Given the circumstances, Bai Zemin did not linger too long over the records he had just absorbed. For starters, he was not in a comfortable and safe place so he did not have the time to stop and surf through his soul records to understand what he had just gained and what he didn't.

Not to mention the fact that Lilith's absence still weighed like a ten thousand-ton mountain on his heart.

The only thing that made Bai Zemin satisfied and happy was the fact that his cracked soul had recovered considerably after he evolved to the Third Order. He estimated that the time needed to get back to his best had been shortened from 30 days to 15 days at most.

This time, Bai Zemin's physical body did not explode the way it did when he evolved to Second Order. While the records within his soul were so strong that it was incomparable to the past, his physical body which had been destroyed twice in the past few months had reformed in such a way that it was many times more durable than ever before.

About a minute later, Shangguan Bing Xue slowly released her grip on Bai Zemin. She took half a step back and stared into his eyes with an extremely gentle gaze, "I was really scared... I thought I really wouldn't see you again. I was even making my preparations to die today."

Thanks to the fire element tunic he took from Thannath after killing him, Bai Zemin could make a small sphere around him and push the water away to a certain extent. Although he did not wear the water mask, Shangguan Bing Xue did and so he could not see what kind of expression she was making.

Even so, he could see her blue eyes as clear as the sky even in the middle of the darkness. He subconsciously reached out his hand and caress her soaked hair at the same time as he shook his head, "Don't say that."


Shangguan Bing Xue shook her head and stepped back without saying more. Bai Zemin did not understand how heavy the feelings she had for him were, and each class advancement in the company of their many experiences together boosted those sentimental records even higher.

To say that Bai Zemin was more important than herself was not an exaggeration at all, as that was exactly how Shangguan Bing Xue felt. Her love was absolutely not inferior to what Wu Yijun and Lilith felt for him, and from a certain point of view, it could even be on its way to being even stronger given the developmental path she chose for herself.

Suddenly, Bai Zemin's expression moved as he sensed two extremely familiar auras approaching close in.

His black eyes shone brightly and without hesitation rushed towards the distant horizon at full speed to meet those two rapidly approaching auras.

Although Shangguan Bing Xue did not notice anything, she did not hesitate to follow him immediately.

Feng Tian Wu also wanted to follow them but her physical body was too weak so she could only stay in the ice sphere. Besides, she also needed to stay to support Shui Meiying in case the old King of the Coral Kingdom tried to attack her.


After swimming faster than a torpedo for almost 50 kilometers, Bai Zemin stopped and looked around, "It should be over here..."

Just when he was feeling perplexed and confused, a black crevice almost 3 meters high opened up just 10 meters away from where he stopped.


When Lilith accompanied by Fire Sorrow stepped out of the spatial crevice, they were both surprised to find Bai Zemin standing not far away. It was clear that he was waiting for them almost as if he already knew where they were going to appear next.

Despite their confusion, Lilith and Fire Sorrow didn't think too much about it as they both knew that they didn't have time to stop on that sort of matter. Besides, from both of their point of view no matter how irregular Bai Zemin was it wasn't possible for him to sense them while they were tens of thousands of kilometers away; even they couldn't do it after all.

One should know that after teleporting to this universe following their escape from the berserk giant, Lilith and Fire Sorrow appeared in a completely different solar system so they had to open several spatial crevices to move through the void and get here. Therefore, the thought of Bai Zemin detecting them from the moment they entered Earth's Solar System was something that never crossed their minds.


"You're alive!" Fire Sorrow's eyes lit up and for an instant she forgot all her worries as she gazed at Bai Zemin with affection. She had really grown fond of him to the point where she would like to be his friend regardless of whether he was the reincarnation of the man she always loved.

Bai Zemin was about to nod but suddenly his expression changed and his pupils contracted.Swoosh!

His body practically teleported and in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Lilith. Seeing the miserable condition she was in, a dense murderous intent was released from his body and the figure of a blood-colored wolf holding a bloody spear emerged behind him.

Putting aside the visible wounds and burns on Lilith's body, Bai Zemin noticed that not only were her eyes blinded but for some reason he could even feel her vitality now comparable to that of a peak Fourth Order soul evolver at best.

Lilith was a peak Sixth Order demon but her overall vitality had fallen to this point!

"You little rascal, you really know how to make me worry for you." Lilith sighed with a lovely smile on her pale face.

She really was worried to death for his safety.

She didn't even hesitate or flinch to directly expose her biggest secrets all for the sake of killing those who put his life in danger, and she didn't even think twice when she put her life on the line all for the sake of going after him as quickly as possible. Each and every one of her actions was for his sake, even though each and every one of them would hurt her directly or indirectly in both the short and long term.

This was something simply unthinkable to her old self, and Lilith couldn't help but smile to herself as she remembered how she used to be in the past.

All her actions were worthy of respect and admiration. How many women in the world would be willing to do even 10% of what Lilith did for Bai Zemin? Having a woman like this to follow you on your path was probably the greatest wish of most men and the greatest fortune of a very few chosen ones.

Even Shangguan Bing Xue who didn't get along very well with Lilith couldn't help but feel some admiration when she glanced at her. She thought that only a woman like that could be worthy of a man as generous as him; a man capable of giving his last drop of blood for the sake of those he loved.

Bai Zemin said nothing. But saying nothing did not mean that he did not realize what was going on even if he had no way of knowing everything.

'This debt I, Bai Zemin, will repay you with interest when the time is right!'Bai Zemin cursed Medes, Uriel, and all the angels in his rage-filled heart.

A new notification flashed in his eyes, but he ignored it.

Under Fire Sorrow's shocked eyes and Lilith's dumbfounded expression, Bai Zemin slammed outward and immediately a bubble of nothingness arose as all the water was pushed out. The most surprising thing was that the water could not approach again as a group of invisible walls kept everything 20 meters away from them.

Fire Sorrow's pupils contracted and subconsciously exclaimed, "This Strength. You... You evolved!"

Only now did she and Lilith have the opportunity to perceive the aura surrounding Bai Zemin; the aura of a peak Third Order soul evolver!

Moreover, what he just did.... That seemingly simple and casual feat actually required over 15,000 Strength points considering they were thousands of meters under the sea with millions of tons of weight on their bodies!

,000 Strength points without even using Overlap Regeneration? Fire Sorrow gasped in a breath of cold air as she stared at Bai Zemin in shock.

,000 Strength points was equivalent to the physical strength that a level 400 golden five-clawed dragon could reach after maturity... But the problem herewas that Bai Zemin was a human being; a level 200 human being!

"Zemin, you..." However, her shock soon turned to joy and pride.She didn't care if Bai Zemin was an anomaly, an irregular, or an ordinary human being. She just wanted him to be able to have a full and good life, but the higher his achievements the happier she would feel for the one she loved.

Lilith was also shocked. Besides, Lilith finally knew that Bai Zemin's identity was extremely high and illustrious after her discussion with the Flame of Burning Wrath. So much so that probably no one in the entire universe was more important than him; just as a thousand commoners simply could not compare to a royal.

"Don't talk anymore." Bai Zemin shook his head and said in a soft voice. "Let me help you first, okay?"

"Help me?" Lilith suddenly stopped as she saw the skin on Bai Zemin's outstretched palm split open. A blast of 70% red and 30% golden blood floated out, and under his expert control it gathered in one place.






Under Shangguan Bing Xue's and the other two's shocked eyes, ten liters of blood soon flowed out of Bai Zemin's body and pooled into a floating sphere at a distance of one step.

Considering that a grown man had 4 to 6 liters of blood at most, Bai Zemin's action was the same as killing two people on average. However, except for his pale face, there was no discomfort visible on his face.

"Compress and condense." Bai Zemin stated in a serious voice as he clenched his open palm into a tight fist.

The sphere of blood quickly began to become smaller and a kind of crimson mist spread from the inside out, surrounding it and blocking the view of others.

Five minutes later, Bai Zemin's face was as white as paper and large beads of sweat slid down from his forehead. If not for the fact that he seemed to be at a crucial point of something important, Lilith and Shangguan Bing Xue would have already rushed to stop him.

About two minutes later, Bai Zemin sighed and a small smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Fortunately I made it through."

The crimson mist quickly began to fade, and what showed up before the three women's eyes was a liquid ball no more than a centimeter in diameter. Most striking about the ball, however, was its color.


Completely golden and even shiny like gold itself!

"Did your Blood Manipulation skill evolve into the Sixth Order?!" Fire Sorrow gasped looking at Bai Zemin in shock.

Sixth Order? Bai Zemin smiled bitterly and shook his head secretly.

Where could there be such a good thing in this life?

Still, a lot of memories that were locked in the seal inside his soul rose up. Therefore, Bai Zemin could now make use of some things that he did not know how before despite having the idea.

Each time more memories unlocked, the more Bai Zemin realized how great was the value of that 10,000-year illusion he lived stuck in.

What's more, this time it wasn't just memories of combat methods and skill control. Bai Zemin finally remembered the first 100 years of his life with the Lilith of that world, and his feelings for the woman in front of him only grew.

Despite feeling some loneliness and sadness inside, he forcefully suppressed it and continued. However, Bai Zemin did not know if he could endure 10,000 whole years knowing that he would never be able to see that person again.
