Ozzy awoke to the smell of pancakes and strong tea.

He normally only needed four hours of sleep a night, but drinking rum with his fellow captains had strained even his metabolism, and he'd slept in.

He was surprised he didn't have a hangover.

As he rolled out of bed, Suzette put two plates on the table, heaped with butter, strawberries, and pancakes.

Hers with three, Ozzy's with over a dozen.

"You made breakfast; bless you.""Breakfast? That was at 7 am, just after you went to bed.

This is lunch.


It would be best if you had something in you to soak up the last of the rum.

The stories about you three drinking the inn dry and eating all the food are already reaching epic proportions.""Well, I appreciate the food and the company.

Hopefully, our late-night party helped."Suzette rolled her eyes and laughed.

"Helped? You should have seen those two drag into the meeting.

They were so hungover they could barely move and smelled like they had slept in a pig sty.

Rolly scared the hell out of them after we got the signed papers.


They must be halfway to the capital by now.

And they think they were partially successful in disrupting our trade deals.

Yes, you three helped.

I wish I could have been there instead of sneaking around with McTeeth.""How did that work out? And what happened to the third guy?""He got scared of the shadows and left early.

We have a lot to sort through now, but the picture is clear.

You three got some names of Barons we've never heard of who doesn't like Billy and want to see him fail.


There were some notes in the paperwork as well.

Rolly got the information from the horses that tell us where Theordis spent some time.

And surprisingly, Alwyn sent over a lot of information." "Hmm, Alwyn the Summer Lord? or Bob?""Alwyn.

He wished to announce that he had taken three mortals into his household.

They used to be imperial scribes.

His letter said it was willingly and with no more magic done than showing them how to achieve their dreams.

I'll try to talk to them, but I don't see him lying.

One will even be running back and forth between him and Billy."Ozzy finished his breakfast and grabbed his bag.

"Well, good.

I'm curious to see what gets figured out.

I'm off to start clearing more farmland and start another Hamlet.

Woodrat is going to bring most of the crew to help out.

Some of the gophers got big yesterday." "My brave gopher slayer.

I'll have dinner packed, and we can eat at Rowan tonight after you return from playing carpenter's helper.

I need to work more on the runes, and you have some heavy lifting to do for Jorges."Woodrat yelled to Ozzy as he left the tavern.

"Awake? Good.

Get up here.

No reason for a captain to walk when we have a ship that can be there in a minute.

The second group of farmers is all ready there." Ozzy smiled and climbed to the ship.

Ben was at the ship's wheel and looking pleased with himself.

As the Splinter began to move, even Woodrat was surprised at the speed.

"What the bloody hell are you doing to my ship?" Ben laughed and yelled back.

"I'm a Courier.

Anything I ride or steer goes faster."

They passed over the top of North Farthing.

The road ran past one side of the Hamlet, with five long fields taking shape on the other side of the road.

The thorn barrier was a thick green line surrounding the Hamlet, already growing.

Once a front gate was constructed, the little town would have some basic protection from wild animals, bandits, or any of the other creatures that inhabited the area.

The ten houses and tavern surrounded the town square, with room for gardens between the houses and thorn barrier.Children ran below, waving at the ship, and Ben used that as an excuse to circle the town slowly before heading to the next Hamlet.

Some of the inhabitants of North Farthing were heading that way, following the wagons that had gone by before.

Five miles flew by in less than two minutes, and the Splinter settled slowly until its keel was only ten feet off the ground, a hundred feet from the second Hamlet.

Ben turned over the helm to Derrick.

"Thank you for the chance to be at the helm of this fine ship." He scorned the chain ladder and leaped from the edge of the ship.

Woodrat looked at him as he landed perfectly.

Turning to Ozzy, he said, "That one has had a ship of his own before, you can tell."Ozzy nodded.


And wrecked as many ships as I have.

""Really? Maybe we'll take him along the next time you and I travel the Smoke."

Ozzy gave his speech like he had the day before.

Living near Sedgewick had a steep learning curve, especially if you had Dryads, Fae Lords, and Unicorns for neighbors.

Work began on the homes similar to the day before, completing the hearths, chimneys, and foundations first.

Woodrat took time to talk to each of the families, telling them what the house would look like and trying to use any advice they gave him.

Of all the things that people asked for, a large table was universally popular.

It was the work table for making meals and then serving them.

In between, it would be used for sewing and all manner of crafts.

He put Ozzy to work doing the basic construction of the tables.

The Butcher would join together four-inch thick slabs of wood until the top was four-foot wide and the overall length was ten to twelve feet.

Two wide trestles would support this.

This type of table had been made for hundreds of years and would last forever.

They weren't something that would ever be moved from the house.

Once the basic work was done, the three new apprentices were given the job of smoothing every bit of the wood on the tables and accompanying benches.

Finding out how useful this piece of furniture was, Ozzy said they would return to North Farthing and make them for those ten houses as well.

They finished earlier in the day.

They had a better idea of what they were doing and more people to do the work.

Over thirty people from North Farthing had walked the mile up the road to help out and take part in the gopher hunt.

Ozzy had considered having someone else do the thumping.

Someone without Abundance and Skillful Provider.

But it was too good of a chance to give these people experience and points.

He just hoped that he didn't trigger another quest.The first thump on the ground told him how misguided that thought had been.

Not content with the lands you gained only the day before, you have launched a sneak attack upon a peaceful community of gophers!The War is on again.

We have dispatched Capybara Commandos under the command of General Jose P.

Hoartigasia.QUEST!: Stop the ten waves of Commandos and find/defeat General Hoartigasia and his command unit.

If you can't stop them within three hours, reinforcements of Lemming Shock Troops will overwhelm you and claim this village.Time: 2:59:58Generals Killed: 0/1Advisors Killed: 0/5Commando Sergeants Killed: 0/10
