Legend of the The Sausage MakerYou get things done, and the boss doesn't care how you do it.

Things run better when you're around, and whether that's because of fear or encouragement is up to you.

Your crew works 10% faster and gets 10% more accomplished, working together like a well greased meat grinder.

Your personal efforts are even better.

Any special sausage or magical meat made by you is more powerful than normal, giving either a 50% stronger effect, or double the normal duration.

Your preserved meats will not go bad for three times longer than normal.

If left in sealed barrels infused with smoke from your Pit, the duration is indefinite.

No one can steal your recipes, but you can gift them.

That person cannot gift them, or be stolen from.Intimidation, fear, or encouragement abilities that you use are 10% more effective.
