"It's like someone stacked up six layers of sewers and dungeons and just kept covering them up. Who builds cities that way? And then buries them? " Jon was holding the torch as Cham levered up a stone door in the floor of the chamber. In the jumble of stone tunnels under the new barracks, they'd found a large chamber under one corner of the building. Jorges had given them the OK to build it out and make it livable in their spare time. The first step was finding out where any exits went and maybe sealing them up. One of the tunnels just seemed to go north forever. They'd followed it for over a mile, noting branches and cave-ins. Another had gone west, down a staircase, and ended in a small privy room. This stone trap door was the last one they had to explore.Cham's voice echoed up. "Oh, this is nothing. Have you ever read about the old city of Troy? The guy who was looking for it finally found it, but it was in a stack of nine cities that had been built on top of one another throughout history.""Ok, this tunnel doesn't seem to go too far, but it's pretty strange. Come on down."The passageway was about six feet square and had a slight slope to it. One end had a brick wall blocking it off. The other direction ran about 100 feet and ended in a circular hole about three feet across. The walls were brick-lined, and there were handholds going up, and down. Jon looked up and down and shrugged. "Flip you for it? One of us heads up, one heads down?" Jon won and grabbed ahold of the wall and started climbing up. After maybe 30 feet he came to a piece of wood blocking his way, but he could lift it. Moving it carefully out of the way, he emerged in the basement of the brewery. Thoughts of grabbing a couple of barrels of beer and sneaking back down were interrupted by Cham's voice echoing up. "Uh, Jon? This isn't good....". A small shout was followed by silence. Jon rapidly climbed down to help his friend. Despite the torches he'd put in the wall above, it was extremely dark. He kept moving down, feeling for the next handhold until he suddenly got a message.

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