Ozzy always enjoyed his morning walk to his butcher shop.

It was always nice to see the town waking up.

Betty was out back cutting the heads off of chickens, which meant there would be chicken and dumplings for dinner, one of his favorites! Colored smoke was coming from the alchemist's chimney.

Aliester would be brewing up potions that his daughter Zephyr would peddle at her little shop in the village market.

He stepped to the side as the courier rode by on his donkey.

Ben was always in a hurry, but he paused to tip his hat and wish Ozzy a good morning.


They'd share a flagon of beer at the tavern tonight when Ben had some time.

Widow Jenny smiled at him as he went by.

He paused to talk and she handed him some fresh baked cookies.

Jenny made the best cookies in town! She gave him her shopping list.

Pork chops and rabbit again? She must be having folks over for dinner.

He'd get right to work chopping up some animals to fill her order first thing he got to his shop.


Old Joe was already up.

Joe had worked for Ozzy for years, helping him to cure the ham and bacon in the smokehouse.

Ozzy was always happy to turn the latch, and walk into the butcher shop.

Ah, the smell of fresh meat, nothing like it.

It was cold inside.

His friend Delbert, the ice wizard, kept up the enchantment on the shop that kept the meat cold.


Oh no! Ozzy saw that he was out of porkchops and rabbit! He slapped his forehead, forgetting that he'd delivered all his meat last night to the Shepherd to feed his pets.

He needed more rabbit and pork chops for the widow! Luckily there were always helpful adventurers around.

He'd put some quests up again.

He needed 10 rabbits and 10 pigs.

That would do it.

As soon as he was done offering the quests, someone was at the door.

A customer? No, it was his friend Rolly, the shepherd.Rolly came rushing in.

"Ozzy! You have to help! Squirmie fell in the well!"Again? You have to keep that pet on a leash Rolly, he's always falling in the well.""I promise I will Ozzy, but what will we do now? That's the secret well that leads to the dungeon! We can't go in there!"Don't worry Rolly, I know just what to do.

I'll put up a quest and adventurers will go find Squirmie.

They're always so helpful.

Do you want to offer a reward?""Sure Ozzy.

Tell them I'll pay 10 shiny copper pennies, and help them start a quest to get their own pet! Thanks Ozzy, you always know what to do when Squirmie falls in the well." Rolly ran out again, heading to the pasture and his cows."Boy, it's a busy day already.

Guess I'll get to work, no telling what might happen on a busy day."

Congratulations on reaching Tier 2!Your characteristics, skills, and core skills become the base upon which to build your character in Tier 2.-You have received a bonus to your stats based on which class you selected for Tier 2.

-You will possibly receive a one time bonus if you have managed to raise more than one stat to 10 or higher.

(This is calculated after increases for class have been added.

-Skills may advance to Rank 10.

Current rank and experience total is kept and you will build upon that.-Characteristic skills are reset to 0.

You may earn 5 ranks in each stat similar to Tier 1.

The experience cost to gain those points is of course increased.

The caps on your rank may be raised to 10 through the expenditure of Core Skill Points earned in Tier 2, similar to how you increase skill caps in Tier 1.-When fighting creatures of Tier 1 you increase your avoidance by +20%.-When fighting creatures of Tier 1 you increase your chance to hit with an attack by +20%.-You will not receive experience for Tier 1 creatures except in special cases such as massive hordes, or specific events.

They can still kill you, and won't that be embarassing.-Points of INT, CHA, or WIS added in Tier 2 will add 30 mana.-Points of STR will add 30 stamina and 15 health.-Points of CON will add 30 health and 15 stamina.-The cost of T1 Core Skills you did not take are increased to reflect the increased amount of CSP you will receive in Tier 2.

You have assumed the role: Butcher of Sedgewick-As the Butcher of Sedgewick you have the following quests to give out: Fetch 10 fat rabbits for the butcher.

Fetch 10 pigs for the butcher.

Find the lost pet!Rewards for these quests are set, and the money will not come out of your personal account.

-You will provide information for the quest Rats in the Cellar part 2.-You haven't seen any Blight, ever.

This is part of the quest: Looking for Blight.-You may train players who have a STR 5 or greater in the skill: Caber Tossing.-Because you have assumed a Role, anyone trying to use an identification skill on your character will only receive general information about your role in the village.

Creatures or Players of Tier 3 or higher may be able to gain more information about you.
