Runt was sitting in a mostly empty room on the third floor of the butcher shop. His room. Just this one thing meant a lot to him. It wasn't a handy hiding spot, or a cramped little area he could sleep without someone kicking him. He didn't have to hide the entrance.

His room! Ozzy had offered him either the second or third floors of the shop. Runt had wanted the highest one. It let him look out over the town. Ozzy left to find him a bed and some other things that the Butcher thought he needed. Runt would have been happy with just an old blanket and the clean floor. As soon as Ozzy had left, he opened the windows and found the best escape route to the roof. The slate shingles were moss covered and slippery, but it was easy for him to navigate. Many parts of the dungeon were slippery stone floors, tilted at odd angles. Exploring the roof, he saw he could leap to three other buildings and saw several ways to the ground. He'd find some rope and make sure he had a hasty retreat from a couple of them to the ground. Runt never slept in a spot with only one way in or out. That just lead to a beating, and loss of your blanket or pants. He heard Ozzy clumping back up the stairs and slipped back inside. The Butcher had a small bed frame in his hands and a bag over his shoulder. "Here you go Runt. The barracks had an extra bed and I brought some other stuff for you."Runt understood all this stuff wasn’t free. He’d just have to work extra hard to earn it. He didn’t mind. What was ‘hard work’ here was nothing compared to living in a dungeon.After setting down the bed, the Butcher put down the heavy bag, opened it up and proceeded to remove item after item. Several blankets, a pillow, a mattress, two smallish tables and four stools, three chests, and a bag of salted peanuts. Runt watched unbelieving as item after item came out of the bag. He got close and tried to identify it.

Hefty Bag of Large Capacity (Legendary)

This sturdy travel bag made from the hide of a Rampaging Ur-Naga is nearly indestructible. Like other items of Capacity it may hold more items than the outside dimensions suggest. The bag itself will always appear to be four foot tall and a couple of feet in diameter. It's mouth however, can accept items up to four-foot by four- foot, and any length. The drawback of the bag is its weight. Empty, the bag weighs 250 pounds and grows heavier as each item is added. It saves space, but not weight. Only the owner of the bag may take items out, or place them inside.
