The mood aboard Dauntless changed drastically over the next day.

The eruption was still throwing too much heat at them, and the threat of the Thunderheads was on every horizon, but the sudden appearance of the Splinter and the hope she brought gave them a chance.

The starving sailors had food in their bellies and a moving ship beneath them.

They could deal with the heat for now, and the rain was for tomorrow.

On the main deck, Butterbelly was still cooking Kraken, aided now and then by Ozzy.

The firewalker moved between multiple chunks of roasting Kraken, spreading the sauce over each piece of meat, sealing in the juices, and adding spice to the rich flavor of the ancient Kraken.

The butcher would pause in his labors to wrap the food in layers of heat and smoke.


Time and again, he went down to the hold and pulled the heat from ailing sailors until his furnace was full to the point of bursting.

The amount of Heat he carried nearly overwhelmed him, but there were always more sailors in reach who needed his help.

Captain Shively guided him back on deck to one sail after another.

He lit each in turn, spewing out the heat from his belly until the largest twelve sails on the ship were ablaze.

Each time he emptied his furnace of heat, he would wearily walk to where Butterbelly was cooking and eat pounds of food and a flagon of rum.

Refreshed, he would add smoke to the meat and then head back down to pull the heat from another hundred sailors.


It was late in the evening when he had finally finished.

Some sailors would require more rest, but none were in danger of becoming charred.The three captains joined him for the final labor, dealing with the charred sailors in the forward hold.

Knowing this was mercy and would send their souls on a journey to be reborn made the job only a little easier.

The butcher became impassive as he approached the barricade.

The screams increased but then died off to pitiful whimpering.

Ozzy pushed aside the barrier and strode into the room where charred sailors stood or sat quietly, looking at him.


Cavendish whispered to Woodrat.

"What is happening here? I expected a struggle.

They are just waiting for the headsman's stroke."Woodrat had drawn his sword along with the others, getting a few stares as he did so.

He gestured with the blade at the butcher.

"He's a little touched.

He told me a yarn about drinking with Gods of the Hunt and Death.

I've grown to believe it.

The undead sense that in him and know he's sending them to a better place." One sailor leaped at Ozzy, screaming.

The butcher swung an oversized cleaver and took off its head in one swing.

Woodrat chuckled.

"Well, most of them do.

And he has a unique talent when it comes to dealing with those that don't appreciate him." One by one, the butcher cut off their heads, releasing their souls to race down into the smoke and get in line for a ship heading back to the land of the living.

The remains of their bodies turn to a fine ash.

Two cabin boys were set on the task of sweeping up the ash.

It would be returned to an island to be mixed with the soil there.

Most of the crew of the Dauntless were up and about now, eating to replenish their fuel and smoke.

Any excess heat they absorbed was used to heat the sails further.

Captains Woodrat, Shively, and Cavendish worked together to light the smaller sails the Butcher had left for them.

The large square sails provided the power, but the smaller, triangular staysails and top gallants made her easier to steer.Ozzy sat with the doctor, drinking rum until the exhausted physician passed out and was put to bed by the crew.

Sailors he had cured came by to drink with the Butcher, who seemed to have a vast capacity for alcohol.

Men and Women from Dauntless volunteered to go aboard Splinter and allow the crew of the smaller ship to mingle with the larger crew and tell stories while eating and drinking.

Splinter's crew weren't shy about showing off their fancy loot and their awards for their part in the demise of Lord Pearson.

That story was told many times as the night wore on, as were many others.

Some of the sailors on the larger ship had their own stories to tell.

Monsters, pirates, and strange happenings weren't reserved for Captain Woodrat and his peculiar crew, but everyone agreed they were getting a larger share than most.There were some doubters among the sailors and a few jealous of the magic swords and armor.

No ship was without its grumpy or sour individuals.

They were told to shut up by the rest of the crew, many of which had been near death until saved by the miraculous appearance of Captain Woodrat and his ship of gold.

Saving those near death has its rewards.

At least for you.

Aspect of Heat has reached Rank 8Heat the Sails has achieved Rank 8RAD has reached Rank 3 and a total of 23 (unmodified).INT has reached Rank 5 and a total of 18You are only partially Shadowed.
