Chapter 689: The True Definition Of Power.

'What is that...?' This was one of the few phrases that popped into Diablo's brain upon seeing a great pillar of pure power.

'Why does he have so much power?' He felt numb. In his entire existence, he had never been this close to such an enormous amount of energy.

In the face of that power, he felt small and insignificant. It was as if he were in the presence of a being who made his existence and effort mean nothing.

And at that thought, along with the overwhelming, numbing sensation of Alucard's power, something began to well up inside him.


The purest, most unsullied sense of fear.


In the face of the unknown, all beings were afraid, and Diablo was no exception to that rule. In fact, he may be even more affected by this rule than usual. After all, he had a very strong control streak, and he liked to have everything under his control.

And when something was completely out of your control to the point of becoming unknown.

Fear was born.

When you don't know how to deal with this stranger, and you realize you're at his mercy.

Desperation was born.



"By the holy father… What the fuck is this?" Ariel commented in shock, and she shivered as she felt the negativity of that pillar of energy.

None of the angels commented anything on Ariel's offensive statement. They were feeling the same way, and disbelief was visible on the faces of the angels present, even those who were very far away due to Ariel's orders were no exception to this disbelief.

The Heavenly Father raised his hand, and a sphere of positive energy was created around all his angels. As positive beings, being so close to so much negative energy could have very bad results.

'He really didn't lie when he said he was my counterpart.' The Heavenly Father thought that the amount of energy produced in that pillar was definitely at the level of a God King.

"My children, I will send you back home." He couldn't risk the lesser angels being exposed to even more negative energy.

With a wave of his hand, his entire army flashed with white energy and soon disappeared toward the sky.


"This is far beyond what I had anticipated..."

Hearing a woman's sweet voice, he turned towards the goddess of beauty.

"He got a lot stronger than I thought."

"One thing we learned, Aphrodite …" Natashia took a deep breath as she looked dreamily at that pillar of energy, "Was that we should never underestimate our husband."

"... Even if we have that certainty, it's still not enough..." Kaguya took a deep breath, emotion visible on her otherwise neutral and cold face.

"He will always break our expectations… Just like this time."

"King of Hell, and a powerhouse that rivals the top gods of the pantheons, my husband is incredible." Aphrodite smiled proudly.

Hearing the sounds of heavy breathing, everyone looked to the side and visibly shuddered when they saw Scathach sitting on the floor with lost and dreamy eyes, entirely in her own world.

And in that world, there was only her and the man who was producing that abysmal amount of energy.

The look on Scathach's face now was just too disturbing.

Especially for Aphrodite, someone who could feel the emotions of others, Scathach's emotions of love, pride, obsession, and desire were off the charts.

Victor seemed to have pushed a button that should never have been pushed on Scathach.

'Just how much does this woman love power?'

Aphrodite didn't think the answer to that question was so simple; it wasn't simply power. Yes, most of that reaction came from that reason, but the other part came from Scathach and Victor's long relationship.

Son-in-law and mother-in-law.

Master and student.

Companions in fighting and in training.

The confidants of each other.

And not least, lovers.

All these emotions were acting in a spiral, increasing the effects they had on Scathach even more. The woman who always looked for someone her equal, someone to be her equal, finally found that individual. [Not that she doubted that Victor would reach that height. It was all just a matter of time.]

"I suggest not bothering Scathach right now," Kaguya murmured, and everyone, without exception, nodded in agreement with her.

The demons were also in a Scathach-like state. They were looking at that pillar of energy with adoration and indisputable desire.

As demons, they were the ones who most deeply felt the effects of that energy.

And Lilith, as a Demonic Goddess, was the one who felt the effects of this energy the most. Even though she was a goddess, she was still a demon, and like all demons, she loved power.

That chilling, oppressive feeling was just too delicious and intoxicating.

The Heavenly Father saw this and realized that the demons looked at Victor the same way his children looked at him. [Without the sinful desire, of course.]

'The new Demon King might not be the most hostile towards angels, but he's definitely the most dangerous.' The Heavenly Father secretly thought of increasing his angels' strength and producing more angels just in case.

He was a man who believed in the best in people, but his experience couldn't ignore someone growing up to become the same level as him; caution was needed.

The Heavenly Father was a god of creation, a primordial god of the biblical pantheon. The Demon King, in terms of energy, was at the level of a God King, and the difference between the two in terms of energy was stark.

But The Heavenly Father didn't underestimate him. He undoubtedly knew that the Demon King had more experience in fighting and war than him. The Heavenly Father wasn't a fighter or even a general; he was a creator, a craftsman.

The work of commanding his angels he left to his children and intervened only when necessary.

The Heavenly Father, for the first time in a long time, decided something. 'I'll have to get to know the new Demon King more.'

So far, the new Demon King has only treated him cordially, he even saved one of his angels in the past, therefore, he will return the same treatment, and learn more about the new Demon King.

'Haah... I wanted to go back to my home and focus on my creations, but it seems like that won't be possible, it's a necessity to learn about him after all... Before creation comes destruction.'


"… This… This was far beyond what I anticipated." If there was one feeling to describe what Vlad was feeling right now, it would be disbelief.

He made a wrong prediction, very wrong. Alucard grew much more than he expected, the proof of that is right in front of him, and the abysmal amount of energy that was being emitted was not funny.action

Vlad knew very well that most of that energy didn't just come from Victor but was driven by the world tree within him.

'Does the world tree boost that much?' He had a prediction that the world tree would boost a being to a certain level, but he didn't expect that prediction to go even further than he expected.

"… Alexios, what were my sons doing when they were 700 years old?"

"…training reluctantly, enjoying their wealth, and toying with young vampire nobles."


In a perfect world, Victor would be his promised son, someone who would carry on what he'd all built up, and with the power Victor had, he would take Nightingale to new heights... But this wasn't a perfect world.

Vlad felt lost, he grumbled internally about not getting the world tree for himself, he felt apprehensive about having someone with so much power near him, someone he couldn't control.

In the past, he wouldn't worry about anything. Even his strongest warrior, who was Scathach, was still no match for him in his true form.

But that wasn't the case for Victor.

The second Progenitor, now the King of Hell, had an influence far beyond what he could imagine, not only did he command one of the biggest hells, but also most of Nightingale was under his influence due to his wives.

Vlad blinked, and before he knew it, Victor had surpassed him in influence, then seized the moment and gained influence and power that would make even Vlad think three or four times before trying to fight.

He may be strong, but fighting all hell alone? This was pure insanity. Unlike Diablo, Victor seemed to keep all hell under his rule and didn't divide hell between 'demon pillars'.

There were limits to what someone alone could do.




"Your son-in-law is a monster."

"Yes." Adam opened his eyes wide when he realized what he had said and glanced quickly at his king, who wasn't even bothered.

"My King-."

"It's okay, even if your daughter chose to have a relationship with that man, I wouldn't do anything. There are limits to stupidity, and angering that man is one of them."

Adam blinked and blinked again, he repeated this gesture several times until he started laughing.


'That man managed to make the stubborn king back down just with that show of power. It was really a good choice to leave it in Victor's hands.'

He continued to laugh, completely ignoring Volk. He just couldn't stop. He didn't even know why he found it so funny, but he just couldn't help himself.


Feelings of disbelief were felt in every supernatural being in the world, the energy level was simply too great to ignore.

A God King level being was born, and it caught everyone's attention; soon, the supernatural beings' eyes were all focused on Earth.

Diablo managed to get the attention of most supernatural beings, but some pantheons like the Greek, Shinto, Norse, and Hindu pantheons were simply too busy to care.

God King level energies bursting like headlights attracting everyone's attention, and it was simply impossible to ignore.

Thor, who was standing in the sky in the distance, heard the cawing of a raven, and soon that raven landed on his shoulder.


"This is... Negative Energy... the purest negative energy..."

"Who is he, Thor?"

"The new king of hell who usurped Diablo. Victor Alucard."

"… The second progenitor of vampires that appeared recently?"



Thor had to credit Victor; he managed to make the All-Father fall silent in sheer shock for several minutes.

Well, he can't blame The All-Father, he felt in disbelief too, he couldn't imagine this man with the man he saw at the supernatural beings meeting, he changed and got stronger very fast!

The energy finally began to subside, and it slowly began to condense into a humanoid form.

Soon a being entirely made of darkness and crimson energy began to appear, and suddenly two wings of pure miasma and darkness appeared behind the being.

Then the man's crimson eyes opened, and the effects of pure negativity were felt all around.

The cold sensation of fear and despair began to be felt all around.

Thor found himself remembering all the bad moments of his life, as tears began to fall from his face when he remembered the death of one of the most important people in his life.

"THOR!" Blue energy covered Thor's body.

"Pay attention. Negative energy automatically invokes all bad feelings in your sphere of influence. Shield your mind with divinity, or you will turn into a depressed brat."


Thor had never felt such a bad feeling before in his life; it was just too depressing.

If a god like Thor felt that way, he didn't even want to think about the effects it would have on mortals.

Diablo was kneeling on the ground as he stared blankly at the monster in front of him. His body was shaking, and he could barely breathe as the sense of horror in his body was simply too overwhelming to take away.

He felt like a helpless child facing an unknown monster.

Suddenly, thousands of blood-red eyes began to appear on the man's body.

And that sight made the bad feeling in his body grow even more.

"Are you afraid?" The distorted voice, as if thousands of different voices were speaking at the same time, was just too disturbing.

Victor took a step forward, and that was enough for Diablo to fall backward, instinctively pulling away, all the while shaking like a scared kid.

Desperation was visible on Diablo's face.

Seeing this sight, Victor's disappointment simply grew again.


"Aren't you a Nephalem? A being that broke the balance? Aren't you above everyone!?"

"Prove it!" The negative sentiment amplified even more.

"Stand up, get into position."

"W- What A-Are Y- You …?"

Victor didn't care, as he grabbed Diablo by the neck and made him stand up, created an ice sword, put it in the man's hand, and walked away.

He took a few steps away and heard the ice sword clatter to the ground.

Victor turned around and saw the man shaking as he looked at the floor where the ice sword fell.

The negative feeling amplified even more as all the eyes in Victor's body narrowed dangerously, and the grinding of teeth was quite noticeable to everyone present.

"Take the sword."


"Take the sword."


"Take that sword, get into position like the proud demon you claim to be!" Victor's anger made the negative feeling explode even more, everything around him was a well of negativity, and Diablo was feeling everything point-blank.

Diablo dropped to one knee, "I can't! Just kill me! I don't care; just get me out of this place!"

The silence that followed after that statement was simply frightening, the cold rage even more noticeable now.

"… In the end… Even you are only fit to be dog food." Half of Victor's body completely distorts, and the head of a demonic beast appears and flies toward Diablo.

Diablo looked up, and all he saw was the monster's toothy mouth. His last thought was how insignificant everything he had done was.

'I wished for power, power to stand above everyone else, above Lucifer, above Lucifer, above even Heavenly Father himself... And in the end... I couldn't...'

As he looked at Diablo's body being devoured, Victor thought with disappointment lingering in his heart:

'It's times like this that I miss War...' It had been the last decent fight he had, and that was over 700 years ago.


Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable

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