Ozzy saw a notification from the bank that he'd sold three barrels of Trifecta Bacon.

It was a tricky recipe to get right, but with that kind of money rolling in, he'd be doing more of it.

He transferred 1500 gold to Baron Billy.

The two of them had hammered out a deal.

They split the money down the middle on the large sales of enchanted meat.

Billy didn't worry about niggling details like the meat coming from the Gadobhra stockyards in the first place.Billy and Layla had become much easier to deal with after he returned from the Smoke and the new trade routes were opened.

They were mostly happy as long as money and building points were pouring into their coffers.


The only worry was finishing the fortress on schedule.

The walls and buildings were going up fast.

They were ahead of schedule on that part, despite the annoyance of constant raids by players and mercenaries.

Billy was countering that with quests for the players in the area.

He offered complimentary healing and night vision potions and had set up a points system for how many 'bandit ears' were turned into him.

Several dozen magic items adorned a small shop in Gadobhra where players could pay in either gold or 'quest points.' Mcteeth and a special 'assassination squad' roamed the area many nights, killing the teams of players miles before they got to Rowan Keep.


The problem was going to be the rune carving and the teleporter.

Neither of those was things Ozzy could help with, so he helped by moving slabs of stone and making bacon and ham to feed people.

After learning a bit of grilling, he spent a few nights cooking and feeding people his simple recipes.

Jorges didn't always need someone to lift stones or haul bags full of gravel and sand, but there were always hungry people to feed.The Red Banner mercenary company had come in lean and hungry.

Their corporal had come by the butcher shop looking for normal bacon but had mentioned that the butcher's guild in Wolfsburg sold them bacon carrying a small enchantment.

Runt had pulled out a slab of the trifecta bacon and given off some slices.


The corporal and the rest of the cavalry had been eager to try some samples that he handed out and said they preferred his recipe.

That was Sedgewick's gain and Wolfsburg's loss.

They would need to up their game if they wanted to compete with him.

The Butcher loaded two of the barrels of bacon and went to grab the third.

Two silvery chains wrapped around it, pulling it out of his hands and putting it back in the center of the room.

Ozzy sighed.

The pit wanted to play, but he didn't have the time for it now.

"Sorry, things to do.

We'll do some tug-of-war tomorrow." He went to grab the bacon, and again, the Pit pulled the barrel further into the room.

"I told you, I don't have time for this." Ozzy walked to the barrel and slapped the chains away.

Chains appeared everywhere, hauling the barrel of bacon off to storage and tripping him when he went to follow.

The doors slammed shut, and more chains wrapped around his arms and legs.

Warning: Your Charnel Pit has gone feral!!After besting you in Tug-of-War, your Charnel Pit has decided that you are weak and are not the boss of it.

Perk: My Pit, My Rules has been replaced with Spare the Shovel and Spoil the Charnel PitYou probably shouldn't have taught it a new game and then lost to it.

Unless you can regain dominance, you're working for it.
