From all over the area mud erupted as small bits of rust colored ore came from the ground and landed near the thing. Along with the ore was a vast cloud of the lichen that carried the Rustblight. Any bit of the taint that was in the glade flew to the base of the 'neck' and started to combine. The grass and moss nearby were beginning to turn red as a carpet of Rustblight infected plants spread outward.Cham pulled out his twin adze. "Who knew that the honorary title of Protector of the Glade would get us into trouble so soon?"The two lumberjacks charged the strange monstrosity. Cham attacked the stalk leaving large dents in the metal, and causing the head to swing back and forth. Jon tried for a shot at the eye, but missed, hitting the sphere instead and leaving a long crease. Their next attacks did no damage at all, the iron weapon heads rusted to dust, leaving them holding the handles which only counted as default weapons. After slamming the wooden handles of the ruined weapons into the creature Cham backed off and ran to get his Stone Bladed Axe from his backpack. He warned the people running up about the problem with rusty weapons.

The head spun to look in Jon's direction and the eye began to glow. Having seen his fair share of low-budget monster movies, Jon immediately dived out of the way. A sickening red ray flashed out from the eye, missing Jon by a foot. Where it hit the ground, the vegetation died in a ten-foot circle and strange, red plants began to grow. From the growths on the head of the creature grew larger stalks that produced huge flowering growth resembling a ring of a lilies, pointing in all directions. The stalks beneath the flower heads began to swell ominously, expanding and contracting but each expansion was larger than the last.Suzette and Libby moved into spell range to hit m'fargle with force blasts and glowing arrows. Suzette unleashed a Solar Arrow from her staff as she ran up, doing over 200 in damage. Seeing the red growths catch fire, she followed up with Frost Blaze as she got closer. The blue flames roared down doing fire damage, burning off the crimson growths on the head and burning the surrounding grass down to bare earth. Libby unleashed two beams of pure force and prepared to shield herself and Suzette if the head turned their way.

Ahh ah m'fargle's mgepnah gof'nn mgehye'bthnk against h' gifts? ymg' ah nafl impressed llll ya ye'bthnk? Y' ymg' ephaigoka gift ot mgr'luh M'Fargle ph'volve h' ep stage. Rejoice!

M'Fargle mgep evolved l' m'fargle! level 15 epic boss!
