"It's not urgent, but we have some work to do. We'll save Lydia in 3 days."

The meeting at sunrise in 3 days is supposed to take place at an observatory by the Abyss. This is where I'll be able to find this mysterious Boss, as well as a new hidden variable. A craftsman capable of making mind-reading items.

The exact location of this hideout is still unknown, but at least we have a reference and some very solid clues. We may be in a rush to get information, but the immediate threat to Lydia's life has been averted for now.

I reach into my dimensional storage and take out the pile of item boxes that were lying out on the desk before the room was completely destroyed.

"Here, I managed to find all your gear too."

My teammates pause for a moment, still taking in my words from earlier and staring at the sight before their eyes.

The burnt and decimated remains of the office behind me raise too many questions to ask, so they just take their item boxes and sort out which one belongs to each of them.


Arie speaks up first.

"I think our best plan of action is to get out of here... then everyone can share their findings once we have a safe and secure place to talk."

I nod.


My gaze travels left and right while I scan the marketplace, finding the point nearby on this floor where most people are traveling upward.

I point in that direction, but the old man speaks while facing the same way before I do.


"If you need a safe place to stay, my home may suffice. It's small, but not near the center of the city. I'm happy to let you stay for a while. Plus... Now I feel obligated to help. I had no idea you were heading to the Abyss."

Abby looks hesitant and speaks while tying her item box around her waist.

"What's the Abyss? A-And how can we trust him? Won't an old man just slow us down?"

The green-haired healer has been in a very bad mood ever since we were released, and rightfully so. I understand why she's pissed off, so I respond mid-sigh trying to de-escalate the situation.

"We can trust him. Chester is as much a victim as all of us. He actually has the key to solving the final clue in finding Lydia. We just need a moment to talk without wandering eyes."

I look around the corridor, implying that anyone could be watching.


Abby begins to interject but decides to nod and tighten her lips.

Maria chimes in.

"I'm exhausted and starving. I think we're all in the same boat here."

Both Arie and Fisher shrug and Agree. The Archer looks like he's thinking deeply about something still while the water mage appears paranoid and pale in the face.

Hopefully, a hot meal will get his color back.

I turn to the old man with a smile.

"Great, it's settled. Lead the way."

He happily agrees and we make our way through the next section of the Black Market.

A few heads turn as we walk out of the marketplace's dead zone, especially following the loud clang and explosion that could be heard throughout the entire floor.

A few lights flicker, and it's clear we were up to no good but we run into no trouble while getting to the surface. We keep our heads down and mind our own business. I've reverted back to my original form, but keep the picture of the number 5 and now number 2 agents clear in my mind.

I have a feeling their appearances may come in handy moving forward.

As the 6 of us make it up a final flight of stairs, two oversized and under-leveled guards open the silver doors to the surface. They're both between level 250 and 300. They don't say a word, but nod and let us by. It seems they're just put in place for appearances, to make sure no troublemakers act up down here.

For all I know, they could be grunts for the Inner Circle organization too, but with no identification pins or acts of hostility, it's very unlikely they're high up enough in teh chain of command to know who we are.

Once we walk through and set foot on the street outside, I'm surprised to find we're in the middle of the city.

The blue sky and golden sun are directly overhead. It must be around noon. I put a hand in the air and squint as everyone else follows.

The high-rising silver towers shoot up from the earth all around us and the Solaran Dungeon Hub is nearby too. Less than 500 meters away in fact. From a quick deduction, it's clear that that was the source of my Demonic Energy Absorption while locked up.

One of those dungeons is giving off more than just excess mana into the environment.

Other than these few landmarks I'm completely disorientated. This city is a foreign place to me. I'm sure I could find a place to eat and sleep on my own given enough time to wander around, but taking one good look at my party, they're beyond tired.

It wasn't as clear to see down in the cells or open market, but they've taken a serious beating and need a place to rest as soon as possible.

I take a deep breath in and out of fresh air, then speak up with a smile.

"Chester, take the lead."

We make our way through town following the old man as he confidently makes sharp turns and weaves through the busy mid-day city streets.

We pass the towers, then walk through a high-tech training and magic item marketplace, then a middle-class residential area.

The 6 of us take a quick detour as the old man stops to go into a grocery store at the edge of this district. We spot him a few silver coins and he does a bit of shopping before finally leading us to his neighborhood.

We're on the northeast portion of Solara, and apartment buildings along with small single-person-owned homes are much more spread out. Some even have small front yeards.

There are little to no shops, and hardly any people walking out on the streets. It's not a poor area, but not a rich one either. It's just an oddly undeveloped outer region of the city.

Some of the empty lots are covered in sand as they haven't been cleared after the last sandstorm. No residents care to clean up land they don't own and the Solaran government seems to neglect this part of town more than its richer areas.

The old man's home is cozy and compact, but much larger than I expected it to be. It's on its own small plot of land, with other similar two-story houses lining the streets nearby as well.

He walks up the front steps of the porch and waves for us to come in while holding a bag of freshly purchased food in his free hand.

"Come on in. Please, rest and make yourselves comfortable. I'll make us something to eat in the meantime."

With the door propped open, each of us walks inside with curiosity.

His home is covered in magic items and trinkets. There are maps and artwork on the walls of the main living room even more engravement than the office I just blew to pieces. I assumed he was a researcher or a merchant, but this was not what I imagined at all.

Chester walks through a door to the kitchen and points to the three long couches lining the walls of his wide-open living room. Some are covered in artifacts and magic item clutter, while coffee tables and dressers are stacked in between.

"I wasn't expecting guests. Feel free to move everything on the couches to any of the open tables. It's not delicate."

Then, he points up a narrow flight of stairs.

There's a shower upstairs and an extra bedroom on the right. Clean up and I'll have a meal ready for all of you soon. Then, we can get down to business."

As urgently as we all want to get to the bottom of this, Chester is right. We will all function better with full stomachs and some real rest.

One by one we agree and clean up to change into spare clothes brought along in our storage. Meanwhile, the scent of spices fills the air making my mouth water while waiting.

Maria and I make ourselves comfortable on the couch nearest to the door leading to the kitchen, Aire and Abby in the middle, then Fisher near the exit.

"Order Up!"

The old man comes around the corner as we're all on the verge of dozing off the sleep. He carries steaming hot bowls of vegetables, meats, and soups, with rice and fresh fruits on the sides.

He pulls up a small table and a comfortable-looking chair of his own.

With a quick thank you, we all dig in without saying another word.

After nights trapped in a cell and chained to a table without food and water, it's hard to tell if Chester is a master chef or if we're just severely nutrient-deprived.

Either way, Abby finally lightens up and speaks out loud what we're all thinking.

"This is the best meal I've ever eaten!"

Only smiles fill the room as we finish our food, but the threat to our teammate and the questions of the Abyss still loom in the back of all of our minds.

After a satisfying meal, we all sit back and enjoy our small moment of bliss.
