A bit of light from the rising sun was coming in the library's windows and through the door to his bedroom as a pounding on his door awakened Ben.

Sleepless in Seattle was a great skill, but even it needed at least some sleep to be effective.

Ben had gotten one hour of sleep after forcing himself to lock the ridden room and leave playing in the laboratory for later.

He had decided not to wear Damien's pajamas and rose from the bed with nothing on.

He stumbled to the door and fumbled with the three complex locks and chains wrapped in a toga made from the bedsheet.

He opened the door to see Harmony waiting for him.

She took one look at him and burst out laughing.


Ben did his best to curtsy, "When bold young ladies wake innocent, handsome men before the sun is up, they take what they get."She gave him a considering look and smiled.

"Normally, I'd have second thoughts based on your dress style, but there's something to be said for a lack of clothing.

And you scored a lot of points by punching your sword through Eustace's black heart.

So, all in all, I think I will take you." She stepped into the room and caught him up in a kiss that literally swept him off his feet.

A moment later, when he'd regained his composure, he gestured to the bedroom.

She laughed.


"I'm tempted, but then we would be late for breakfast.

You have six minutes to shower and make it downstairs, where you can feast for another two minutes before the carriage comes for us.

Grandmother has roused the entire household, and you aren't the only bleary-eyed person eating on the run.

So get moving." When he paused, she slapped him hard on his backside and sent him scurrying for the bathroom.

Ben contemplated the benefits of a woman with a strong personality as he hurried to the shower and found his clothes.

Dressed a few minutes later, he skipped the stairs and slid three levels down the banister.


It was well-worn, showing that generations of Franklins had also preferred this method of travel.The main hallway was filled with a dozen people from yesterday, including Harmonia and his four companions.

More were outside.

The front doors were open, and several carriages were waiting.

Harmony handed Ben several strips of bacon wrapped in a Pancake.

"Too much time primping; hop in; we're on a schedule for the next few days.""Can I ask where we are going?" He finished his breakfast in two bites and wondered where they were going.Ben, Harmony, and Harmonia were sharing the first carriage.

The older woman turned from looking out the window.

"Things are happening, and House Franklin has been quiet for too long.

I want to change that.

You're adventure yesterday set the stage nicely.

Our training session had a lot of eyes watching us.

Today there will be more.

Everyone will want to look at the man who killed a demon and then followed it up with a Paladin for dessert.""So, a small training session to give them a look?"Harmony sighed.

"If only.

I rode all night and looked forward to a long bath and leisurely breakfast."That obviously wasn't what Harmonia had in mind.

"It felt good to shake the rust off yesterday.

The household needs that.

We have a small event to attend, and I think a few days of hard training in the academy will benefit us.

It will allow Benjamin to meet new people and remind certain people that my house is filled with warriors.""I was surprised." Ben hadn't expected every Franklin he met to be a Courier, a Paladin, or both.

"Is it a family tradition to spend time as a Courier?"The two women smiled, then laughed, and Harmonia explained, "It's actually an Imperial Decree.

Roughly two hundred years ago, we had a few of our relatives cause enough trouble that the Emperor decided to channel all that misspent youthful energy into more constructive activities.

Since then, every family member has served two years at the Imperial Academy, followed by two years as a Courier.

Or, for those with other gifts, the Order of Paladins."Harmony smirked, "And then, afterward, half of us go to sea or become explorers or rogues of some sort." Ben looked over at Harmony.

"Remind me to tell you some stories of Captain Woodrat and his flying ship.

If you want to visit strange seas, he's the man to talk to."Further stories of the Smoke were delayed as they arrived at the front gates of the Academy and the line of coaches parked.

Thirty-seven members of House Franklin, along with their four knighted guests, walked through the front gates of the Academy, two by two, following Harmonia.

As they moved along the hallway, many heads turned at the sound of so many feet.

Several people were whistling a marching tune, others were clapping, and a flute appeared from somewhere.

Two worried scribes raced ahead to tell someone, somewhere, about an invasion of Couriers.

A group of curious students followed behind, and the parade slowly lengthened.Harmonia took a winding path through the marble hallways full of trophies and displays of weapons until she came to two large, golden double doors.

The carvings on the doors showed several gods of Justice.

Ben recognized Mithras and a couple of others from the trial in Sedgewick.

Three paladins guarded the entrance, one of them a Senior Paladin whom Ben had met before.

Sir Gabriel stepped forward to meet them."Dame Franklin, I see that you've come to attend the trial and brought the family.

Unfortunately, there is little seating, but I'm sure we can fit you all in.

Perhaps standing around the room's perimeter, glaring at the accused and making everyone nervous?"Harmonia nodded, amused.

"That will do." She turned and addressed her throng.

"Split right and left, circle the room and meet again at the back.

Try to keep a stern look on your faces; we may be witnessing men condemned to death today." Gabriel motioned for the two paladins to open the door, then stepped into the room and announced them.

"Members of the high court, I bring Dame Harmonia of House Franklin and members of her household to act as witnesses.

Included in their number are those who participated in the so-called Test of Purity." The courtroom beyond the doors was constructed of white marble with rows of chairs and a large table where five older paladins and couriers held court.

The reaction to the invasion was subdued but mixed.

The audience was louder, talking to themselves, with some people becoming very nervous at the sight of so many armed people standing at the room's perimeter.The head justice sighed visibly.

"Thank you, Gabriel.

Please seal the doors after all have entered.

Not that we could fit another person at this point, but it's time to get this over with.

Bring forth the accused."Four black-clad inquisitors were escorted in, wearing leg irons.

None of them looked happy, and one was openly angry.

Behind them came a lone inquisitor in a red robe, who Ben immediately recognized as Diego.

He strode up to the justices."I bring before the court today four members of the Inquisition who are accused of practicing Demon Summoning.

They are also guilty of endangering the lives of those they should have protected, serving the whims of a demonically possessed heretic, and several counts of poor judgment.

There can be only one punishment for what they have done: Death."The justices looked at Diego, looked at the accused, and then turned to a paladin who sat at a small table in the front.

"Is there anyone who will speak in their defense? Sir Reeves?"Sir Reeves stood, a sour look upon his face.

He had returned just that morning after the message had reached him of the debacle the day before.

"Yes, I will speak for them.

They claim to have been only following the orders of Senior Paladin Eustace and using a Dark Ritual for good purposes.

And they point out that their method worked and no less than five new knights, blessed by the gods, have risen to fight the darkness." He paused and glared at them.

"Some of that darkness being Sir Eustace."Diego spoke again.

"This is a dark day for all, and rather than a lengthy trial, I propose a small test.

Our worry is that these wayward souls are possessed in the same way Sir Eustace was revealed to be.

Those who fail will obviously be put to death.

Those who pass will have their sentence of death mitigated to a life of hard labor that they might redeem themselves."The justices spoke and agreed.

"Acceptable if you have an appropriate test."Diego smiled and turned to Ben, who suddenly had all eyes upon him.

"What better test than to expose them to the fire that exposed Sir Eustace? Sir Benjamin, can I ask a favor of you? Please Lay Hands on each of these men and see how they react to your spell.

And if a few of your relatives wouldn't mind helping, I think having someone on each side of them would be prudent." Harmonia detailed eight people to come forward and hold the accused inquisitors.

Ben walked to the first, noting the wounds caused by the heavy manacles.

He reached out and touched the nervous man, small flames dancing around his hands.

The wounds healed, to the accused relief.

A similar event played out for the next two inquisitors, who were led away.

The last was sweating heavily and mumbling to himself.

Ben felt lightheaded and confused momentarily, then pushed through it and reached for the man, healing his wounds.

At least, that was the plan.

Instead, the black-robed inquisitor's hands caught fire, and he started to transform, growing taller, his skin turning to dark leather.

He shouted something in a harsh language.Ben took a step back and went to draw his sword, but Bryce and Dobie were quicker.

They were two of the people Harmonia had detailed to guard the other inquisitors.

Bryce raised his staff and channeled his mana into Ben's flames.

The transforming demon screamed.

Dobie swung his glowing great sword in a huge arc that ended in the demon's neck, separating his head from his shoulders.

Bryce kept the fire going until the demon was nothing but ashes.The head justice leaned over the table.

"Usually, we take a bit longer to test, condemn, and execute.

But there is something to be said for doing it quickly.

Nicely done, Sirs.

The court is adjourned."Ben and his fellow knights were introduced to a dozen higher-ranked paladins and congratulated on their victories over dark forces.

Harmonia let this go on for a half hour before calling out for House Franklin to march out.

They retraced their steps through the now crowded halls.

"Where to now, Grandmother? Home to a lovely lunch and naps all around?" Harmony was still suffering from riding all night.

But the head of House Franklin had other ideas.

"We can rest tonight.

The day is barely started.

I want to continue Benjamin's training from yesterday, and all of you could use some exercise to burn off the effects of the wine from last night." She led them through the Academy and descended to the training salon, taking over half the space.

Harmonia led them in a half hour of warm-up drills before they formed small groups and began sparring with each other.

Ben found himself passed from one relative to another, with some small trick of swordsmanship or acrobatics they wished to pass along.

The galleries slowly filled with curious onlookers, and the other half of the salon with students and instructors.

After two hours, the Franklins merged with the students, working with each other and teaching.

Large tables with food and water were set up, and the training continued.

The exhausted students bowed out one by one, and then some of the Franklins started to fade.

Ben noticed that those remaining were all active Couriers.

The stamina needed to ride for days on end helping them outlast the others.

Eventually, though, even they were ending the limits of their endurance.

In the end, it was only Harmonia and Ben.

At a pause in the fighting, she glared at him.

"I have more than a couple of Tiers on you, yet you have more stamina.

This curse of yours also comes with certain benefits.

Ben was panting hard and ached all over.

Even his stamina was starting to run out.

Something else he needed to work on.

He knew Rolly and Ozzy had over twice his stamina.

But during breaks, he'd pulled some bacon and sausage from his Signet ring, along with a bottle of Suzette's apple wine.

He'd shared with Harmony and swore her to silence."Just clean living.

But I look forward to sparring with you again when I make it to Tier 3.

I'm only going to get better." He would have said more but had to dodge her blade as the fighting resumed.

This time she went all out, and Ben found himself disarmed, on his back, and with her sword at his throat.She laughed.


And I want you to get better.

I'll show you that trick tomorrow.

How far are you from Tier 3?"Ben started to answer when his vision was filled with messages.

He accepted her hand to rise.

"Closer than I thought.

I'll be thankful for your advice after dinner."

You have qualified for the Third Tier! Please spend any experience and core skill points to advance and choose your new class and Heritage.

Available sub-classes for Contract Worker: CourierTraveling InquisitorUnder the guise of a Courier, you investigate strange events and people that may threaten the Empire.

Your wise superiors will guide you on your journey as you work to make the hard choices required for the greater good.+4 PER, +2 DEX, +4 CON, skill: Resist Dark Magic, skill: Witch Hunting, skill: Strength of MindThis class focuses on protecting the good people of the Empire from the dark creatures that seek to tear down civilization.The Rather Dashing Local CourierBrave and Handsome, the Emperor's Couriers take dangerous missions, bring news of the world to distant places, and carry messages of importance.+2 CHA, +2 DEX, +2 AGI, +2 CON, +2 PERPerk: Innate CharmPerk: One of UsSkill: Trick RidingShining PaladinSave the weak.

Seek glory in the deaths of fierce foes and fell beasts.

Be the light that others look up to.

Encourage them to do their utmost.+4 CHR, +2 STR, +2 CONSkill: Hold the line and look good doing it.

Skill: Inspire BraveryFleet-footed Servant of the EmperorWhenever and Where ever you are needed, you'll be there, representing the Emperor and speaking with his voice! Outnumbered and outgunned, you'll need to make the best use of local resources and rally the people to your cause.+6 CHA +4 INT, Skill: The Emperor's Right Hand, skill: Authority, skill: Small Unit Tactics, Skill: Guerilla WarfareThis class focuses on doing the best in horrible situations.

There aren't enough boots on the ground in the constant war vs.


But one man can make a difference.Champion of Fire: "Fire burns.

Fire cleanses and leads to rebirth.

Fire goes where it needs to go."+4 RAD, +4 CHA, +4 CONPerk: Cloak of the Maiden.Perk: Agent of HopePerk: Flesh to FuelPerk: BlessedFocus on what you know is right.
