It was sometime in the waning hours of night.

The Dregs in Hungrytown had settled into their crypts, fearing to be caught when the sun came up.

The endless dance hadn't ended, but it had certainly slowed, settling into slow patterns with none of the energy seen earlier in the night.

The Beastwoods was nervous, and all creatures hid from the wrath of the Great Beast.

If one was watching from the vantage point of the telescope mounted on the top of the ACME building, you might have seen a lone figure stumbling unsteadily into the large courtyard.

Of course, no one actually was using the telescope, since the drunken figure making a late-night stroll was in fact the Baron himself.

Billy had drunk more after Ozzy had left and his blood-soaked Baroness had returned.


Layla had been in high spirits.

Killing and butchering animals seemed to be a new passion she would be happy to repeat.

She showed off her increased STR score by soundly beating him in arm wrestling and tossing him over her shoulder.

That, more than anything else motivated him at the moment.

Losing to Layla on any level wasn't acceptable.

And there was no doubt that she'd use her new muscles to dominate parts of their relationship.He had only a vague plan of how he would attack the problem, but it was a modus operandi he had used to quite a bit of success when dealing with people at ACME.


It involved a mixture of bravado, hard work, and not giving a damn about the consequences.

It was like part of brain drew a line in the sand, and if that line got crossed, his self-preservation took a back seat to winning at all costs.

The four bottles of wine currently in his belly were helping immensely.

The normal fog to his thinking from his role as Baron was replaced by the fog of alcohol.

The latter he had much more experience with and it was going to help him to deal with the former.He made a mental note to himself that keeping up with his Butcher in a night of drinking wasn't possible.

Ozzy had demolished his wine cellar with a casual ease that wasn't humanly possible by anyone with a working liver.


The man had certainly taken advantage of the situation to enjoy himself.

Billy was out of wine and out of cigars.

Rather than be upset at an underling pulling such moves, Billy was delighted.

He was gaining insight into how Ozzy worked.

The man could switch from underling to equal in a second, and then lecture Billy like he was the teacher and Billy the new student.

He knew his fine wines and appreciated a good cigar.

Tonight, he had dealt with the real Ozzy, not a simple worker who clapped and yelled ‘Huzzah’ at the right time.Of more concern to Billy, was that he was totally outclassed in blowing smoke rings.

Billy had years of practice and yet he paled in comparison to the Butcher who had created complicated creations that floated up to the ceiling or moved around the room.

Confusingly, he had kept making them somehow even after they were out of cigars.

Billy tucked that thought away for later investigation.

Right now, he had serious work to do.

Marching up to the towering statue in the courtyard, Billy stared at it for a full minute.

Then he finished his wine and threw the bottle at it, scattering glass and leaving a few drops left in the bottle to run down the statues face.

Then dropping his trousers, he relieved himself on the statue and flipped it off.

"Think you're in charge? You can piss off starting tonight." Billy straightened his pants and after pulling a cleaver out of his belt, began walking in the direction of the stockyards.

Minutes later, after the Baron was making his way through the rubble somewhere between the ACME building and the Butcher's Guild, the statue stirred.

"My, did I do something to upset the little fellow? I'm thinking he didn't like the little nudges I was giving him.

I do like this new direction though, highly amusing to say the least! I suppose I'll have to watch patiently and see what he does next.”

What Billy did next was head to the Butcher's Guild.

It wasn't difficult to find, even with the sun just barely beginning to get up.

A pathway of sorts wound between the rubble.

He had almost attained the dubious safety of the guild hall when he heard a garbled howl behind him.

Turning, Billy saw was looked like a wolf that someone had pulled the skin off of and then added a few extra steaks to.

It was vaguely houndlike, but mostly made of meat.

Without further introductions it raced at Billy and grabbed his lower left leg in its mouth and began shaking him."Damnit, that hurts!".

The cleaver Billy had found had a long enough handle that he could grip it with both hands.

He slammed it down on the Minor Charnel Daemon, cutting through meat and gristle.

When that didn't stop it from chewing his leg to gristle, he kept hitting it.

After several more slashes, it dropped to the ground.

Billy did the same, his arms aching.

It took quite a bit of effort to pry the thing's mouth from off his leg.

Blood was flowing from the wound, but not so fast that he thought it was an artery.

From his pouch he took a healing potion and downed it.

The taste was an ugly mix of cherry and cough medicine.

He wondered if they made alcoholic potions? Suzette would know, he'd have to ask.

After two potions, he was ready to get moving again, but was interrupted by a congratulatory announcement:

First Kill!

Congratulations, you managed to kill a level 3 Charnel Daemon.

Normally that wouldn't earn you any experience, but we'll give you a bonus since you didn't bother to kill anything at all in Tier 1! Isn't that just typical for nobility? I can't help but notice that your class gains two melee weapons besides Sword, and you haven't chosen them.

I'll assign Cleaver as one of those open slots so you can get some experience using it.

Who knows? Maybe you'll kill something else!You have gained 50 points in CleaverYou have gained 50 points in STR.You have gained Rank1 in Cleaver.You have gained Rank1 in STR bringing your STR to a total of 1.You have gained the option of buying the skill: Daemon Slayer with Core Skill Points.You took 340 points of damage in that fight.

Your healing potions stopped the bleeding and healed +100 health, leaving you at 1010 Health.
