With a third of his adventuring party dead, Baron William decided against going into the crypts below Hungrytown the next day. Instead, he magnanimously declared a day off for all of his subjects. He and the Baroness spent the day touring the new Hamlets of Unicorn Vale and speaking briefly with the families. He brought the Mayor of Sedgewick along with him, and they discussed ways to improve each area, possibly using the building points earned during the war. As they began explaining how building points worked to the Village Elder, Jonathan was astounded when a new message was sent to him.

Congratulations on being rewarded with a second job! You now have access to the Hamlet Building system. Just to let you know, building points are rarely granted and only for special events or large expansions to the areas you control. Unicorn Vale is awarded 1000 building points for the Victory over the GRA.
