"So, what are you spending your points on?" Suzette was looking at options, but for once was holding off, and strangely hesitant to spend her points.

More and more it was sinking in that this wasn't a game anymore, nor just a job she could drop and walk away from.

She was 'Suzette, the Lonely Barmaid' - maybe for a long time.

She was curious what Ozzy was going to do with his big chunk of points.

All of the talk about strategies, coupled with a bottle wine, made the job of picking skills seem less urgent."Not quite sure, but I think I need to buy smoke magic before I do anything else.

It's expensive at 25 points, but now would be the time to get it.

Skills like that, especially magical ones, are always going to be hard for us to get.


And I have to admit, even with just the little bit I have, it makes a big difference.

Not so much the curse, that's just a combat ability.

Cleanse I use all the time.

The ability to clean up after a hard day’s work is a real keeper.

I can't imagine what real spells would be like." Suzette agreed, "You should absolutely do that.

When are you ever going to have this many points to spend? Grab your magic.


It's part of your main skills.

Just do it."Ozzy smiled down at her, "You aren't jealous that Ben and I got some real magic skills? You do great with your cantrips, but I know you want to do more than that.""No.

Not jealous at all.""Maybe if I didn't have any magic, but I’ve got some fun things.

It may take some work to get the most out of them, but I enjoy that.

The cantrips are a mixed lot.

You never know what you are going to get, but they all have uses.


And my Solar Arrow is really juiced up now."Ozzy concentrated for a bit, "Ok, done.

25 CSP tossed to Smoke of a Distant Fire.

I wonder what happens next? Joe said something about visiting someone called 'Old Smoke'.""Ha! With your luck it will be an alcoholic dragon addicted to fine cigars.

How much does that leave you?"Ozzy shook his head sadly, "I barely have 35 CSP after that big expenditure.

Just not sure what to do with so little."Suzette had a sudden urge to test her new hair sticks out by poking her boyfriend with them, but held off.

With her luck he'd survive and gain points from it.

"So unfair.

Next time I get to kill the huge nasty critter and you cower in a hole.""I'm OK with that.

I get the feeling it's going to be a long walk home next time I die.

No express trip."He brought up some old messages and shared them with her, "But, looking at some of the things we were notified about when we hit tier 2, I'm worried about skills I didn't pick up before then.

It looks like the cost might keep going up as we hit a higher tier.

That would make buying little piddly abilities from tier one cost a lot in later tiers.

The ability to see magical things I'm not too worried about; the first level will do.

You have that covered.

But seeing in the dark I need; dungeons are too dim.

"And the mitigation skill is something I really need to keep up with.

We can't wear armor and if I'm going to be the group’s tank, I should focus on those skills now, so I can take them into Tier 2, and not have to play more catch up.

That leaves 5 points."Suzette was looking over the skills list herself, mostly looking for things that would help Ozzy with his agility or perception, "Did you take the jumping ability yet? I agree with Rolly.

That one will be useful.

And did you put aside points for Tier 2 prodigy?"Ozzy scanned his sheet, "Oh, dammit.

I actually spent points on Tier 1 prodigy, and never picked a skill.

Leroy started a fight as I was doing skills and things never slowed down after that."Suzette shook her head, "You're getting old and senile already? Damn, I was hoping to keep you around a few decades.

Then again, all those lean muscles don't really need a mind to go with them.

I'll keep you after all.""Keep it up and I'll take tickling.

At least that would be a DEX skill." "Did you ever consider a cooking skill? You smoke all that meat, but what about grilling? That might be separate from cooking skills and you could take it," Suzette wanted the subject changed quickly, she hated being tickled.Ozzy thought a bit and tried to select it for his open prodigy slot.

"Wow! it worked, you’re a genius."

You have gained the Tertiary DEX skill: GrillingThis is one of the oldest of cooking skills.
