Noah returned Alexandra to the group and swapped her out for Todd before flying back up to what was becoming a familiar looking plateau.

“You’re pulling us up here to put magic into our patterns, right?” Todd asked as soon as they landed.

“Yep. I guess the next step was kind of obvious, wasn’t it?” Noah asked with a laugh. “Either way, I’m curious to see what you’ve got considering your unique choice of pattern. Did you manage to figure anything out? I haven’t seen much of it since the first Imbuement you showed me.”

“Kind of,” Todd said. He took a metal bracelet off his wrist and held it out to Noah. “I’ve been working on something ever since I had a talk with Alexandra. It’s not too far along yet, but I think it’s got promise.”

Noah took the bracelet from Todd and studied it. Thin, nearly invisible lines had been carved throughout it in a borderline unreadable swirl. Noah squinted. There was definitely intention to the lines, but it was hidden so well that he could barely make it out. It took him nearly five minutes just to find a single pattern within it.

“Really complex,” Noah observed. He turned it over in his hands and shook his head, handing it back to Todd. “Well, damn. I can’t read this, Todd. I’m sorry. You’re beyond me in imbuements.”

“I thought I might be,” Todd said with a laugh. There was a smug note in his tone, but Noah didn’t blame him for it. He’d worked hard to get to the level that he had been, and Noah had barely studied imbuements beyond the basics so he could imbue himself. “That’s fine. The main threat of a Formation is that you get distracted and the energy breaks free in an unexpected pattern, right?”


“Yeah. It holds true for putting magic into patterns, since that’s functionally creating a Formation’s earliest steps.”

“The housing for the magic.” Todd nodded.

Noah didn’t even bother to hide his surprise. Todd either really knew a lot about Formations or had managed to talk to Emily about what he’d covered with her already. Noticing the expression on Noah’s face, Todd grinned.

“I got a book on Formations and started studying it. I already knew a bit from my dad, so it was mostly just touching up,” Todd explained. “It’s nothing compared to what you’ve been talking about, but there’s still some interesting information in it. Most Formations were pretty targeted at Imbuers since their standard medium is in rune circles.”

“That makes sense,” Noah said. “But it leads us to an important question. I can’t help you the same way that I can anyone else. Your pattern is something you’re working into your Imbuements, not any active abilities. I could be present whenever you activate items you’ve imbued, but…”

“Yeah. It’s a bit pointless. I’ve been Imbuing things for longer than you have, so you won’t be able to figure out if it’s going wrong or not – and your domain isn’t going to be able to do anything against an imbued item. The magic is already in it and I doubt you’re at a rank high enough to start overwhelming imbued objects.”


Noah started to nod, then froze. His eyes narrowed. “Wait. How did you know I had a domain? Did someone go around telling others what I’m doing up here? It was meant to be a surprise so you wouldn’t overthink what you’d be doing.”

“Nah, it was just kind of easy to guess.” Todd shrugged. “I mean, why else would you insist that we not put any magic into our patterns unless you were with us? The only logical answer would be that you’d already reached Rank 4 and had a way to stop the magic should something go wrong.”

“Well, damn,” Noah said with a huff. “Does Isabel know too?”

“Not yet.” Todd flashed him a grin. “I thought it would be funnier if she figures it out herself. And, since you didn’t tell anybody, I get the feeling you had the same idea. I didn’t want to spoil the fun.”

“Good man.” Noah clapped Todd on the shoulder. “I’ll be honest, I wish I could offer you more with regard to this. Is there anything you think I’d be able to help with? You’re in a unique spot from the other students in that I’m not really sure how much help I can give you. Your time might honestly be better spent sparring with Moxie or Lee.”

“What about you?” Todd asked.


Noah tilted his head to the side. “You want to spar me?”

“Yeah. Lee is really fast and Moxie can control the environment, but you’ve got the most destructive power. If I ignore your… unique qualities, you’re probably the one that lines up the most with other mages. Also – well, it’s not like I have to worry about hurting you.”This narrative has been purloined without the author's approval. Report any appearances on Amazon.

“Just because I can die doesn’t mean I like it,” Noah said, but Todd’s request had a lot of logic behind it. He’d been planning on sparring the students to give them more training against higher ranked opponents anyway, but he’d wanted to do that after they figured out their patterns. “I think that’s a fair ask, though. I can do that. Just don’t expect me to go too easy.”

“I don’t,” Todd said with a grin. “My spar with Alexandra reminded me just how much faster you grow when you’re fighting someone stronger than you. Also, I need someone that can survive stronger magic. I don’t want to risk using it against the others.”

Just how dangerous are your imbuements? If it was someone else talking, I’d assume they were just boasting or something. Something tells me Todd isn’t doing that.

“I’ll look forward to it then. Just be careful when you’re making those imbuements,” Noah warned. “All the threats that come with patterns still apply. They could even be worse, considering you’re containing the magic instead of letting it escape. Triple check everything. I’d do it myself, but…”

“Yeah. I got you. Don’t worry.” Todd’s expression turned dead serious and he rubbed at the side of his neck. “I know what happens when I’m not ready for a fight.”

The look in Todd’s eyes told Noah everything he needed to know. Todd wasn’t going to take any risks. That was all he could ask and, unfortunately, he couldn’t give any more. Not yet, at least.

“Good,” Noah said. “Then let’s get you back to the others. I don’t think there’s anything else we can do here and I need to make sure Isabel and James both get a chance to test out putting magic into their patterns, so we probably don’t have time to spar this time around. It looks like I should be able to get both of them before the class ends.”

“When will we have a chance? I need to prepare a few things first.” Todd asked as he and Noah walked back over to the flying sword. They’d only been on the plateau for a few minutes, but there was no point wasting time.

“Feel free to seek me out at any point after class. Otherwise, I’ll make time during the next one.”

“That works. I’ll aim for next class and use the time before that to prepare,” Todd said.

“I’ll look forward to it.”

The flying sword hummed to life beneath their feet and they took off. They got some surprised glances at the early return.

“What happened?” Moxie asked as Todd stepped onto the grass and headed over to the other students. “Did something go wrong?”

“No. Todd just already had a lot of what he had to do handled,” Noah replied with a shake of his head. “His pattern is a bit different than everyone else’s, so there wasn’t as much I could provide. He’s on the right path, though.”

“Can I go next, then?” Isabel asked. She stood across from James – the two of them looked to have been sparring before Noah and Todd had returned.

“Don’t you want to finish your match?” Noah asked.

In response, James sat down and laid back on the grass with a loud yawn. “I’d really rather not. You have good timing." Emily flicked him in the forehead. James didn’t even seem to notice. He just yawned again and closed his eyes. “The sun is too nice. I don’t know how anyone can do anything when it’s this comfortable outside.”

“It’s a miracle you survived Revin,” Emily informed James.

One of his eyes cracked open. “You have no idea.”

Isabel shrugged and sheathed her sword. “I’ll get that match with James later. It’s not like he’ll run away. I think that would be more effort than just fighting.”

“Very true,” James agreed sleepily. “The path of least resistance is always the best one.”

I can’t wait to see what his pattern does when it’s got magic in it. Will he just put himself to sleep? James is such an enigma. I don’t understand how Revin’s student would end up like this. They’re basically total opposites.

“Well, let’s get you handled so you can get back to sparring,” Noah said to Isabel. “I’ll be back for you soon, James.”

James murmured something that could have either been an acknowledgement or a curse. It was impossible to tell with him. Isabel shook her head, hiding a smile, and walked over to join him on the flying sword.

It lifted into the air. For the fourth time that day, Noah flew over to and landed at the top of the plateau. The tiny trips were starting to feel a bit ridiculous at this point. It felt like getting into a car to drive one house down the street.

“How’s your pattern coming? I heard from Emily that it was pretty impressive,” Noah said as he stepped off the sword.

“I’ve been practicing a lot,” Isabel said. She wasn’t really one to brag about any of her accomplishments, but Noah could still hear the pride in her voice. “Alexandra is better than I am, though.”

“We’ve all got our own unique problems and talents.” Noah shrugged. “Don’t worry about comparing yourself to Alexandra. Don’t forget she’s also a Rank 3 and has a lot more experience fighting than you do. Besides, I’ve seen you give her a pretty good run for her money with that pattern of yours.”

A small grin crossed over Isabel’s lips. “She’s been a lot of help. But I want more from it. We’re going to be putting magic into the pattern, right?”

“Yep. Feeling ready for it?”

“Do you even have to ask?”

“Figured I would just in case,” Noah said with a chuckle. “Just a few ground rules. Put the magic in very slowly. Slower than you think you have to. You’ll have some resistance while you’re letting it flow, but don’t overcorrect.”

“I can do that.”

“Also, no trying this without me around,” Noah said firmly. “I know I’ve said this before, but patterns are just as dangerous as they are powerful. I’m no stranger to how badly you want to grow strong. But you aren’t going anywhere if you kill or cripple yourself with this.”

“I understand,” Isabel said, giving Noah a firm nod. “I learned my lesson back in the Linwick Estate, Professor.”

Noah gave her a smile. “Good. Then let’s do this. Begin your pattern – and stay concentrated. I can’t completely remove the risk from this. All I do is lower it.”

“That’s fine,” Isabel said, drawing her sword and holding it out before her. “I’m used to a little risk.”
