It was another day before we finally went to the diner we had been hearing about since we arrived. If you heard someone talking about the diner, it was usually because they were talking about where Arthur had run off to. He spent a lot of time there.

It wasn’t a long walk to get there by Carousel standards. It was on the western edge of town. If you traveled any further, you might start running into the minefield of Omens that plagued downtown.

We went there late in the evening. The veterans had spent all day researching Secret Lore. Better them than me. I just had to watch. They had become obsessed.

Roxie, the Bowlers, Lara, and Sam had gone with us. Sam was an Adventurer Archetype who, amusingly enough, went out jogging every morning, a rare hobby in Carousel. That was most of what I knew about him.

Before we went into the diner, we first stopped off at the missing persons' board. It was attached to the wall of a brick building. I don’t know what it looked like normally, but multiple boards had been added until it covered much of the wall.

The boards were full.

Poster upon poster had been pinned to them. They were posted in chronological order from left to right. I could tell because the old posters were yellowed and faded, while the posters on the far right still had much of their original coloring.


Roxie pointed to one of the posters. It showed a middle-aged man wearing a smoking jacket. His dark hair was slicked back and he had a finely-groomed curly mustache.


Name: Ethan Jacobs (AKA Winston Ashwood)

Plot Armor: 42

Place Last Seen: Munger's Salvage, October 2016.

Occupation: Psychic (Seer Aspect)


Reward: 600 Dollars
