As Splinter sailed through the night, the Collegium was dealing with an increasingly devastating storm.

Strong winds whipped around the sanitarium's remains in a vortex of growing power.

Shards of ice, flung by the strong winds, cut like knives thrown by an assassin, driving back anyone who ventured outside without armor and magical protections.

The outer rooms, with their shattered windows, were uninhabitable because of the cold and the certain chance of messy injury.

The High Mage decided to gather all of the apprentices and journeymen in a hall at the center of the building to take shelter until the magical storm passed.

The opulent hall was a surprise to the younger mages, who had no idea it existed.

Its normal use was for banquets and ceremonies attended only by the senior wizards.


Many a lavish party had been thrown in these rooms and it was well stocked with food, wine, and harder alcohol.

It sported two large hearths that were now blazing with huge bonfires.

Significant magical protections glowed on the walls.

The room had originally been prepared as a safe house centuries ago.

Before closing the thick double doors, everyone was set to work bringing in as much fuel, food, and alcohol as could be quickly found.

No one was taking chances that the storm would soon blow over.


Outside, the task of sealing off rooms, boarding up broken windows, and setting new wards was left to the few Senior mages with either protective auras or high resistance to cold.

A few of the naïve apprentices speculated that it would be a holiday of sorts, and they could at least catch up on their sleep, or beg a bottle of wine.

The more experienced journeymen laughed at them, knowing what was coming.

As the High Mage entered the room, he saw that everyone was at work and called over the group of journeymen who were organizing the others.

"A report on your actions and plans, gentlemen."Ready for just such a question, each had an answer ready."I have anyone with a scrap of power or protection magics beginning reinforcing the shielding.

We will rotate in new people as the old ones tire.


They can take a break in one of the other groups.""Rune carving, sir.

We are adding another layer of protection to those inscribed in the floor, specifically against the threat of the increasing cold.""I have the biggest and meanest people guarding the food and wine, sir.

We won't have anyone in the lower ranks sneaking food or drink and will ration everything carefully.""Carving wands, sir.

If they can't do anything else, they can be damned well keep busy making wands for the Collegium to sell."Orlo smiled and commended them.

Idle apprentices could cause havoc when they were cooped up together like this.

Best to scare them and exhaust their mana in constructing magical fortifications and then tire their bodies by the tedious and exacting task of carving wands.

"I find your work to be adequate, but we'll make a few additions.

Have the carvers focus on runes that will increase fire and heat damage, and I will send for my copy of Anselone's Compendium of Defensive Runes.

We should add some anti-draconic magic to our protections, just in case.

As a bonus for your hard work and attention to detail, I will instruct our Quartermaster to release enough of the Smoke Infused Wood that we recently purchased for all of you to carve a new Fire Stave.

Do your best, gentlemen, not only because you will be graded on your work, but because you my have dire need of them soon." He walked away, pleased with himself at finding a not-so-subtle way to make sure all of the journeymen mages were exhausted as well.

Behind him, they held a brief conference where the word 'Dragon' was repeated fearfully several times, and then they scattered to their job assignments.

Orlo sat with the other senior mages at the high table and joined them in drinking and conversation."What news from Wolfsburg or anywhere else?"There were grimaces on the faces of several senior mages.

Kethcam the Farseeing, a divination specialist, spoke first.


Not a damn thing.

My crystal is useless and shows nothing but snow.

The ambient level of wild magic in the atmosphere outside these walls is disrupting any and all attempts of magical communicate.

I summoned two of the enchanted pigeons along with an imp to carry messages by wing, but the pigeons froze to death immediately.

The imp took one look out the window, broke his binding, flipped me off, and huddled by the fire.

It's more scared of the storm than of me.

And that worries me, gentlemen, as little Impberly is quite intelligent and never disobeyed me before in 37 years."That bothered Orlo.

Kethcam was actually quite skilled at his trade.

He had taken it for granted that the old divination master could succeed.

"What about sending an armored messenger on horseback? Surely, we can drape enough magical talismans on man and horse to keep them safe until they are past the storm." Several mages liked this idea and suggested sending not one but three messengers in different directions.

The planning session was cut short by the magistrate at the end of the table.

"Won't work.

I thought of that immediately, but by the time we could reach the stable, the horses were frozen solid, and the snow was a two-feet deep.

No messenger, no matter how protected, can walk that far wearing enough armor to protect them from the cutting winds."Orlo ground his teeth in frustration, but recognized that Magistrate was probably the most level-headed person at the table.

"Your advice, then?"His old friend shrugged and reached for his wine.

"Stay put, keep warm, and get used to the taste of horse.

We should eat that first and save the other food for later.

It's going to be a long winter.

And I'm not worried about getting a message out.

The storm and whatever disruption the tower's destruction caused to the teleportation system are sending a message already.

The guild makes most of its money from the teleportation fees, so you can bet there is a gaggle of bean-counters upset over this and will demand explanations.

We just have to wait for them to arrive."Outside, the winds picked up again, their howl audible even this deep in the keep.

Orlo suddenly wished for a large barrel of the enchanted bacon from Gadobhra, both for the warmth, and in case the worst happened and they had to deal with a wounded and hungry Ice Drake.

Deep inside the uncontrolled rift, the last of the old runic formations dissolved in a shower of multicolored sparks, and a huge surge of wild and unchecked magic spewed forth from somewhere deep in the earth.

Bursting up to the surface, it encountered the Tier Six Teleportation array that stored and regulated the mana used by the Mage Guild's system of teleportation stones.

The huge array absorbed as much of the pulse as it could but its ability to absorb excess mana was far less than before when the tower had tamed the mana.

Instead of a steady flow pushed through the system, the stone sent several uncontrolled surges of mana, causing havoc.

Stones that were still active were overloaded and shut down.

Half of the teleportation system in the Empire went down temporarily as the stones filled past capacity and their protective runic formations fused to protect from worse damage.

One in fifty cracked, falling to pieces, totally destroyed.

The Tier 2 stone at Rowan Keep glowed brightly and then shut down safely as two of the damaged accumulators that Ben had recently pointed out melted.

Rowan Keep would not be sending or receiving deliveries in the near future.

After the initial pulse, the rift partially stabilized.

Very little mana was being pushed into the Tier Six array, which was just as well since it wasn't in good shape.

Instead, the mana fed the increasingly violent storm and the cyclonic winds that hovered over the rift.Unauthorized content usage: if you discover this narrative on Amazon, report the violation.

Further to the North, an expedition of Ice Wizards traveled South across the frozen land, not bothered at all by the bitter cold or or deep snow.

But the winds concerned them.

They could hear the circling winds howling like an enraged beast from ten miles away.

Investigating the rift would be dangerous, but their superiors considered their deaths a fair trade for a chance to discover what was causing this storm and how to turn it against the Empire.

The nearby collegium gleaming under a coating of ice and frost, was contained for now but still a threat.

They discussed how they might change that and claim a mighty victory for winter.

After Splinter and her crew sailed back to the smoke, Ozzy opened his bag on a lower level of the ACME building and braced for what might come out.

To his relief, it was Suzette and Jenny, and not one of the crazed inmates.

The hag held open the bag for the sorceress, then shut it tight behind her, winking at Ozzy as she did."Everything is fine inside.

Granny has all of our rescued mages sound asleep except for Vladimir.

He claims that half of his soul is always awake, even if the other half is resting.

In any case, the rest are deeply exhausted and full of cookies.

She sifting through their memories to see who's naughty and who's nasty."Layla was wondering who this new woman was and how she and Jenny fit into the puzzle.

The sorceress had been recruited by Ben for the mission, but had mentioned that she might be staying for a time in Sedgewick.

She was quite obviously Fae, but deflected any questions Layla posed to her.

The entire secret mission frustrated her since she had nearly no idea of what was going on.

Ben had simply said, "Sorry, that's 'Need to Know' information, and frankly, you'll be happier if you and Billy don't know the details.On the other hand, Billy could care less about the details, as long as it got him the experts he needed to finish the work on Rowan Keep and get a teleport stone for Gadobhra.

The Baron was please at the news of the mission's success.

"So, how soon are they going to wake up and to get to work on my teleporter? Not many days left."Vladimir was next out of the bag.

He stood and looked around the room, then out the windows at the city now lit by the first rays of dawn.

"They spoke true! This is Gadobhra! A little broken, but I recognize it from Barstoves Compendium of Places not to Visit.

Fabulous to visit it in person."Billy stuck out his hand to shake, but Vladimir ignored the gesture.

"It certainly is a great place.

I'm Baron William, and I'm told you are Vladimir and the best person around to help me with my problems."Vladimir looked at Billy, then at Layla, and said.

"Bold and to the point.

My elven heritage is appalled but luckily asleep.

My dwarven soul sees no point in wasting time and approves.

I have offered my work to very few, but your minions rescued me and, more importantly, my wives.

Grant us sanctuary and a place where my wives can live in peace and recover, and I will be further in your debt.

Give me a place to work and a fair wage for my skills, and I will fix your problems.""You have a deal.

We'll put you up here in my tower until you're ready for your own place." Vladimir finally took Billy's hand and shook it, then kneeled in front of Layla, took her hand, and kissed the back of it.

"It will be an honor to serve such a beauty." Both Baron and Baroness flushed but for different reasons.

But before anything else could happen, Ben and Damien entered the room.

Damien looked at Vladimir kneeling before Layla and whispered to Ben.

"Never changes.

Three wives are already waiting to get to know him and he's working on number four.

Not even I'm that crazy." He walked up to Billy and looked him over.

"So, your the new Baron? Congratulations, but I've got to say your city is a bit of a fixer-upper.

How are property values? I might be in the mood to buy up a few blocks.

Having another secret laboratory for the Inquisition to eventually find and blow up never hurts.

And my nephew says you have a problem with the Mage's Guild you need help with.

I'm interested in helping out just to piss them off."Billy turned to Ben.

"You want to introduce me to your crazed relative in need of a new wardrobe and a bath?""Certainly.

Baron William of Gadobhra and Baroness Layla, allow me to introduce you to the esteemed scientist, Damien Franklin, who is indeed my great uncle."Vladimir rolled his eyes, one clockwise and the other counter-clockwise, and scoffed.

"I'm not sure the word esteemed and scientist should be used in the same sentence, and certainly not with Damien as the subject.

But he does know his way around magitech."Damien smiled, showing perfect white teeth.

"The tower softened you, Vlad.

That was nearly a compliment."Billy looked at the two of them.

"How soon can you two start, and what do you need.""Six hours for a honeymoon with my wives, a barrel of beer, and your best wine.""A bath, some clothes, and the strongest alcohol you have."That was good enough for Billy.

"That's acceptable.

Ben, coordinate with them, get them what they need, and get to work.

I want a working teleporter and a pissed-off Mage's Guild in five days."
