"This is so cool!" Rolly was extremely excited as they entered the dungeon.

"Squirmie and I really crave adventuring.

Right Squirmie?"<It does sound interesting.

I thought it was just a silly two-leg ritual at first, mucking around in some hole in the ground, but now I see the benefits.

Invade an area where other creatures dwell, kill them, take their treasures, and become stronger at killing.

>Ben paused for a moment.

"It's not quite that bad.


We certainly do all of that.

But we are killing evil creatures, the bad guys, and that keeps them from overflowing the dungeons."<Yes.

Rolly explained the whole good/bad thing to me.

We are the 'good guys'.

The things we fight are the 'bad guys'.

Very simple to understand.


I like it.>Ozzy was starting down the hallway, his polearm in hand.

"Philosophy discussions later; kill rats now before they kill us.”The rest of the group got quiet and followed him; Ben and Rolly a couple steps behind and to either side, and Suzette further back, completing a diamond formation.

Squirmie fluttered down the corridor, usually a few feet above Rolly's head.Suzette had a crude map out and was looking at it.

"So where to first? The necromancer with the trap fetish is generally to the left.

Skartongue, the Rattipede, and Roquefort are down to the right.

The center eventually comes to the stairs to the second level and a big village of lesser rat-kin and some named.


The bosses can spawn there as well."Ben looked at the map.

"Does it never change? That's convenient."Suzette pointed to a couple of places.

"Small changes, sometimes the tunnels are reversed, or boss rooms are in different places, I have to pick up on details I overhear from the drunken raid members.

Timmy ordered everyone to be mum on details.""Let's go visit our friendly, neighborhood necro-rat.

I've been thinking of that set-up of his.

There may be an obvious flaw in his plans." Ozzy moved down the hallway, tapping with his weapon along the floor as they went.

Just like his first time in, they began hitting traps.

The bear-trap variety was most common, but there was also a pendulum trap and a poisoned dart trap.

Luckily, Rolly noticed the slight groove in the stone from the pendulum trap before Ozzy walked into the hidden wire.

The dart trap Ben saw coming because of a difference in the paving stones.

The traps were not hurting them, but were slowing them down - especially since Ben insisted on looking at the mechanisms.

"I want to take some of these apart after we are done.

I want all the parts and mechanisms to experiment with." Rolly said he and Squirmy would be happy to come back and help tear the place apart.

They encountered a few patrols of 2-3 rat-kin or skeletons on the way to the necro-rat.

At first Suzette was nervous, remembering her own battle with one.

Shooting them from behind Ozzy, however, was much easier.

Your Solar Arrow hit Skeletal Rat-kin Warrior.

Skeletal Rat-kin Warrior takes 1.5x damage because this is a Light-based attack.You have done 144 points of damage to Skeletal Rat-kin Warrior.
