eaglesnovɐ1,coΜ In the very spacious bathroom that had various styles of architecture, the group was having fun.

Victor was sitting in the bathtub in water that went to his abdomen and playing with the cell phone he had just received from Aphrodite.

His Wives were scattered around the bathroom, while Mizuki and Haruna were washing in an area very similar to Japanese bathrooms.

"Is it okay to wet your fur, Haruna?" Mizuki asked while looking at Haruna.

"Mhm, I can use my Youki to dry myself off. No problem." Haruna filled a basin with hot water and emptied it over her head.

"... Well, if you say so." Mizuki took the soap and started to wash.

Rose was sitting gracefully on Victor's left side, completely relaxed, and her eyes looked a little sleepy.


Sasha was sitting on Victor's right side with her head resting on his shoulders.

Leona and Natashia were floating around in the water like lifeless bodies.

"Hmm... I haven't relaxed like this in a while... I should do this more often." Natashia commented lazily.

"I agree..." Leona spoke.

Nightingale's technology was able to make several types of drinks that had different 'tastes'.

Although the drink was not as good as Victor's blood, Eleonor was not drinking to satisfy her hunger but just to relax.


Taking the drink she had just prepared, she walked calmly towards the bath where Victor was.

And yes, the bathroom not only had various styles of architecture representing both Western and Eastern cultures, but it also had a bar, pool area, ping pong table, saunas, and even open bathrooms with a view of the moon.

The 'bathroom' could well be called a luxury resort as it was so large...

People say money can't buy happiness, but they just say that because they don't have enough money.


The door was abruptly opened, and a wild Violet and Ruby came in!


"Darling!! Why didn't you tell me you were taking a bath?!"

Victor stopped playing with his cell phone and looked at Violet: "I mean, it was a spontaneous decision. I didn't think much about it."

"You should have told me! If I didn't hear a Maid talking about it, I wouldn't even know!"

"But how am I going to warn you?"

"... Shout! I will hear it!"

"That's a pretty archaic means of communication, but I think it works..." Victor chuckled.

"Ugh, your voice is too loud, Violet! Stop yelling!" Leona screamed.

"..." Victor, Natashia, Eleonor, and Rose just rolled their eyes. Aren't you the one yelling here?

"Shut up, Wolf bitch!" Violet quickly stripped off her clothes, threw them around carelessly, and ran to the tub.

Seeing what Violet was going to do, Leona tried to warn her: "Wait, Violet; you need to wash-!"



Like a cannonball, Violet jumped into the deepest area of the tub, sending water all over the bathroom.

"Ahhh, my drink! Damn it, Violet!" Eleonor grumbled irritably as water spilled into her glass.

"Haah... I swear, most of the time, I can't understand Violet. Sometimes she acts mature, but other times she acts like a child." Ruby sighed.

"Hahahaha, it's okay; that's how Violet is. And being serious all the time is not good for the mind. I had completely forgotten about that, and it was her and Hestia who reminded me to relax more." Victor grinned widely.

"Hestia, huh... Are you after the Goddess already?"

"To be honest, yes, but I will let things develop in their own time."

"Mhm, it's good to be honest, and if it's Hestia, I don't care. She's done a lot for our Family."

"Agreed!" Violet came out of the water abruptly and stood up with a big smile on her face as she crossed her arms, emphasizing her assets.

"If it's Hestia, I don't have a problem! You can run after her and fill her three holes! It's time for the Virgin Goddess to know what pleasure and love are!"

"Violet! Don't be indecent! And you call yourself a noblewoman!?" Ruby scandalized.

"Hmph, fuck nobility, I'm Violet! I am who I am!"

"Well said, Violet! Just go your way, and ignore that shit!" Natashia also got up beside her.

The two women looked at each other briefly and smiled together, then raised their hands and high-fived each other.


"Haaah... I swear she's been getting worse since she hooked up with Leona and Eleonor."

"...Eh?... Huh!?" Leona and Eleonor, who were back at the bar to make a new drink, reacted simultaneously.

"What do you mean by that, Ruby?! I'm not like that! This is Sasha's fault!" Eleonor pointed.

"I agree. Since Violet teamed up with Natashia and Sasha, she's worsened daily." Leona didn't hesitate to throw Sasha under the bus.

Veins bulged on Sasha's head: "Hypocritical bitches! You're all degenerate perverts, but you never accept it! Ruby is a good example of this! She has this stern, cold face, but in bed, she's a masochist!"

Ruby's face turned red like her hair:

"Wha- "She tried to say something, but Sasha didn't finish.

"Ruby is not the only one! The entire Scarlett Clan is full of masochists! And that's quite ironic, knowing that it's the Clan that The Strongest Female Vampire founded! Could it be that this is some genetic trait of Scathach!?"

Ruby closed her fist and shook with embarrassment; then she said: "At least my Clan isn't full of degenerates!"

"Hey! Being a degenerate is good!" Natashia screamed. "What!? Mother, you should be defending us!"

"Why should I defend myself if it's true?" Natashia spoke, confused.

"I-I-I... Ugh..." Not knowing what to say, Sasha blushed in embarrassment and turned away, hiding her face in Victor's chest. She wondered why her mother was like this. She must have fallen out of her crib as a kid or something because there was no way that was her normal personality!

"Indeed, indeed. Being a degenerate is good!" Violet nodded several times and gestured as if she were a shepherd calling out to the innocent.

"Come to the dark side, little lamb. We have Victor!""Hey, don't use me as a bargaining chip; I'm your Husband!" Victor snapped.

"I'm in." Leona declared.


"It's okay, Darling. You'll like it, don't pretend you won't!" Violet pointed.

"Now you look like a loan shark!"

"If she were a moneylender who could sell you, she would be the richest woman in all existence!" Natashia pointed. "Just imagine how many 'lonely' rich women there are in this world. They would give all their wealth just to have you."action

"Although such a scenario will never happen, I would never give my Darling to anyone! On the contrary, I will kill those whores!"

"... What women are you talking about? The Goddesses or the Mortals?" Eleonor asked, confused.

"All those who look at my Husband!"

"That's basically every woman in existence!" Rose snapped.

As they played with each other, Victor looked at Ruby.

"Aren't you going to come in, Honey?"

"Mhm, I will..." She nodded and looked curiously at Victor, who was petting Sasha. Their eyes met, and Ruby smiled gently:



"Will you help me move the castle you gave me?"

Victor blinked twice: "... Are you still caring for it?" He smiled gently.

"Of course, it was your first gift to me."

Victor felt very sweet inside: "Where do you want to take the castle?"

"I was thinking of creating an Ice biome in the monsters' territory that will one day be ours."

Victor felt his lips tremble; he thought he had heard wrong:

"... A Biome?"


"... I mean, an entire Ice biome? Like the Arctic?" He asked again just to see if she was kidding.


"...." Victor didn't know what to answer for a few seconds. Making a biome was very different from just throwing Ice around. He would have to change the entire ecosystem of a place, not to mention that he would have to do it permanently so that the Ice did not melt over time.

'Although will the Ice melt? After all, there was no sun in Nightingale.'

Nightingale's climate was quite conducive to creating these types of Biomes since the typical environment was already very cold.

"It doesn't have to be as big as the Arctic. I just want a mountain or two."

"Are you going to use it to make your lab?"


"Okay, I'll help you, but we'll need the Alioth's help if you want to bring the castle."

"I asked Alexios for help, and he said he would do it."

"In that case, let me know when you're ready, and I'll help terraform the place."

"I will." She nodded and smiled gently, "Thank you, Darling."

A smile that Victor made a point of recording in his memories.

"You're welcome. You know you can just ask me for whatever you need, right?"

"Mhm, I know."


"Aren't you going to bathe, Ruby?" Mizuki asks.

Ruby looked toward the voice and saw Mizuki standing beside her, along with Haruna.

Ruby stared at Haruna's tails and fox ears for a few seconds, her eyes sparkling with interest for a moment, but then she went back to normal:

"I will now," Ruby responded, walking toward the bathroom entrance. In the bathroom entrance, there were several closets where those who were going to bathe could put their dirty clothes.

Victor laughed a little when he saw Ruby's exchange with the two women. Reading his Wives was very easy; Victor understood them all intimately, and because of that, it was easy for him to see that she became very interested in just stroking Haruna's ear and tail.

She just didn't do it out of respect for the woman. After all, to Haruna, the only person who could be so intimate with her was her Husband.

Victor turned his gaze to Leona, Violet, Natashia, Rose, and Eleonor's discussion.

"Although I said that about degeneracy, you should only do this with your Husband, okay? Do not take yourself lightly!" Natashia exclaimed.

"... Excellent advice coming from a degenerate! The world will end tomorrow!" Eleonor screamed.

"Hey, I may be a perverted woman, but I'm only like that with my Husband! And since you're my sisters, I show that side to you too. But to outsiders, I'm just the noble Annasthashia Fulger, the most beautiful woman in Nightingale!"

"Most beautiful woman?" Eleonor snorted: "Where? I'm not seeing it!"

"This bitch..." Veins bulged on Natashia's head, she controlled her anger, and like a bipolar woman, she completely changed the subject by declaring:

"To our Husband, we are perverts, but to strangers, they would only earn our disdain!"

"She has spoken, Sisters! Let's kill those motherfuckers!" Leona and Violet spoke at the same time.

"Ohhh!" Natashia, Violet, and Leona raised their hands while giving a war cry.

"Ugh, they are getting really loud," Mizuki grumbled.

"They even dragged Eleonor and Rose into it." Haruna pointed and then asked:

"Aren't they the most 'serious' women around here?"

"Violet's power of influence is frightening. When she teams up with Natashia and Leona, that power practically triples in potency." Mizuki spoke.

"The First Wife is scary...." Haruna muttered as she slowly sank into the water.

"Hmm, so comfortable. No wonder Sasha is sleeping despite the noise."

"..." Mizuki said nothing and closed her eyes, enjoying the bath.Victor smiled gently when he saw the girls' 'play'. It might look like they were arguing, but that was far from the truth; that was just their way of having fun.

'So peaceful...' Victor felt his mind relax completely at the sight.

And due to his connection with the girls, that feeling rubbed off on them as well, which resulted in them all letting go of the 'tension' and just having fun without thinking too much.

Victor looked at his chest and saw his Wife practically sleeping. She was very mentally tired, and due to the environment, she ended up falling asleep. He picked Sasha up, put her on his lap, adjusted her position, and made it more comfortable for her.

"MHmmm?" Sasha, who was sleepy, just looked up in search of answers.

"Just get some rest."


He smiled a little, kissed her head, and stroked her long, loose hair; then, he picked up his cell phone and clicked on an app.

"Sasha is being sneaky-" Ruby smiled a little.

Victor looked at Ruby and saw her the way she came into the world. When her hair was down, she looked a lot like her mother.

"She's trying really hard. I think my 'sudden' increase in power has caused her discomfort."

"...Not just her, Darling. Everyone felt it." Ruby entered the bathtub and sat in the spot where Rose was previously.

"We understand that for you, it's been 700 years, but for us, it's only been a few months... The change was very abrupt." She explained.

"Mhm, I know, which is why I'm helping you guys get stronger. I comprehended much of the Fulger, Snow, and Scarlett Lineage while training. I plan to teach you all I know."

"Oh? That sounds like group training."

"That is exactly what I was planning." Victor chuckled, "I want to train with all the Mainline Members from Fulger, Snow, and Scarlett."

"Hmm... So the members will be Violet, Agnes, Sasha, Natashia, Victoria, me, my sisters, and my mother, huh...."

"I want to include Kaguya and Eve as well. After all, they also have the Powers derived from the Snow Clan Bloodline."

"I see..." Ruby thought about it and declared, "I think it will be impossible, Victor."

"Haah... I also thought it would be impossible. After all, everyone has their duties to the Clan and various other duties involving the New City and managing our influence on Earth."

Of the aforementioned group, only the Scarlett sisters were mostly free.

"... Having 'raw' power is important, but we shouldn't neglect our influence either."

"Mhm." Victor nodded and said:

"Because of that, I was thinking about the possibility of making a headquarters where we decide all this; it will be easier for us to get together too."

"Where will the headquarters be?"

"I was planning to make another mansion, a little bigger than this one, after training camp." Victor thought for a moment and said.

"In this way, we will separate the mansion of work and the mansion of leisure."

"Having a work environment is important for concentration... I can understand the logic of making another mansion." Ruby nodded.

"Making the mansion will be simple with my Power and Helena's. Only the bureaucratic issue will be a problem."

"Hmm... I think I can arrange a meeting to discuss this with Natashia and Agnes." Ruby thought a little about the next steps and said:

"They will probably accept. Which means we need to make a teleportation matrix but to do that..."

"We have to talk to Alexios again, huh."


Victor sighed, "Haah, our group has already asked the old man for enough help. I can already see Vlad using this to make some kind of deal."

"Are we supposed to ignore Vlad?" Ruby asked.

"No. I am a King, not a coward who cannot repay his favors."

"...I don't think Alexios sees this as a favor, Victor. After all, you are his son-in-law."

"Regardless of whether I'm in a relationship with his daughter or not, Alexios works for Vlad, and Vlad is a King, and as a King, he will take advantage of every opening."

"There is no free lunch in the world, Ruby."

Ruby nodded, completely agreeing with what Victor said:

"You seem to understand how a King works pretty well now."

Victor smiled: "I am a King too... A Tyrant King, but still a King."

Ruby displayed a small smile and spoke in a cold and monotone voice: "Kyaa~, head for the hills. The big bad Demon King of Tyranny will kidnap us and control our lives."

"..." Victor raised his eyebrow at this poor imitation from Ruby.

"Fufufu, you sound like a Demon King out of a Medieval Fantasy Story, Vic."

"Well, in Hell, force speaks loudest; politics there are not like here." Victor shrugged.

"I can imagine."

Ruby approached Victor and gently kissed his lips, then a few seconds later, she said:

"You may be The Demon King of Tyranny, but you are my Demon King of Tyranny."

Victor laughed: "Does that make any sense?"

"Of course it does." She spoke gently, then laid her head on his shoulder.

"I will get some rest."


A few minutes passed, and Victor felt Ruby's weak breathing. She had clearly fallen asleep, despite all the noise the girls were making.

'She must be exhausted.' Of the group, Victor thought that Ruby was the one who used her brain the most, either in research or planning the next steps. But, despite everyone helping her and asking her to relax, Ruby couldn't sit still and do nothing.

Because of this, she was one of the women with the most mental resistance in the group, but even Ruby had to rest her mind. After all, unlike the body, the mind did not regenerate so easily.

Victor looked at his cell phone and thought:

'Let's talk to the Gods.' Despite loving peacetime, Victor would not stand still. Protecting his Family was something very important, and if his plans came to fruition, his Family would become more untouchable than it currently was.

When Victor joined the chat group, he saw the notification. [The Sigma Male came online.]

The next moment, the other Gods in the chat group started to enter.


Edited By: DaVo 2138, IsUnavailable

Occasionally missing content, please report errors in time.
