Dungeon!...Dungeon!...Dungeon!...Dungeon!...Dungeon!...Dungeon!...Dungeon!...Dungeon!...Dungeon!...Dungeon!...Dungeon!...Dungeon!...Dungeon!...Dungeon!...Dungeon!...Dungeon!..."OK, Shut the hell up and listen! We're going in. Form groups, then I'll send raid invites to group leaders. "It took another twenty minutes to sort things out. Allowances had to be made for a drunk healer and a tank that had left his heavy gear back at the inn. Plus the idiots who kept starting up the chant of Dungeon!...Dungeon!...Dungeon!...But eventually, Timmy could bring up the raid interface. This was new to him. He'd been given the option to buy the Leader skill after running a dozen groups that had killed Named Bosses. The skill gave him some benefits when running groups such as an extra 1% per skill level to health for each person in the group. It also made his voice louder when shouting orders. That came in handy tonight. As soon as he had seen the door to the dungeon, he'd received a message about being able to gain the Raid Leader skill. He brought up the raid interface and set things up. He had options for how loot was split and how they gained credit for Named and Elite Bosses.

Normally only one group got credit for killing the lower tier bosses. If two groups ganged up on a weak boss, the group doing the most damage got the credit. For a raid he could either keep it that way, or opt for everyone to get a much smaller reward. This was going to be a fun, drunken zerg. He decided to just let everyone get a small reward rather than argue over who got which boss.

Raid Name

Sir Timothy's Big Adventure

Raid Leader


Co-op Loot Chests?:



Split all coin?:


Raid splits credit for kills?




Bludgeon Dark

Group 1:


Group 2:


Group 3:



Group 4:


Group 5:

