"Sounds good to me."

While Maria and Abby come to their senses, I square up with Monk and we both pick up our sparring session where we left off.

With Qi powering every step I take, and hot waves of energy filling every punch; Monk and I go at it and spar harder than we ever have before.

Sweat drips down the sides of my forehead, and I even see a droplet or two on Monk's, with his breathing getting heavier too.

Loud echoing thuds and cracks vibrate through the room as our bodies and fists collide for a full 30 minutes straight before stopping.

"You're getting a lot quicker, and your natural Qi control has even risen a bit since the last time we sparred. That fight against the ghoul must have really pushed you to your limits. Facing it, and actually being able to incorporate your magic with your fighting style is the only way you'll truly get much stronger."

I nod slowly, understanding that he's basically telling me training and sparring with him has already reached its limit. He's right, I'm subconsciously holding back while sparring. With the match against the Ghoul last night, I used every drop of energy to try and go for the kill.


On top of that, I had my buffs, sword, and skills to boost my perception and abilities. The effort and power in a life or death battle can't be matched here.

"I understand. However, these two are still in their beginner stages. They need to be taught the basics as I did when I first came in here."

Monk smiles.

"My specialty."

After the half an hour session, both Maria and Abby have started to adapt to their new environments. They stopped staring at the walls with eyes filled with awe, and slowly began watching our match, concentrating on reality again.

Monk walks them through the basic information they need to know about Qi. Using it as a power source, showing them a Qi pill, and detailing the similarities that their Qi has with the borrowed power of the Red Hydra.


Hearing Monk's explanation of soul energy again makes me realize he understands exactly how it works down to its core. The old story of his past leader awakening soul energy of his own resurfaces in my mind. The fact that this leader of his was defeated by the Lich King when it decided to take over is a scary thought.

Pairing this with the explanation and warning from Ember, my wishes to stay in this city any longer are seriously starting to wane.

I zone out in my own thoughts, thinking of a new plan while Monk continues the basics of Qi and starts to make both Maria and Abby throw punches at him just like he did for me.

I look up and smile to myself as I've thought of what to do next. At the same moment, both of the newly awakened Qi users throw over half a dozen punches, but get no result yet. However, the determination on their face is just like mine when I started.

I speak up to Monk.

"This will take you all a few hours right? You'll bring them through all the basic steps."


He replies while blocking two fists from both girls flying at him.

"Yes, at least 4 to 6 hours. Just like you, I will get them ready to fight in the Arena tonight for more practice."

"Good. In that case, I'll be back soon. I have something important to do."

"Fine by me, I'll have my hands full here."

Two waves and goodbyes sound out from the two young fighters too.

I walk over to the table at the back of the room and start to put all my gear on. Then, as I turn to leave, I hear an excited yell from Maria.

"Ha! I felt it! I did it!"

Then a thud, followed by Monk's voice.

"Good, now try it again. Allow the Qi to flow more instinctually, like a wave of ocean water..."

I can't help but chuckle a bit, watching both of them struggle to lay a finger on the experienced Qi user as he uses a fraction of his power.

I move toward the exit and as I press on the Qi infused door, an excited yell from Abby rings out too.

"There we go, I got it to flow through my arm and into my fist that time!"

Another thud and calm explanation from Monk follows as I walk out the door and it clicks shut.This content has been misappropriated from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere.

I make my way out of the fortress and make sure my disguise is fully present before walking out into the open air.

It takes a while, but I walk through every gate in the city before exiting through the silver walls and cashing out my 5 platinum.

I walk a ways down the mountain, then activate my stealth skill once I'm out of anyone's sight. Afterward, I crush a transport crystal in my palm and teleport into the Galeheart tower lobby.

I make sure to fully suppress my intimidation skill's passive ability this time, and the two lobby men that greet me nervously thank me for being considerate as they remember what happened the last time I showed up unannounced.

"Is Lith available? I have some questions for him."

There's a ding and a door opening in the lobby before the lobby men can even respond.

Lith walks out in a brand new jet black suit, making his piercing blue eyes pop. He stands out like a magazine cutout against the white walls.

"What can I help you with today? Have you come to a decision about my offer, or just want to chat."

I turn from the registration desk to look the powerful businessman in the eyes.

"A little of both, I suppose. I'd like to speak in private."

"Very well."

Without another word, we board the absurdly fast elevator and make it to the top floor before I can count to three.

Both of us stand next to the desk at the back of the room where we met last night, staring out at the hologram of the now daytime projection of the city below us on the mana-shielded walls. If I don't activate my perception skills, it almost looks like a real glass window.

Lith breaks the silence.

"So, it's not going to be a simple yes, I assume. Tell me your conditions, what do you want?"

I stare out the fake window a few seconds longer, then reply.

"First, I'd like a list of the old export volume from each region that Sector 2 used to provide materials to, as well as rough locations for the dungeons that have materials necessary to make the gear and their crafting recipes."

He nods with a thin smile as I continue.

"I want to know where this potential team of craftsmen is coming from, and information on the guards you say you would assign to help revamp the city and keep Sector 2 in line."

He nods again.

"And on top of that, I'd like the power to reject any workers you send my way. If I don't like the entire team of craftsmen and guards, I'd like to send them back and hire my own team. No surveillance of me or my team is allowed in Sector 2 and 100% of profits from the new trade business will be mine. I decide the pricing, and I decide who I do business with. If I take full responsibility for this land, I want to reap all the benefits. Your payment will be my team taking out The Dark One once we're strong enough."

On that note, we both stare out the fake window for a moment longer without saying a word.

Lith replies.

"That's quite the bold proposition there. Don't you think you're biting off a bit more than you can chew?"

I shrug.

"I'd say it's a good start to our negotiations. You gave me an offer, I've voiced my own. If you'd like to meet in the middle somewhere, how about you give me the lists of items needed to be sent to each region as a start, and you can think about my offer and give me a counter whenever you'd like."

He lets out a sigh while looking out at the view, then turns to walk over to his desk.

"That sounds reasonable enough. I'll be giving these to you to manage no matter the final agreement we come across, so this is fine."

He takes out 5 pieces of paper, with long lists on them. They're labeled [Sector 4], [Sector 3], [Sector 1], [Vice Region], and [Apex Region] at the top.

He hands them to me, and I give a quick glance at the top paper that's the Sector 4 list.

It has hundreds of armor and weapon set requests ranging from 1 silver per unit, up to 5 gold per unit. Magic items from low E grade to High C grade in the magnitudes of ten to a hundred units too, ranging in the same 1 silver to up to 5 gold range here.

There's nothing truly special or unique here, but with a total of almost 8 thousand units at an average sale price per unit of close to 1 gold. This order is not a cheap one.

Lith speaks as I glance at the paper.

"Exactly. It's a big business. That's the average monthly order from the Sector 4 Region. 80 platinum. That's not counting any customs or special orders, we don't have a hold of those contacts or exact items because it was handled directly by the Sector 2 leader."

I flip to the next page, seeing the Sector 3 region mostly only buying potions and buffing gear, but their order value is close to that of Sector 4, nearly 5 thousand units at an average of 25 silver per unit. Still, that's 10 platinum per month.

Next, I flip to the Sector 1 page and see its only half the size of the Sector 3 list, but my eyes widen at the pricing next to most of the items here. No gear under C Grade rating is on this order page, some of it even surpasses B grade rating, and there are item names I've never seen before. The average price per unit is over 10 gold. That adds up to roughly 250 platinum per order.

Lith peers over at the paper and nods.

"This is for Valor City only. High-Grade gear is the only acceptable option. Most of the Silver District and Commerce Town below the mountain rely on trade from outside sectors. The Gold District here buys from the Platinum District suppliers, who buy from me. And well, I used to buy from the Sector 2 leader, but there will be some changes,"

He pauses, pointing to the Vice Region and Apex Region papers that have similar orders as Valor City. The Vice Region is about 30% less, and the Apex Region is 200% more. Only high-grade gear that can't be crafted or farmed anywhere normally.

"Most of these deals, we'll be unable to maintain. Even a ranked-up legendary craftsman can't do some of the things that old leader could do. However, we'll get close. 100% of Sector 4, and 3, and maybe 20% of the other regions' deals can be saved. We'll have to start somewhere and build up from there."

I nod, accepting the papers and placing them under my cloak and into my item storage.

"Good. This is all I need for now, I'd like to study these numbers before I hear your counteroffer if that's alright."

"Fine by me. I assume you'll be heading out to the arena tonight and farming afterward, correct?"

"Yes, Maria and Abby too."

"Well, excellent. I'll come up with a few options for you by tomorrow morning then."

We both nod and shake hands.

He shows me to the elevator, and I press a small white button near the entrance that says [Dungeon Access].

With a wide grin across my face, I use the teleportation platform to make my way into the cave system below the city and jump into the Red Ogre dungeon. Seconds later, I dungeon walk to a random D Class dungeon in the Vice City dungeon hub and walk out with a full new concealed facial disguise.

The light breeze and fresh air of the city combined with the bustling crowd of chatter of hopeful hunters is nostalgic. I walk straight through it all on a mission, approaching the rougher part of town to find the black market. I'm on my way to see an old friend.
