.

His son had the Earth, Air, and Void Elements! If he was showing Water Magic, then, then...

Cameron dismissed the Water Magic, somehow already at Mage level, and pulsed his Aura once.

His father stood there staring at him, stunned. His son’s Aura was at Archmage... in all three of his previous Elements!

“You broke through...” he murmured in shock.

“Ah, so I did,” Cameron said with a light smile, also getting to his feet. “Amazingly simple, once you really understand things. My wife has even spoken up eagerly of renewing her studies. Quite refreshing to make some progress after all this time.

“Now, is this review of my activities on behalf of the Family over, father? As you might imagine, I have a business to attend to, some children to oversee, and some practicing to get to. Great Archmage doesn’t come on its own, you know.”

Henry Dow was only a Senior Archmage in one Element, merely Archmage in his three others. He knew he would never make Sage, and it had cooled his magical ambitions, spending his time and focus growing his and his Family’s power in other arenas and areas, as the empowering of Stars was gradual and inevitable. Even with only occasional Meditation, he would eventually reach Great Archmage.

His son was speaking of reaching it still, and with this monstrous leap in power, it was plain he might be able to do so!

“Why did you not say anything, Cam?” he asked softly. “Surely there was something...”

His son’s expression did not change in the slightest. No sympathy, no remorse. “Father, the Family’s interest in me died years ago. They have no interest in my advancement, and no claim on it. And if you even think of asking if anyone else in the Family can repeat the process, I will address you to send your concerns to the Great Beasts of Michigan, and you may inquire as to an answer from them.”

His son had gained inspiration from all three of the Great Beasts. Henry Dow could only consider the idea in shock. One, that his son had managed to do so. Two, that he could not possibly have arranged such a thing, leaving only one force who could have...

“You know, Sama Rantha gave me an offer to go work for them a good twenty years ago. Like a good little boy of the Family, I declined her,” Cameron remarked, glancing about lightly. “If I had done so, I would now be a Sage, and it would be you making reports about your lack of progress to me, Father.”

Henry Dow winced at the dry, biting comment. “That is a bit harsh, Cam...”

“Inform the Family not to send any other duties my way, father. I will be dealing with a matter of vengeance against the DuPonts, and will have no time for the petty tasks they wish to fob off on me. And if they wish to say something as unkind as I owe the Family,” here his voice finally dropped like steel, “tell them to put a dollar value on it, and I will pay them in full.

“With your permission!” Not waiting for an answer, Cameron Dow bowed slightly. There was a crackle of Void Magic, and he was gone.

He had not arrived by car, so there was no reason for him not to depart in the same way, too...

Henry Dow leaned over his desk to catch himself, a sudden great wave of weariness coming over him.

His son had a fire and energy in him he’d not seen since the boy was just out of Amherst, back from his year of wandering and ready to take on the world.

That year... Cameron had spent a considerable proportion of it with a towering brute and wickedly scarred hag, neither of who could even wield magic. He’d gone many places and done a lot of things with those two, and now it seemed they had sucked him back in.

His boy... was also working with the two people who employed Lady Fae, who was far and away the most talked-about mage in the entire world!

His boy... might become the first Sage of the Dows! Who then would be the main line of the Dow Family, and who the branches? Even his grandfather Herbert, forever the half-Sage and crowing jubilantly about the disappearance or passing of old DuPont, would have to bow to Cameron if that happened!

Could the Family afford to alienate Cameron or exile him? Would they dare to even admonish him for what he had done?

Henry was perfectly aware that he could make that happen with his report, and indeed, if he did so, it might well be the very best thing for Cameron that he could do. Severing all ties with the Family, leaving him free and clear to spread his wings... and to bare his claws!

But, no. He was also a dutiful and devoted son of the Family. He had sacrificed a great deal to bring and keep the Dow Family to the heights it had reached, and now, the one thing left that he could do would be to bring the Dow Family to the status of a Great Family, the first one native to the land and state they called home after the disappearance of Henry Ford.

Great Family status required having a Sage watching over them, after all.

The family Council could put their hopes on his great nephew Derrick, now seen as the darling and hope of the family, as they wished.

Refusing any jobs from the Family also meant turning aside his stipend... but what did a man gambling with six billion dollars care for the income from the Family? Cameron had his own wealth, and could certainly sustain his household for a considerable time just with his savings. He also had very loyal retainers he treated and valued well, except for this affair with the lawyer... which was also Family Security’s failure, although they’d never admit it.

He smiled, despite himself. The Family Council had no interest in his obedient and seemingly unambitious boy, with the bad luck that had dogged him and his failure to break into Archmage early. They were taking him for granted as they moved their hopes for the future to another gifted member of the Family... and of his eldest brother’s line, naturally enough.

Henry sat back down, considering what he should do, and how he should present this matter to the Family Council. Security would consider it far too great a risk to tolerate. He already knew which members would want to cut Cameron off, and even censure him for not keeping better control of his son!

In the end, the Council would bicker, but only his grandfather’s word mattered in the end. If Herbert Dow chose to remain silent, Henry knew Cameron would be cut off and ostracized, opening a way for younger members of the Family to take his place.

A Great Archmage at the very least, a half-Sage hopefully, and potentially a Sage, with a six-billion-dollar net worth on his own...

Henry was the only member of the Family who knew just how large that loan was at the moment. The fact it was a private loan would raise all sorts of alarms, but it was easy enough to pass off as a guarantor if the money just passed through to whoever those business partners in India were.

What price would the rest of the Family pay to bring Cameron back into the fold, when it was clear he was basically starting his own Family at this point, in partnership with Coralost?

The Family would not suffer if they cut Cameron off. They would also not profit from the success that seemed ready to follow him. The Council and his grandfather would come crawling to his boy with their hats in hand if he even made half-Sage, and when they learned of his holdings...

Family stood by family, and if they did not, what then did Family bonds mean, if family was ignored?

He considered the words of his youngest son, the future Cameron was striding towards once again, and the politics and maneuverings that were soon going to be taking place in the Family Council regarding this matter.

It was a father’s honor and responsibility to raise his children up, to secure their future, and to help them strive to be greater than their parents... not to enslave them for the Family to take advantage of, relatives who used blood bonds as leverage to advance themselves and their children, not those of their kin.

That was Old Country thinking, and this, this was America!

Yes, he would make a decision here, indeed...
