While it might seem exciting to be part of a heroic last stand, there is also something to be said for running as fast as you can from the enemy when they have the advantage. You preserve your troops, and can use them better in the next battle.

It also really cuts down on bee stings and squirrel bites.The workers had decided to move back to a spot just outside the town. People from the town were rushing out of the barracks. From one of the towers a bell was ringing. Suzette was running beside Ozzy as he lumbered along. His long legs and muscles meant nothing when compared to someone with sunlight in her steps and an agility of 15. As they got to the town, she gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Rally these guys, see what we have. I'm off to go gather some more firepower." Ozzy just nodded, watching her disappear as she sprinted for the tavern.

The angry forest was pursuing, but at a much slower pace. The squirrels wanted to move faster. Too many of them were in a fury in anticipation of the battle, foam dripping from their tiny, sharp teeth. They were barely restrained by the treants and threats of a winter with no acorns. The treants insisted that the squirrels stay and guard them from the sneaky axe wielders. With squirrels keeping the humans at bay, the treants plan was to split into three groups to attack and surround the village. Each group was advancing with half a dozen huge oaks in the front. Ozzy saw the advancing forest split into three groups. They had a better chance attacking one group at a time, but that meant losing part of the town. But splitting up into three groups was going to force each group to be very outnumbered. Workers could kill squirrels, and some could chop trees, but all of it together was too much. No good plan came to mind, he'd just have to wing it and hope someone came up with a good idea.

Catching his breath, he leaped up on a wagon and clapped his hands loudly. Heads turned in his direction, none with any fear, just wondering what was on the menu for today. Sedgewick workers didn't spook easily at this point. "Folks, we seem to have pissed off a forest by chopping down a couple hundred oaks. And before someone starts singing 'Circle of Life' I'll point out these guys have an army of rabid, psychotic squirrels and they are waging a war of extinction against another forest. They aren't the good guys."Jon raised his axe. "Darn right. The Ironwoods just want to live peacefully. Years from now, you'll be proud to look back and say, 'I was there! I fought in the great war alongside the Legendary Lumberjacks.' You really don't want to miss this fight."Ben rode up on his horse, and as he reigned Mudhead in, the horse reared and flashed his hooves. "Miss a good fight? Never. These are the days when a village shows its courage. When we stand shoulder to shoulder and tell the evil marching upon us that they will not win! " He circled around the group striking a dashing pose and doffing his hat. All eyes were on Ben...for about thirty seconds.

Then the crowd turned and pointed to the sky. A giant butterfly with rainbow-colored wings was swooping down out of the sky, carrying Rolly by the collar of his shirt. As they got lower the butterfly pulled up suddenly, and flipped its cargo into the air. The shepherd flipped twice in the air before landing in a three-point stance. Ben stared as Rolly stuck the landing, and sighed. He'd been upstaged before, but not by a bug and a shepherd who could perform a super-hero landing. Rolly walked over and produced an apple for Mudhead. "Hey, nice sparkly feather, looks cool.""Thanks Rolly, I'm glad you noticed. It took me three days to get that trick figured out, and then I get shown up by a damn butterfly and his sidekick.""Her sidekick, Ben."Ben looked over at Squirmie, who was spinning in the air and doing tricks. "Squirmie’s a girl? I won't ask how you figured that out. Is she bigger? She looks bigger, and slimmer? More agile?"Rolly smiled proudly. "We decided to do a little upgrade. A new friend of mine helped out. But that's a story for later. Did I hear that you scheduled a fight to welcome us back? That's really nice of you Ben. Squirmie will appreciate it."Ben pointed to the forest that was moving closer. "Enough for everyone. Feel free to go kill trees or squirrels to your hearts content, but watch out for the one throwing beehives."Rolly scanned the trees, searching. "Honey? They brought honey? Best fight ever! Thanks Ben!" Rolly scanned the approaching army, his eyes turning silvery. "Oooh, I see him. I call dibs! Squirmie!! Come on girl, we have to liberate the honey from an evil tree.” The two ran off towards the left flank, where Honeypot was advancing.

<Fine. But don't you dare tell me to disguise myself as a balloon. That was a stupid story.>

Suzette got to the tavern, paused, considered her hair, and thought about what she had to say. Hopefully there were some players inside.As luck would have it, the Thunderpunks had just started to celebrate their first semi-successful raid. They had made it down to the second floor, and killed four of the bosses there, only losing half the raid. The survivors had come to drink a toast to the guild, joined by the players who were gearing up for the next raid. With nearly fifty members, they were running two raids a day, gaining experience and improving their gear. They had just finished the first round of beer when Suzette came into the tavern with an anguished look on her face. "Zephyr! I need you to find your parents right away, and then flee the town. A horde of angry trees is coming to destroy the village. We don't know how to stop them!! Zephyr took off her apron and grabbed her staff. "Trees? Oh, I know how to stop them! Trees burn! I'll go get Dad and we'll just..."Suzette ran to the girl and hugged her, smothering Zephyr's face with her shoulder. "Yes! The Trees Burn with Anger!! Get your father and flee. We will have to call in the Legion, for nothing can save us!"Val stood up, wild eyed, all fatigue forgotten. "We'll save you!! Come on guys! Sounds like a special event.""Yes, that must be it!" Zephyr yelled. "One of those terrible events where the monsters are evil and the rewards for stopping them are generous".


Suzette ran to Val. "Can your brave guild of heroes save us from this totally unexpected event? I would be so grateful!" Val was astonished when her new elf friend gave her a hug, so overjoyed at being rescued.StrongArm was more pragmatic. "Does that mean free beer for heroes?" He was running low on coins again, and the beer in this town was rather good.Suzette wiped her eyes and nodded her head yes. "Why, of course it does. Free beer all tonight and half off tomorrow."That was enough for him. "Time to go fight! Thunderpunks! Thunderpunks! Thunderpunks HO!!"Suzette watched the players rush out of the tavern and start running to the edge of town. Zephyr came over to her. "Dad's on the way, probably Mom as well, but you won't see her. I learned how to use a message gem last week and they make me pack one around now. Something about taverns and strange witches.""Someday though, I want you to teach me how to manipulate people like that. Usually, it takes a quest to get players moving so fast."

The Doom of the Trees approaches Sedgewick!!

Somehow the people of the town have angered the psychotic oaks and their squirrel lackeys. Now nature is on the move and plans to teach the pesky humans of Sedgewick a lesson! Will brave heroes answer the call? Or will they lose the only place to get a beer for miles?

There's experience, loot, and magical nuts for everyone in this totally unexpected event.

And free beer all of tonight for the victors. And half off tomorrow!

Plus, don't forget that Bunny girls drink free on Fridays!

