Chapter 710: O god, we need.


"Ugh, I need to improve my speech; I'm not as good as Victor," Roxanne grumbled, already back to her normal appearance.

"I think you did really well, Roxanne." Aline Valefar spoke.

"Nonsense! Victor could do so much better with just a few words!"

"That's because our King is very charismatic."

"I wish to be like that too!"


"This is not something you wish for, Roxanne. You have to be born with it."

"....." Roxanne grumbled about injustices.

"Let's get back to work. Tell me about the progression of our religion on Earth." Aline picked up an orb and put it on the table, bringing up a hologram of planet Earth.

Roxanne sat on the couch and looked at the hologram.

"In areas where there are no influences from the gods, our religion is spreading easily." Roxanne made a gesture with her fingers, and pillars of light indicating countries were shown.

"In these countries, more than 90% of women are under the direct or indirect influence of our religion. Adding that number to other women of other races, we have eyes and ears everywhere on the planet."


Looking at a specific pillar in the hologram, Aline raised her eyebrow: "Oh? Has our influence extended to the Vatican as well?"

"Yeah, some female angels are willing to be our eyes and ears."

"...His Majesty's Charm is frightening."

"He is a very sinful man." Roxanne laughed softly.

Aline nodded. Even in hell, there was no female demon that didn't desire Victor. He was like a rare piece of meat that everyone wanted for themselves.

"Our progress in these countries is stable. With our influence, we can keep an eye on everyone and everything, and Victor's reputation change process is progressing smoothly. In a few years, Victor will no longer be an 'Evil God' or the 'new ultimate evil', but rather be seen as something like a 'god of war'. A being that, despite being questionable, is not completely evil."


Aline nodded in satisfaction and added: "This will be for the people outside our influence, but for beings who have faith in our religion, he will be a kind, caring god who takes care of all those who are on his side."


The two knew that it was impossible to completely clear Victor's reputation, the reason for this being that the demons who caused so much chaos in the world were now Victor's subordinate.

The reputation of the demons of biblical hell was much worse than before, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that the demons of biblical hell are enemies of the world.

And this negative reputation affected Victor as their new leader, the title of 'next ultimate evil' is no exaggeration, given the current situation.

Not only did mortals hate demons, but the gods hated them as well.

And this hatred has spread to the demons of the other hells. It would not be an exaggeration to say that any creature from hell would be eliminated if it appeared on Earth now.

The demons' reputation was tinged with complete infamy.

Because of this, the religion of the Blood God was so important. It is through those hundreds of women that their leader's reputation will change, becoming more 'neutral'.

Victor would still be a god with negative aspects in everyone's eyes, but he would also be a god with positive aspects like martial honor, family, beauty, strength, and home, which were aspects that make up Victor's personality.

That is, he would turn into a controversial 'god' who, like humans, could be good or bad.A Chaotic God.

And that's the goal of this religion. It's better to be a controversial god than to be a god who is the enemy of everyone; after all, the one who is the enemy of the world will not live long, even if that being was Victor.

Religion was a way to save Victor's reputation, and even if these devotees don't give anything to Victor in terms of divinity, after all, the understanding of divine concepts depends a lot on the individual, religion will still give influence in the world.

"There's one thing I don't understand, why should we focus on females in particular?" Roxanne asked curiously. After all, when they did that advertisement in Nightingale, they got male vampires too.

Even in hell, there were male and female demons in your religion.

"It is precisely because they are women that we are focusing on them."

"Oh? Elaborate more."

"Unlike Hell and Nightingale, on Earth, His Majesty's reputation is not good, so the best way to change that quickly is to focus on women.

"... I still did not get it."

"Roxanne, men of any race are simple creatures. They will do anything to please a woman to get into her pants, so if we control the women, we indirectly control the men as well."

"... That is vile ... But I like it."

Aline laughed: "Vile or not, it's efficient, and that's what matters."

"I do not deny those words." Roxanne laughed.

"How is the process of the 'archbishops' of religion going?" Aline asked.

"It's finally complete. I managed to find 7 women of different races who will be the Archbishops. We just need to find a High Priestess now." Roxanne made another gesture, and images of 7 women appeared.

"Oh? A Dark Elf that is rare."

"She was driven from her homeland by her people and was wandering Earth when I found her."

"Your ability to find talent is much like His Majesty."

"Fufufu, that's because I'm united with Victor in soul and body. I learned a lot by watching him."

"...I see ..." Aline said, doing her best not to convey the envy in her voice.

"About the position of high priestess, I want it to be a human, specifically this woman." Roxanne gestured, and a video of a woman appeared.

And this video showed a middle-aged woman aged between 35 to 40 years old; she had a fanatical expression on her face, wearing a crazed smile while several drops of blood were seen on her white uniform.

She was in a type of dungeon that was lit only by torches.

Several men and women were hanging upside down. They had their hands tied, their mouths were covered with ribbons, and the men's and women's expressions were ones of pure terror.

"For the glory of our god, let your tainted and corrupt blood leave your body." She cut the neck of the first woman.

"May your soul be sent to hell and tortured forever for the crimes committed against the innocent." With an even bigger smile, she held the woman's head and started to cut through her neck. She did this for a few seconds, as blood sprayed on her face and her uniform, but she didn't care, and when the woman's head woman was about to separate from the body, she screamed:


Aline looked at Valeria, who was holding the corpse's severed head, with a look of shock:

"She is completely insane."

"Right? Which is why she is perfect. She is a complete devotee."

"This method of cutting off the head, isn't it a technique of demons? How does she know that?""Ara? Didn't you give her the Torture Orb?"

"Huh ...?" Aline looked at Roxanne in disbelief: "Are you saying that she learned to do this by watching the torture of that sinner?"

"Yeah." Roxanne chuckled, "Aline, you underestimate how cruel humans can be; they can be crueler than demons themselves."

"I know how cruel humans can be, Roxanne. I was still alive when Earth's first world war happened, you know?"

"That is just the tip of the abyss of the iceberg Aline. For humans truly without moral egos, an outcome of torture similar to what Lily does can be born." "... Huh? Can humans mimic that abomination that General Lily made?" Aline still shuddered when she remembered that image.

"With the right motives? Yeah."

"...Unbelievable..." It was just hard to believe that a human could do that.

Roxanne sighed, "You seem to have forgotten that demons are the 'bad' part of a human's soul who has failed to repent of their sins."

"For humans who have a complete soul, they are capable of doing atrocities that would leave even demons gaping."

"...." Aline wanted to rebut but realized that Roxanne was correct.

The ability to do good and evil was one of the strengths of humans, there were those who were kind like angels, and those who were worse than demons, and the latter were the ones who always hid behind a mask of a good citizen.

"Valeria Alekerth has become such a person. She is completely broken; she loves her job, she loves punishing sinners, and at the same time, she is not consumed by it. Look."

Aline watched Valerie finish her work as she looked at the mess she's made and nodded in satisfaction.

Two women in clothes similar to Valeria's entered.

"Executioner Valerie."

"Take care of them."

"Usual procedure?"

"NOO. Even in the face of death, they didn't repent. They don't deserve the privilege of cremation; just throw them out for the demon dogs to eat."

"A deserving fate for those who refuse to accept their sins." The woman said in disdain.

Valeria flashed a gentle smile: "Indeed."

Soon she walked towards the exit of the room. The image changed, and she was in the bathroom, taking off her clothes and throwing them in the trash.

"I wonder why Archbishop Roxanne insisted that official members wear white clothes... It's very difficult to get the bloodstain off clothes, and usually, we have to throw them away... That's not economical."

She walked towards the shower humming a song, then turned on the shower head and touched the water.

"Cold..." She waited for the shower water to get hot and then started taking a shower.

"Perhaps there is some strange magic to remove the stains from the uniform?"

Aline watched the whole process in disbelief. Valerie simply relaxed in the bathtub and played with a rubber duck, then after that, she changed into more casual clothes, walked towards the living room, turned on the TV, and started preparing her food.

'...She's acting like nothing happened..."

"Routine is a scary thing. As long as humans believe they are doing something 'right' morally and start doing it every day, it will become a routine, soon they stop caring and treat it like any other job."

"Ever since that day when I recruited Valerie, she has insisted on killing all the trash our acolytes captured."

"She's broken, and at the same time not. She's between sanity and madness, and what holds all that spirit together is the 'faith' she has for Victor. She's perfect for the job."

Aline couldn't deny Roxanne's words because even she thought Valerie was perfect.

"What do we do??" Aline spoke.

"For the next move, we need my husband's presence..." Roxanne began to explain the next steps for their religion's progress on Earth.


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