So much gold!

The bag that McTeeth found sitting in the fourth-floor room of the tavern turned out to have a treasure trove inside.

He'd never imagined anyone in this little town could have so much!

Obviously, they stole it from someone.

No one in this town deserved to have so much money.

He'd better take it and try to find the rightful owner.

It was the right thing to do!He kept grabbing handful after handful, expecting the bottom of the bag to be filled with copper or silver, but it was all gold! And now it was all his! He'd never had a scheme pay off so quickly before.


The guild had been helpful with his plans, and time and time again led to bags of coins dropping into his hands.

But those bags held mostly copper and only a few bright, shiny silver coins.

Annoyingly, some of that coin also went to Rufus.

But the crafter had run off to play blacksmith and was nowhere around.

For once he didn't have to share his earnings with the dirty black mailer.

McTeeth had talked loudly about helping some of the others set up tents, then snuck back for a little 'sneak and grab'.


Now he just needed to sneak out and be seen at the camp doing work.

Perfect alibi.He'd pushed hard for the move to Sedgewick.

There was one dungeon known to be near the town and more would surely be found in the nearby ruins.

Despite the rarity of dungeons, not many of the guilds had thought to head north.

They were all sure that dungeons would become common in the more populated parts of the world.

No one wanted to move away from the big cities.


Hunting areas were everywhere, but quests were concentrated in towns; and the best quests, especially for gaining special classes, were given out in the capital and the four large cities ruled by the dukes.

Sedgewick was a couple weeks travel from anywhere.McTeeth had pitched the idea of their small guild dominating a tiny area of the world with a low-level dungeon and building a real guild house in the far north.

He personally wanted the guild to head into dungeons because the more coins and magical items they had, the more he could eventually put into his deep pockets.

In a big city, his friends would spend their money and sell off the items too easily.

Here? No one to buy them and not much to spend money on.

And yet somehow, beyond all expectations, someone in the tavern had so much money that they left bags of gold just lying around! He was so glad he'd decided to do some snooping.

The door to this room had some sort of magical protection, but whoever was last in the room hadn't triggered the spell.

He'd been able to walk right in after picking the simple lock.The gold went into his Rascal's Pouch of Treasure Troves.

It was one of his favorite items.

It looked like a non-descript coin pouch of the smallest size, but it could hold up to 10,000 coins, and a dozen items that weighed less than a pound.

Perfect for small thieving.

Its only drawback was it took some time to put this many coins in the bag.

But his high DEX of 10 and his Nimble Fingers skill helped.

After he finished stowing the gold, he opened a window a crack and arranged the curtains to hide that it was unlocked.

He'd be coming back again, most likely by the roof.

For now, he was going to just head downstairs using stealth and his Cloak of The Disregarded to leave the building.

He was halfway down from the third floor when he bumped into two women running up.

They stopped and glared at him.

He was quick to point back upstairs and say "I didn't find the privy on the next floor.

Is it downstairs? You know, don't bother, I'll find it."Neither woman moved.

Which was bad.

The shorter one was staring daggers at him, and her fingers were twitching.

The other one held a stuffed raven in front of her.

The damned bird let out a squawk and glared at him from glass eyes.

"THIEF!! MCTEETH HAS THE GOLD AND IS RUNNING DOWN THE STAIRS."McTeeth reversed course and ran back up the stairs.

His new plan involved a window, and getting out of town.

A thousand gold solved all problems, but only if he got away.

Which wasn't going to be difficult, really.

He already had an open window.

He raced back up the stairs.

On instinct he dodged to the left, and part of the doorframe on the landing lit up and exploded.

A painful splinter hit him in an arm and his cheek.

But that was better than getting hit by that spell.

From below one of the women was yelling about an axe, and cursing at him.

Belatedly, he figured out she was actually cursing him! His stomach knotted and he threw up his lunch.

You have been cursed with Titania's Terrible Tremors!

For one month, or until this curse is removed, you will suffer from one of these effects each day.

Each affliction lasts 1-3 days:-Food Poisoning-Muscle Tremors-Hay fever-Gout-Large and numerous boils.-Warts, lots and lots of warts.
