That BLEEPing class…

For the first nineteen levels, [Fishermen] were nothing to write about. Low growths, useless abilities like breathing twice longer underwater, a fish animal companion. And yet most civilized nations heavily regulated that class, often killing would be [Fishermen] on sight. Only a destructive maniac could want to max it out.

Because once they capped at level 20, [Fishermen] earned that broken Perk!

Victor could only marvel upon seeing it in action. He estimated Mag Mell had raised at least a thousand sea serpents; the scaled terrors swarming the port, its ships, and sometimes fleeing towards the open sea. The fomor had created an army from nothing.

[Lesser Leviathans] were roughly as strong as a level twenty warrior. Dangerous, but individually no match for Victor, Kia, or a Crested adventurer.

When facing thousands of them though…

Worse, while the transformation wouldn’t last forever, the Perk didn’t grant any control over the monsters. Mag Mell’s [Fisherman] Perk, [Fishfriend], protected him from attacks from most aquatic creatures, like Victor’s own protection against [Undead] and [Slime], but a swarm of sea serpents slaughtered his fairy hounds all the same. These things would eat everything in the city, leaving no survivors.


“Gorynych, transform your rain into a [Thunderstorm],” Victor said, extending his own wings to leap off his back. “Kia is in charge now.”

“You want to fight the snakes on the ground?” the knight asked, while Mag Mell summoned insects swarms with magic, burying himself beneath a mountain of worms and maggots. “They’re too numerous!”

“I can handle them,” he replied. “Just take care of Mag Mell.”

The Vizier checked his items, including the stuff he stole from Orknoob and pouches of diamond dust hidden in his armor, then leaped off Gorynych’s back before Kia could protest.

Obeying his master’s command, the zmey altered the weather, changing the faint rain that usually followed him with a cackling, windy thunderstorm.

Gorynych’s [Storm Dragon] passive Perk changed the weather to [Thunderstorm]! [Lightning] and [Wind] attacks will be strengthened, [Fire] attacks will be weakened!

