Chapter 761: The Queen's Potential.

"Mm, you have memory problems. Don't worry, it's normal. After all, you hit your head when you were captured, didn't you?"

"... Hmm, that's true. My bastard father knocked me to the ground in a fit of rage, the petty bitch."

Victor managed not to laugh. "You seem to resent your father a lot." he commented neutrally.

"Resent?" Fanir snorted. "I hate him; his mere existence repulses me. Why doesn't he just die already? His presence just gets in the way."

Talking to Fanir was very interesting for Victor. The reason for this was that this situation seemed similar to that of Nightingale's, but different at the same time.

Here, the children were competent and hated their father because his presence interfered with everything.


In Nightingale, Vlad's children were simply useless.

"Now, about your mother. What's your opinion on her?"

"My mother...? Hmm, she's fine. Aside from her attitude toward my father, she's more useful than he is. In fact, I've always wondered why she wasn't the Alpha above all others, After all, she has all the makings of a good Alpha... Well, I guess she's just not strong enough. My ogre of a father, unfortunately, possesses a lot of power. If there's one good thing about him, it's that he's strong."

"Enough! I will not just stand here and liste-..."

"Sleep." Victor spoke in the Draconian Language.

Suddenly, Volk fell to the ground and lay still, softly snoring.


"Annoying old man, can't you see I'm speeding up your work? Just get some sleep." Victor snorted.

"..." The people around broke out in a cold sweat when they saw how easily Victor dealt with Volk and how he treated their King. Victor was disrespect personified; he really didn't care about anything.


"Demon King, how dare you?!"

"Calm down, he's not dead, just sleeping." Victor rolled his eyes.

"..." Volk's Betas approached their King and realized that he really was just sleeping.


Tasha looked at Volk sleeping on the floor and sighed in relief. For a moment, she thought a war had just started. Soon her features returned to normal, but she didn't even feel like getting emotional anymore. It was obvious that Victor was controlling her son, and it wasn't worth getting angry at an emotionless tool.

Tasha walked toward Victor and stood beside him.

"Where I was..."

"You were asking about his organization"

"Oh." Victor looked at Tasha curiously, but then he looked at Fanir.

"Tell me about your organization, and you can answer your mother's questions as well."

"Of course, I'll tell you everything" Fanir was quite understanding.

"Before that..." Tasha looked around and glared at her Betas. "Isolate the area. I don't want anyone entering the perimeter. Isolate the sound of this area with that and prevent any intruders."

Tasha was secretive enough not to give Victor more information about her Artifacts.

"Yes!" Soon both men and women moved quickly to carry out Tasha's orders.

She looked at Volk's Betas. "And you, just take that man and put him in his room..." She looked at Victor. "He'll wake up soon, right?"

"Thanks to Fenrir's Blessing he'll only he asleep for around 30 minutes" Victor nodded.

Tasha again felt a small inner terror. With just one word, he put Volk to sleep. If he really wanted to destroy this entire county, it would be very easy.

'This is why dealing with Rune Users is tricky,' she thought.

From what she could see, Victor wasn't a Rune Master. He still used them rather rudimentarily compared to the Gods she knew, but even so, the Rune he used carried so much Power...

'Just what language did he use when he spoke?' All Tasha heard were strange, unrecognizable grunts.

"Did you not hear me?" Tasha glared at Volk's Betas.

"Yes!" Volk's Betas approached the King, and soon two men supported him.

When the Betas left with Volk in tow, Victor's voice was heard again: "Hmm, I think I'd better get Maya, Adam, and Anderson."

"... Maya and Adam, I understand, but why Anderson?" Tasha asked.

Victor's lips stretched into a slight smile, "Do not underestimate my friend. He can be as cunning as you, my dear."

Tasha began to question whether she had completely missed the development of her children.

'Was I so caught up in the Kingdom's problems that I don't even know my own children?' She thought.

Tasha shook her head in an attempt to dismiss the familiar dilemmas, opting to resolve them at another time. She looked at the Betas who remained to protect her.

"You heard him. Tell the Matriarch of Clan Lykos, Maya, General Adam, and the Second Prince to come here as well." Tasha gave additional orders.

Tasha's Betas looked at Victor for a few long seconds before answering:

"Yes!" They had no choice but to leave their Alpha here with this man; after all, it was her order.

After Tasha's Betas left, leaving Victor and Tasha effectively alone with Fanir, Victor spoke:

"He's all yours, Tasha"

"... Oh? Aren't you going to interrogate him?"

"That's your job, isn't it?" He gave a small smile. "The right person for the right job, right?"

"If that's the case, you, as the Demon King, should be more than qualified for the job, right?"

"I won't lie and say I don't have the skills for this, but he's your son, right? Not to mention I have complete trust in yon and vour ability to ask the right questions. You've been dealing with these disputes longer than I have. You're exceptional when it comes to politics in the shadows." Victor didn't lie about that. After all, if you put it on paper, Tasha should be over 5000 years old.

After all, Ancient Egypt, where she lived, existed 2600 years before Christ.

'Now that I think about it, how is Adonis only 1700 years old? His Mythology took place in Ancient Greece, which should have occurred 2000 years before Christ...' Victor thought of the mystery of the man called Adonis.

The only conclusion he could come to was that the Myths written in the books were not exactly 100% correct. After all, they were Myths, and people misinterpreted history.

While Victor thought about nonsense, Tasha looked at him with a neutral and, at the same time, intense gaze. Upon hearing Victor's words, she felt a feeling of satisfaction well up in her heart.

'So this is how it feels when you're valued... It's incredible...' An imperceptible smile appeared on her face but soon disappeared, leaving only the image of a Queen willing to commit the greatest atrocities to protect her people.I think you should take a look at

"Fanir, when did you come into contact with this organization?"


Ten minutes of rather mild questions and answers passed. In those ten minutes, Tasha couldn't help but marvel at Victor's ability to subjugate a person's mind.

'If I thad this... How much easier would my job be?' She couldn't help but wish for a similar ability. After all, she wasted a lot of time torturing her enemies. Sometimes getting information out of an individual could take years. It was always easier when the enemy was so submissive.

While Tasha marveled at Victor's abilities, he couldn't help but marvel at her. She was indeed perfect as an ally. All the questions she asked were accurate and addressed all the points Victor wanted to ask Fanir.

Victor did not like the current status quo in Samar. While everyone thought that Volk was the Alpha above all Alphas, the reality was that he shared responsibility with Tasha, who was just as competent, if not more so, at ruling than him.

Werewolves were a Race that rivaled Noble Vampires. They had their own planet, World Tree, and economy. They even had a powerful Guardian who could destroy an entire Pantheon of Gods. They were powerful, and Victor wanted them as allies.

Therefore, he decided to support Tasha. In Victor's eyes, Tasha was more than enough to rule as the Alpha above all Alphas.

And even thenoh the current Tasha was good enough for what Victor was planning, she still wasn't the best she could be... She still hadn't reached her full potential.

The status quo she was used to was limiting her potential.

Like Jeanne in the past, Victor wanted to see this Goddess blossom. He wanted to see what she would become. A woman became even more beautiful when she did something she enjoyed.

A Goddess like Tasha wanted to rule side by side with Volk? Of course not! Like all Goddesses, she was greedy and vain, She wanted more but limited herself because she was weaker than Volk.

While Volk had the support of thousands of Werewolves who gave him strength, in addition to Fenrir's Blessing, Tasha was a Goddess with the Concept of a God and the Blessing of a God of a Higher Level.

What did Tasha need to do to surpass Volk? The answer was simple. She needed to raise her Divinity Level.

Only when a God truly understood the Concept they wielded would they progress in that Concept.

An example of this was Aphrodite, who learned about Love when she made love to Victor. Thanks to that fateful encounter, the Goddess of Love progressed even further.

In the end, they weren't able to find out much from Fanir, as a powerful privacy Spell protected all the most sensitive information, But with what Fanir was able to reveal, they began to piece together the puzzle of the New Dawn organization.

While Tasha was starting to piece together the puzzle from scratch, Victor, who had insider information from absorbing Diablo, pretty much already had the whole scheme in his head.action

It was at that moment that Adam, Maya, and Anderson arrived.

"Hmm?" Tasha was immediately aware of the new visitors. "You guys came. Great"

"Victor... Why are you here?" Adam asked.

"I was nearby and came to see the sudden outburst of Power that occurred. That's when I came across the ego dispute between Volk and Tasha. Fanir spoke some trash to me, so I decided to get involved in the matter, and now he's like this." Victor pointed behind him.

Everyone immediately understood that Victor was somehow controlling Fanir, but they didn't think of the possibility of Vampyric Charm, as the signs weren't like those of ordinary Vampyric Charm. There was something completely different going on.

This was a mistaken deduction, as Victor was using his Vampyric Charm; only his Charm was simply too strong due to Aphrodite's Blessing and other evolutions.

Tasha narrowed her eye: "... It wasn't an ego dispute, Demon King"

"Yes, I know. Volk just can't handle his woman being more competent than he is and instead wants to subdue her rather than treat her as his partner. Because of that, he threw a hissy fit when things didn't go his way"

"Well." Tasha tried to say something but couldn't form the words. She just accepted his words in silence since he wasn't wrong.

'Idiot, don't think praising me that much will get you something from me! I know your game!' She thought, but the imperceptible smile that sprouted from Victor's words still lingered on her face.

"What a little man. Instead of being happy to have such a capable wife, he throws a tantrum. Well, that must be the nature of Werewolves, I guess, right, Maya?"

"Mm, it's not the nature of Werewolves; it's the nature of men in general, Victor. I've had many husbands who were just like him initially, those who didn't accept that I was better than them. Now, they are completely submissive to me." She laughed lightly.

"Pride... What a useless thing it is... At least in certain ways." Victor smiled.

"That I can agree with you" Maya smiled the same way as Victor.

"..." Adam and Anderson watched everything with neutral, suspicious eyes. Even if they tried not to think that that man was trying to seduce every woman he looked at, it was impossible not to think so. After all, Victor's very existence led them to feel that way.

"Anyway, why did you call us here?" Adam asked.

"Tasha, if you please."

"Mm, leave it to me."

"..." Maya narrowed her eyes slightly upon seeing this instantaneous exchange. 'When did they become so close?' She thought, curious.

Tasha was silent for a few seconds and then began to speak:

"New Dawn, an organization comprised of many different Races and communities. It's a group led by a council of seven, each member of the council being the most influential person of their respective Race. My son was number two in that group, representing the Werewolves."

"Although they are numbered from one to seven, that does not mean that number one has more influence than number seven or vice versa. Everyone is equal in the power pyramid; the number merely represents the available seats"

Tasha began to explain everything she had learned to the three present.


Clan Lykos Mansion.

Looking at a group of men and women with white hair, blue eyes, and different skin tones, from chocolate to tan, Leona felt a little out of place in this home. After all, she was the one with the fairest skin color.

'Well, my appearance improved when I awoke as a Werewolf, so now I don't look so much like a Vampire...'

Currently, Leona was visiting her Clan accompanied by a tall, middle-aged-looking man dressed as a butler. From what she had heard, he was Victor's familiar, The Guardian of Roxanne, a gorilla who wasn't exactly a gorilla and had recently transformed into a more Humanoid Form.

Yes, it was hard to understand, but she was satisfied thinking of him as a former gorilla.

"Lady Leona?"

"It's nothing, Big Guy. Let's keep going"


"I don't like those weird looks." Natalia commented with a frown.

"Ignore them." Leona snorted.

[Take care. Even though they are your 'family' they are strangers to you ] Kaguya said.

Of course, Victor would not let Leona come to this place alone, even if it was her Clan's house. Therefore, all the Maids, except Roxanne, were accompanying Leona at that moment.

"They are not my family. My Family is Victor, my sisters, my father, and my brother" Leona refused to call these strangers family, even if they're related by blood. In the end, they meant nothing to her.

However, even if she did not care about them, Leona still cared about her origins. She wanted to learn more about her Clan and ancestors, so she was here.
