Ozzy was on the deck near the open hold making chain while Woodrat snored in his cabin. The two of the worked continuously trying to get the ship ready to sail. Or at least float away from the Sargasso. They had worked to weave the stays and main chain that would hold the mast steady and carry heat from the hull. When that had been done and their one sail made, Woodrat had been able to claim the ship.With a ship under their feet again, and a much larger ship at that, Ozzy could pick a specialty as a Mate, and both of them gained some points for the accomplishment. Ozzy had 40 CSP saved up, and it was time to do a bit of thinking. Some skills he could buy might be only usable in the smoke, or on a ship, and he didn't intend to stay here any longer than he had too.

Captain Woodrat has laid claim to the newly repaired ship: Splinter.

Splinter is a Level 3 ship and requires a minimum of 2 crew, 1 of which must be a captain. For maximum speed and sailing efficiency, a crew of 6 is required, two of which must be a captain and mate. Captain Woodrat has gained 10 Core Skill points for claiming the Splinter.The Crew of the Splinter split 10 Core Skill points among themselves, minimum 1 point each.
