With the Maids leaving to take care of changing Victor's room for the movie night the group was planning,

Victor and Violet walked towards the training area. Arriving at the training area, they saw a group of women training under Hestia's command.


"Hey, you! You're swinging the sword too strongly!"

"Remember, even if you are superhuman, it means nothing to physically stronger Races like Demons or Werewolves! Use your wits and cunning! Use the surrounding environment!" Hestia disappeared from her position and tripped one of the Amazons.


"Stand up, and repeat!"



"What are you looking at? Back to training!"


Violet, who was sitting on Victor's shoulders, whistled:

"For a Goddess described as gentle, she's pretty brutal."

Victor watched the group of sweaty women. Each had a toned body and well-defined abs and were all striving to get stronger, which caused him to smile inwardly.


On the outside, however, he still wore a poker face.

"Well, she's the big sister for a reason. I heard from Aphrodite that she would act pretty brutal in war.

Hearing familiar voices, Hestia felt a shiver run down her spine and quickly turned her face towards the voices and saw Violet and Victor.


"Yo, I came to visit" Victor displayed a small amused smile when he saw Hestia's distraught state.

"I told you to let me know when you were coming!" She replied as she approached with a slight blush on her cheeks.


"I completely forgot, but I don't regret it; after all, I got to see something quite interesting" He smiled gently.

A smile that caused critical damage all around.

"..." Violet raised an eyebrow when she saw the stunned expression on Hestia's face. She wondered if she were invisible or something; after all, the redhead's eyes went straight to Victor.

Not just the redhead, but all the Amazons present glanced at Victor from time to time. Even if they tried to follow the training regimen, they couldn't. Victor's mere presence broke all their concentration.

Hestia looked up towards Violet, who was using Victor's head as a pillow. She was looking at everyone with a condescending smile as if declaring her superiority.

As women, they could clearly understand what the words implied in that smile said: "He's mine, Bitch."

A message that, for some reason, pissed off everyone except Hestia.

Victor didn't miss this 'invisible' confrontation. Of course, he didn't care too much either; after all, Violet's statement was correct.

"Hmm?" Victor turned his face towards a woman watching him: "Oh..."

With his eyes, he could clearly see what this woman was.'The strong soul of a god, and the purity of a fairy... She must be Viviane.'

Violet looked in the direction Victor was looking and saw a woman floating an inch off the ground.

"Viviane? What are you doing here?"

The Fairy flew toward Violet and Hestia. "I am fulfilling Lady Roxanne's request; I have also come to deliver the Enchanted Weapons."

As one of the Races that loved Nature and pure things, the ability to enchant weapons with those same properties was also possible, although only Viviane could use this ability.

Another skill they had was taking care of Nature. Her very presence ensured that Nature in her surrounding environment was always abundant and healthy.

Thanks to this ability, Viviane, Roxanne, and Demeter worked together; after all, the skills of the three women complemented each other.

"Hmm, what was the order this time?"

"Blessed daggers..."

"Oh, she will probably hand it over as a reward for some high-level quests done by the blood god religion, huh."

Victor, who was being stared at by Viviane, smiled politely and said:

"Lady Viviane, it is a pleasure finally meeting you in person."

"The pleasure is mine, Lord Victor..." She spoke in a respectful tone as she looked at him in awe.

As a Fairy, she could clearly see the tremendous amount of Natural Energy within him.

For Viviane, Victor deserved the same respect that she held for Roxanne; after all, he was the Husband of a World Tree.

As he was Roxanne's Husband, she understood why being close to him gave her the same sensation as when she was around Roxanne. Actually, this sensation was even stronger!

'How is this possible? Does he have more Energy than Roxanne?'

Vivianne was extremely confused.

"And Violet, I am not a God."

"Well, tell that to the thousands of women with a picture of you under their pillows." She huffed, clearly not happy with this outcome.

Despite understanding that it was necessary, she still did not like it!

Luckily, she was the only one with a more extensive Victor photo album than all those bitches.

'Wait, Leona has more than me!' Violet gritted her teeth as she remembered Leona had rare photos of Victor from when he was little and in his teens.

The Werewolf had more photos of him than Victor's mother, who was his Family!

"And you are a God, Victor, don't underestimate yourself so much," Hestia spoke.

"... What do you mean? I haven't developed any Concepts yet. How can I be a God?" Victor asked.

Hestia shook her head in denial and explained with a serious look: "Being a God is much more than just Mastering a Concept, Victor."

Victor looked at her, asking her to explain.

"To be a God is to be the moral support of lost Mortals, to be a God is to help your Faithful who pray for you, to be a God is to ensure that those who pray to you have the possibility of a future."

"It doesn't matter if you have the Concept or not. It doesn't matter if the Gods out there don't recognize you as a God because you don't have a Concept yet.""The only thing that matters is that there are thousands of Beings out there counting on you and putting their Faith in you, your ideals, and your ideologies. "And you, as their 'God', are answering that call and guiding them to a better future."

Hestia smiled gently, "In my opinion, you are already a better God than many of the other Gods out there, Victor."

"..." Victor opened his eyes wide in shock at Hestia's heartfelt words. He could see that she wasn't lying and truly meant her every word.

Hestia looked back at the Amazons, who, when they saw the look of the Goddess, quickly began to return to their training:

"There exist many Beings that are classified as 'Gods' because they were simply born as one or learned a Concept. But in my opinion, I don't consider these Beings to be Gods." The image of various Gods of Olympus and Nordic Pantheons flashed through her head, and she just snorted inwardly at these 'false' Gods.

"A True God is one who accepts the responsibility that comes with the Title. Therefore, I believe you, who helped those hundreds of Beings find a home and achieve peace of mind merely by existing, are considered a True God."

"..." Victor had no idea how long it had been since he had last been utterly speechless. Ever since he'd merged with Adonis, and his personality underwent a change, he'd always had an answer for everything. Be it sarcastic or meaningful, he'd always had something to say, but this time, he just couldn't think of anything.

He had several things to say, mainly on the fact that it was his Wives who decided to start this whole religion. He literally hadn't done anything; he merely stepped in when things were ready and gave a 'boost' to those faithful to him because he would not accept mediocrity.

But all the rest of the work had been done by his Wives. In his mind, he didn't deserve all the 'credit' that Hestia was speaking of.

Hestia looked at Victor and smiled:

"If you were not Victor, if you were not who you are, your Wives wouldn't have gotten together to do what they have done. Just because you did not work 'directly' on this religion does not mean that you are not one of those responsible for its creation."


"Not to mention that you could have rejected Roxanne's request for help, but you did not deny it. Instead, you accepted the request and helped her to the best of your ability."

"How did you know what I-..." He was going to ask how Hestia knew what he was thinking, but Hestia herself answered before he finished the question:

"Fufufufu, your emotions are showing completely on your face right now."

Victor unconsciously touched his face and realized that it was true. The 'poker face' that he had improved so much over time was destroyed by this sudden attack.

Violet, who had been watching in silence, looked at Hestia as if she were a very dangerous woman. Few women could achieve what she just did to Victor; among those women, only she, Leona, Scathach, and Sasha, with her inherent kindness, could easily do it.

'... Well, my Husband has always been weak to sincere compliments. Because of that, Sasha always catches him off guard.' The blonde Fulger had a keen observation about everything that happened around Victor.

Recovering his neutral expression, Victor displayed a sincere smile.

"Thank you for the kind words, Hestia... This means a lot to me."

"Mm." She nodded with a small smile. "It would be best for you to be more expressive with your Family, Victor. That would bring everyone even closer."

"But am I not already?" Victor asked, confused.

Hestia raised her eyebrow and looked up towards Violet, sitting on Victor's shoulders.

The Heiress of the Snow Clan shrugged her shoulders when she understood Hestia's gaze:

"Yes, he still hasn't realized it."

"... What are you talking about?"

"When you came back from Hell, the 'mask' you always used to wear when charming people became a part of you, Darling. You are showing less emotion than you used to."

"It doesn't matter to me; after all, I've known you for a long time, and I'm also connected to you through the Ritual that gives me the ability to feel your feelings, but the girls who don't have that ability are quite... fearful, in the face of this change."

"... I see..." Victor readily accepted Violet's words. She was his Soulmate, his First Wife, the woman who threw him into this crazy world, and if she said that with total certainty, it was because that was how he was... No, he had become like this and knew what made him like this.

"As The King of Hell... I couldn't show weakness. I had to be the Invincible King and Tyrant. Displaying a few emotions was acceptable, but to do so all the time would've been seen as a symbol of weakness... And as I spent most of my time training and not talking to anyone, it just became second nature to me, huh...."

Silence fell between Viviane, Violet, and Hestia.


Edited By: DaVo 2138, IsUnavailable

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