
"Hmm? You came back, Vic..." Anna, who had just entered the room, spoke.

"I told you I would come back soon." Victor chuckled as he stroked a woman's long dark violet hair.

The woman with her head in Victor's lap opened her eyes and looked at Anna.

When Anna saw the woman's eyes, she unconsciously shuddered and froze like a deer in headlights.

"W- what is this?" Instinctive fear ran through her entire body. It was the same fear a herbivore had before a predator.

Behind those violet eyes with narrow pupils, a terrifying being lurked.


The woman sniffed the air, then turned to Victor: "Your Wife?"

"No, she's my Mother."

"Oh... So that's why she smells like you."


The woman didn't do anything else. She just made herself more comfortable on Victor's thigh and ignored Anna.

Anna fell sitting on the floor and looked at the girl with wary eyes.


Her breathing was labored, and she was sweating profusely.

Victor just watched this with amused eyes. From the beginning, he didn't interfere with what was occurring to his Mother because the woman resting on his thigh had done absolutely nothing.

What Anna had just experienced was a normal reaction when one came across a Being considered the Pinnacle of Existence. Even the Demons and Victor's Generals reacted similarly when meeting the woman.

Before their connection, Zaladrac was already a formidable existence.

Now that they were together, she became even more terrifying to the point where her very presence affected all those who weren't strong enough.

In Hell, only Lilith and he could stand before Zaladrac without feeling anything. Even the Ancient Demons Zahal and Albu shuddered before her.


This was one of the reasons for Victor not interfering either. He wanted everyone to get used to the presence of Zaladrac. Victor predicted that, just like Kaguya, the female Dragon would hardly leave his side.

She was very protective.

Not that Victor was complaining. In fact, he preferred it that way.

"W-Who is she, Vic?"

"Demon Dragon, Zaladrac Zeovnur."

"Zal- Zala - Huh?"

Zaladrac grunted when she heard her name being mispronounced.

Victor laughed in amusement: "I did say your name was a tongue twister."

Zaladrac just snorted and turned her face away, ignoring Victor.

"Wait... A Dragon!?"

Victor raised an eyebrow at Anna, "Didn't you get the battle report?"

"There's a report!? Why didn't I know about this?"

"... Well, I guess that is my fault; I've been too busy with my Wives..."

Victor put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a black bag. He opened the bag and pulled out a small sphere of several colors.

"Scathach, Natashia, Aphrodite, and Kaguya made their memories of the event available to the Witches under our command, and we made a battle report. Here."

Anna got up from the floor and took the sphere.

"As you were taught, just put your Energy inside, and the Orb will do the rest."

Anna nodded and did as Victor said. Soon a screen appeared before her, and she started watching the fight.

At that moment, the door opened, and several women entered.

Leading the group was Scathach, followed by Aphrodite, Jeanne, and Morgana, the four women with beaming happy smiles on their faces.

They were all in casual clothes made for staying at home.

"Darling!" Morgana wasted no time and threw herself on Victor's body while hugging him.

"Why weren't you in bed? I still wanted more!"

"You are so insatiable, my Succubus." Victor chuckled as he stroked her head.

"To answer your question, even if we want to spend several years just indulging in pleasure, that is unhealthy. Not to mention that we have our responsibilities."

"I know, but..."

"Also, how long has it been since you've spoken to your daughters?"

"Oh..." Morgana opened her eyes wide.

"You completely forgot about them, didn't you?" Morgana turned her face away as a healthy color of red spread across her cheeks. It was quite obvious that this question didn't need an answer. Her reaction was enough.

"... Scathach forgot her daughters too."

"If you hadn't noticed by the extra redheads in the room, I had been beside my daughters the entire time." Scathach rolled her eyes as she walked closer to Victor. She leaned in slightly and kissed Victor gently on the mouth.

Victor was mildly surprised by this display of affection. Usually, she would just sit back and stay away, but this was a welcome surprise.

"Don't forget to make it up to my daughters, Vic."

"Of course. Even though it was a decision driven by my frustrations, I will not shirk my responsibility."

"Mm. Good." Scathach nodded in satisfaction and turned her body with a healthy sway in her hips that obviously appealed to Victor.'This woman will be my undoing one day.' Victor chuckled internally.

Soon she sat on the couch and stretched her body. She still felt very sleepy.

"Also, don't forget about Mizuki, Leona, Rose, Eleonor, Haruna, and Natalia. They pretty much got thrown into that situation too." Jeanne spoke while picking up some documents. She approached Victor, gently kissed his lips, and then went to look at the documents.

"Of course, I haven't forgotten about you either, and Morgana."

A small, gentle smile appeared on Jeanne's face, and a low, melodious laugh escaped her throat, "You don't have to worry about it, Vic."

"Unfortunately, this is something you don't have a say in."

"Oh? why not?"

"Because I decided I was going to spoil you all."

"... Just don't spoil us too much." Despite her disapproving voice, she couldn't hide her delighted smile.

"That is something I cannot promise."

Aphrodite approached Victor. She pulled Morgana away and hugged his vacant now right side.

"Now that I'm more free, I want to spoil everyone and treat it like my vacation."

"That's good. Ever since you entered the Supernatural World, you've done nothing but work."

A loving smile spread across Aphrodite's perfect face, and Victor smiled gently when he saw the heart in her eyes; her Love Divinity was greater than ever.

He kissed her cheek. "Are you satisfied, my Goddess?"

"Mm... I'm satisfied... For now."

"So insatiable, My Goddess of Love." Victor laughed.

"Humpf, you really have to spoil Roxanne. If it weren't for her, even you would die dealing with so many women with such staggering stamina."

'You have no idea how much I spoil that woman," Victor chuckled internally.

"If I, Morgana, Scathach, and especially Jeanne can't wring you dry, probably no one can."

"Well, we can always test that theory, can't we?"

Aphrodite smiled lovingly and passionately kissed Victor.

Even absorbed in watching the battle that was going on, Anna still had her ears on the girls' conversation with Victor, and this particular subject caught her attention.

"What do you mean by 'especially Jeanne?', Aphrodite?"

Aphrodite stopped kissing Victor and looked at her longtime friend.

Then, seeing her appearance that was much better and more confident than in the past, she smiled:

"Let's just say that maybe in the future, I will lose the 'Most Passionate Goddess' Title to Jeanne."

"..." Anna opened her eyes in shock and looked at Jeanne, who was hiding her face in the papers.

"She may seem like an unsullied Saint, but in the bedroom, she easily bests Aphrodite, Morgana, Violet, and Natashia in debauchery."

"Morgana!" Jeanne screamed in embarrassment.

"What? I'm just spitting out facts."

"...They do say it's the quiet ones you have to look out for... And I saw theory prove itself three times over in that room."

"One with Jeanne, another with Pepper, and lastly with Haruna," Scathach completed.

Anna looked back at Jeanne with an incredulous look.

"Waaa, my reputation!" Jeanne grumbled.

"You didn't worry about your reputation as you rode Victor until your womb was completely filled." Aphrodite snorted, then added in a perfect imitation of Jeanne:

"How did she go? Oh yes... 'I want more! Please fill my uterus! Cum on my tits! Mess me up completely! Grab me by my hair and spank me harder, rougher! More, More! -' She was going to keep talking but quickly dodged a book thrown in her face by a very embarrassed Jeanne.


Amused laughter erupted around the room.

Anna looked at all this in disbelief and a little embarrassed, too, after hearing all this 'dirty' talk. She didn't want to know about her son's 'remarkable’ sex life!... Even though she was very curious about it, it was a year's worth of non-stop sex, after all... No! She didn't want to know!

Another laugh echoed around as people saw Anna's expression, which was almost precisely like Jeanne's.

Suddenly the door was violently opened, which attracted everyone's attention. Soon they saw Nero, followed by Ophis, holding a fat cat in her arms. The cat struggled to get out but was obviously powerless in the face of Ophis's strength. Even if she was a child, she was still a Vampire Child, one with a Progenitor's blood coursing through her veins. She was not normal.

"Father!" The two screamed simultaneously but stopped when they saw an unknown woman lying with her head in their Father's lap.

Ophis and Nero narrowed their eyes when they felt an instinctive danger from that woman. Then, when the woman opened her eyes, and those familiar violet eyes stared at them, that danger instinct increased even more.

"My daughters, I missed you."

The two's sense of danger disappeared when they heard Victor's voice.

They had complete trust in Victor and knew nothing would happen to them as long as Victor was here.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the same for Zack as when he saw the girl, and when she looked at him, the cat literally froze and seemed to go completely pale as a blank canvas despite being covered in fur. Soon the cat's eyes rolled back into its skull, and he fainted.

"Shit, Zack? Zack!" Victor got up from where he was and approached his cat. He took the cat in his arms and saw that he was completely fine.

Zaladrac growled in annoyance and then sat up normally. When she did so, the wings that were once curled up behind her opened, showing a small fraction of the majesty of the Dragons.

This drew everyone's attention to the woman, and they looked curiously at the girl's wings, but those who had seen her before, such as Aphrodite and Scathach, ignored them afterward.

Victor sat on the floor and placed Ophis on his left leg. He then put Zack on Ophis's lap while placing Nero on his right leg.

"I'm glad Zack is okay, though he's sure is fatter than before.""He is very pampered at the mansion." Anna reminded Victor.

"But why is he with Ophis and Nero?"

"When I saw Zack walking around... I couldn't get him out of my head anymore. So now, I drag him everywhere. Ophis kind of got caught along the way." Nero explained.

Victor didn't know whether to laugh in amusement or look at his daughter in disbelief:

"Just don't overdo it. He's still just a regular cat."

"...I sincerely doubt that, Father."

"Oh? What do you mean?"

"He is too smart for a normal cat."

"Mm... Zack smart... Good Boy." Ophis rubbed Zack's belly.

"As far back as I can remember, he's always been this smart."

"Oh? So he could write even when you were little?"

"... Excuse me?" Victor looked at Nero in disbelief.

"Look, Father, this was written by Zack." Nero took a piece of paper from her pocket and handed it to Victor.

Victor opened the paper and saw the note saying: "Food, Now!" in perfect English. It even had the correct punctuation!

"The cat is smarter than the majority of Human teenagers, which isn't too difficult, let's face it."

That remark earned some amused laughter from Victor, but he stopped when he realized something.

"... Mother, how long have we had Zack?"

"I got him when you were a baby. And he was a little big then, too... But, if I'm right, then it's been 20 years?"

"Impossible. How is he still alive, then? The average lifespan of a cat is 12 to 18 years. Zack is easily past that." Victor replied.

The women looked at the cat with curiosity on their faces. Aphrodite, Jeanne, and even Scathach watched him, trying to find some hint of anything abnormal, but he just looked like a fat, fluffy cat.

"Okay... Why is nothing in our Family normal? I had a friend who turned out to be a Goddess, an acquaintance who was the Former General of The Werewolves, and one of my acquaintances was a Former Hunter. And now the cat isn't normal either!" Anna screamed in exasperation.

"To be honest, he wasn't normal from the beginning, but we just brushed it off because we didn't want to think about it."

The girls looked towards the door and saw Leon, who looked like Victor's brother, only less handsome, with shorter hair than Victor and red eyes.

They were quite similar, although Leon lacked the details of Victor's face that he'd inherited from Anna.

"Father, you really look like me now."

"Shouldn't it be the other way around? After all, I came first."

"But I am more perfect."

Leon rolled his eyes: "Narcissism at its best...- Hmm? What is that? Your eyes have changed."

"I thought no one would comment on it..."

"To be honest, we just ignored it. It was easy to understand what happened when we looked at her." Scathach pointed to Zaladrac, who was looking at Leon with neutral eyes.

When Leon looked at Zaladrac, he shuddered visibly, and his face turned paler than usual. The woman, as well as all those who interacted with his son, were beautiful, but that was not what made him like that. Instead, it was the feeling that she gave it to him.

She was dangerous. Even though she was just sitting there doing nothing, he could instinctively feel it.

"I'm still amazed at how all Beings react to Zaladrac." Victor laughed.

"I am a Dragon, Victor. A much-loved Dragon who has a mate who was already very strong when we made our bond with each other. It's normal for them to feel that way."

'Oh? This is rare. Is she feeling competitive because of the women around?' Victor could easily feel jealousy, and possession from her, which was expected. She was a Dragon, and Dragons were very possessive Beings by nature.action

"Unlike the other mediocre Dragons who make contracts with low-level Beings, I made a contract with someone stronger than me. As I was the 'weaker' one when the contract was made, I received most of the characteristics of my contractor. Because of that, my Original Form has changed so much, as have my eyes."

"Does that mean Victor got nothing but a prettier pair of eyes?" Morgana asked.

"Incorrect. A Dragon's eyes are special by nature. We can see the world as it really is. And most of my Draconic Perks like my scales, Energy Control, instincts, lung capacity, and my heart were received by him."

"Do you have two hearts now, Vic?" Aphrodite asked.

"It's not that. When she says I received her heart, it means that my heart was strengthened, becoming much like a Dragons, not that it was replaced."

"The same applies to my lungs as well. Simply put, you can think of my insides as growing stronger than before, and thanks to that, I can release Dragon's Breath too."

"Essentially speaking, you could say he's a Humanoid Dragon," Zaladrac adds.

"The Progenitor of Vampires and Dragons, huh ... Not bad at all." Victor laughed playfully.

Zaladrac looked at Victor: "You are not a Dragon, Victor. For you to become a Dragon, it is not the flesh that must change, but the Soul. A Dragon's Soul is what contains everything that it means to be a Dragon."

"My flesh may be that of a weak Human, but if my Soul is that of a Dragon, I'm still a Dragon."

"Fufufu, I know that. Remember, I'm kind of an expert on Souls."


"In a way, I'm just like Eleanor. I'm a Noble Vampire with the Traits of a Dragon."

"Eleanor...? Is that one of your Wives? Does she have the characteristics of a Dragon as well?"

"Yes, although I don't know what type. I just know that in that Form, she has Green Fire and can control the gravity around her."

"Hmm... I feel like I've heard of a Dragon like that in the past, but I don't remember."

Seeing that the conversation had ended, Leon spoke: "Victor, we found them."

Victor's expression turned very serious: "Who found them first?"

"Oda and the Demons Vine made available for the chase."

Victor's smile grew. and the girls knew that smile very well.

Edited By: Davo 2138, IsUnavailable

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