Cham had gone to sleep, by himself, in one of the older trees at the edge of the glade.

He'd learned the hard way that trying to get some rest anywhere near the younger dryads was impossible.

Blossom or Petal or Honey would try to sneak over to him and get caught by one of the old women, and then he'd have to listen to them yell at each other for an hour.

It was easier to sleep out at the edge of the glade, even if it did mean he might get ambushed by a squirrel.

He had woken with the dawn, but decided that another couple of hours sleep was in order.

He'd just gotten comfortable again when the tree he was in started to grow.

New branches were sprouting, old bark was falling off to be replaced by smooth new bark.


In only a minute the tree gained twenty years of growth.

To avoid being trapped forever in the new growth, Cham bent the branches and leaped for safety.

He hit the ground hard and rolled over to look up at a highly amused unicorn.

The beautiful thing was small, only three feet at the shoulder with slender limbs, glowing white mane and tail, and a two-foot horn.

He rolled to his feet staring at, at her.

Definitely a her.


She walked slowly over to another aged apple tree, touching it with her horn.

He saw the mysterious transformation start again.

He also saw that she was tired.

Worse, she was thin to the point where her ribs were showing under her skin.

Whatever she was doing was taking a lot out of her.

When Cham had taken the reward from Barkroar and become a Prince of the Ironwood Glade, he had gained three new skills.


Defense of the Glade hardened his skin, making it like armor, but slowing his speed.

Tree Speaker allowed him to communicate with trees and to a lesser extent, forest creatures.

Restore Nature drained his stamina and allowed him to heal the injured ironwoods.

But the abilities description didn't limit it to trees, and only mentioned nature.

On a hunch, he reached out slowly and laid a hand on her.The creature suffered his touch, but was skittish.

He slowly used the ability, using a thousand points of stamina before it stopped.

The unicorn made a small sound like a child laughing, and ran to the next tree, restoring it as she had the others.

Unicorn and Prince wandered around the edge of the Apple Glade healing trees until he felt the last of his energy drain away.

The long grass looked comfortable and he laid down for a well-deserved nap.

The unicorn was grazing, hungrily devouring the long grass and turning the area under the trees into a close cropped lawn.

Blossom found him a little later, asleep with a unicorn lying next to him.

Before she could yell something in outrage, Blacktwig covered her mouth and dragged her away.

"Quiet deary, the little Prince worked so hard for us this morning, it would be poor repayment to wake him up.

You'll just have to accept that maybe the competition for him went up a notch."

Tiberius Longfellow Coppertwist arrived in the small village precisely at dawn.

The coach which he had hired deposited him in the small village square along with his baggage.

He tipped the six white horses with carrots and tossed the gremlin driving the carriage a silver coin.

The gremlin tipped his hat and the coach raced away, several curious workers diving out of the way.

Gremlins were very careful drivers when they had a passenger, and madmen that would race the horses through the streets when they didn't.

The horses demanded it and the gremlins liked the feel of the wind in their faces.Tiberius produced a copper key from his pocket.

He dreamed at night of someday owning a gold key, or at least silver.

But everyone had to start somewhere, and this was his start.

The human village wasn't much to look at, and quite small, but his Great Uncle had highly recommended it, and suggested that he make the offer to open his bank here.

Tiberius had great respect for his Great Uncle, especially after the old gnome somehow managed to gain a full two levels in less than a year! So while he might have had doubts at one time about coming to Sedgewick, he buried them and packed his best ties, and had new business cards printed.

They were simple things: Bleached white vellum with gold trim and copper lettering.

'Tiberius Longfellow Coppertwist -Banker'.

He greatly enjoyed using his middle name.

He felt it made him look taller.

He followed the pull of the key to the perimeter of the square.

Arriving at the small, empty lot, he stuck the key into an invisible door and turned it.

A narrow, three-story tall building appeared.

It was only fifteen feet wide and an equal amount deep, but very tall and came to a sharply pointed roof.

The third floor was entirely taken up by a large clock.

Opening the door, he whistled for his luggage and the various bags and boxes sprouted their small legs and scampered through the door.

He started to enter himself, but before he could, he smelled food being cooked nearby.

A small eatery was next to his bank, with colorful awnings on all sides, and small tables under the awnings.

Deciding that a small repast was in order after his long trip, he began to walk over.

He stopped when fire erupted from the building's chimney, and a high-pitched voice began screaming something.

He did not speak the languages of Dragons, Kobolds, or Fire Newts, and it was certainly one of those.

Perhaps he would eat tomorrow? Yes, that was wise.

Time to move into his new abode, and open for business promptly at 10 a.m.

Jenny Greenteeth wondered who was banging on her door so early in the morning? She put the batch of cookies she was working on in the oven.

They were sugar cookies, and she had made them all in the image of the new baron.

You could see the detail down to the greed in his eye and the larceny in his heart.

Jenny had a soft spot in her heart for men who knew exactly what they wanted in life.

She also had other feelings for tall dark and well-muscled men, so she hurried to the door, hoping this was the Butcher come early to deliver her porkchops.

She was disappointed to find a smiling, ninety-year-old woman on her doorstep.

She was dressed in a flower print dress and a pink sweater.

Her bare shins were covered in a spiderweb of varicose veins from knees to high-top leather boots.

She clutched a small purse in one hand, and a carpet bag in the other.

Something yowled angrily from the bag, and sharp claws poked through the cloth.

Jenny's eyes narrowed.

"And why do I find you here on my doorstep, sister? Bereft of power and one step ahead of an angry Paladin? Did I not warn you of bringing such to my door again""That you did, that you did.

I admit to having that warning on my mind.

But then I thought to myself, I said "Why Granny Gorpunkle, you do your gentle sister Jenny a disservice.

She's a white witch now, pure as the driven snow, and sure she will be having forgiven you for a few past faults."

And after I thought that to myself, I realized I missed my little sister and decided to visit.

Won't you let me enter, sweet little Jenny? It's cold out here on your doorstep and I hear the hooves of a Paladin's steed coming down the road.

It wouldn't look good if your sister was stomped to death by an angry pony on your doorstep, would it?" "No, no it wouldn't." Jenny had to admit that part.

"Very well sister.

I will let you visit my home for no less than seven days, and no more than seven times seven days.

But you will abide by my rules: Stay away from the Butcher, Harm no child, and cause no shit to fall upon my house."Granny bowed three times in agreement, then pushed her way past her little sister.

"Oh, you baked cookies just for me? You are so thoughtful at times Jenny.

A much better person than old Granny."
