Chapter 671: Furious Maids

Haruna looked on at the horizon with a worried look on her face.

"Commander Haruna … Normally, I wouldn't question your decision; after all, you've always proven to think way ahead of what you seem… But… But… Is this really necessary?" Kuroka commented in a surprisingly quiet, confused, and nervous voice.

'...For the first time, I'm questioning whether this is really a good idea.' Haruna thought to herself. She was quite indecisive right now.

The sight in front of the two of them was just…unreal.

A sea of Black Flames, followed by another sea of natural colored Flames.

Several Demons floating in the air, clearly alive and thrashing around like pigs waiting to be slaughtered.


Several stone statues of formerly living Demons.

Followed by hordes of hungry Ghouls who devoured any visible Demons and grew in numbers.

What the two were seeing resembled the 'vision of Hell' those non-Supernatural Beings spoke about so much.

"... I never thought those girls were so dangerous..." Shuten Doji commented as he gulped. He'd come as a backup, but apparently, his strength wasn't needed.

"... In a way, this is the expected result; after all, they all carry the name of Alucard," Haruna replied as a solemn expression appeared on her face when she thought of the man who caught her attention.

A man who was currently missing in Hell, nowhere to be found.


'I hope you're okay, Vic…' She thought gently.

"…H-Haruna , what is that?"

Haruna and Shuten Doji looked at the place Kuroka was looking.

And what they saw made both of their eyes widen.

A freaking giant snake slithered across the battlefield while the Maid, Roberta Alucard, stood on top of the snake's head with her hair moving as if it were alive.

"B-Basilisk." Shuten Doji stuttered in shock,


A shock was shared by Haruna: 'Just when did that creature appear?'

Haruna, Kuroka, and Shuten just watched in disbelief as the Basilisk slithered across the battlefield while swallowing Demons in its venomous fang-filled maw and using its eyes to petrify everyone it looked at.

"Good, my child ~." Roberta and Medusa's voices spoke in a sonorous tone as if two people were talking simultaneously.

Honestly, it was disconcerting.

"Kill everyone… everyone who laid a hand on our Husband." A cruel glint appeared in the woman's eyes.

She was clearly taking her frustrations out on the Demons.

"This result is natural."

Hearing the sudden voice, the three looked to the side and saw Morgana and Mizuki approaching while looking at the chaos the Maids were causing.

No one would stand before an angry woman, especially those who are supernaturally powerful.

Eve, Kaguya, Roberta, and Maria were completely irritated and frustrated with themselves; the Demons were the perfect excuse.

They were strong, and with that, they could use them for combat training.

They were numerous, perfect targets for venting frustrations.

And not least, the world would be a 'safer' place when the hordes of whoever the Leader of these Demons was, were slain.

See? They are killing three birds with one stone. Efficiency is visible in the acts they were doing.

"Scathach personally trained them, and Victor also trained them occasionally, not to mention that each one has Victor's Blood inside them."

"This is a natural result." She repeated, emphasizing the fact.

"...." Silently, all three agreed with what Morgana said.

Now that Morgana and Mizuki were here, Kaguya, who was previously acting as Leader and Commander, could 'let loose'.

And believe me; the Maid had a lot of frustrations in her heart.

"You don't think it's cruel...?""AFFFFGHHH-..."

Kaguya cut the throat of the Elite Demon, who was wearing Ancient Samurai robes.

"My Master... My beloved Master is nowhere to be found. And I'm not beside him…" The shadows began to pierce the Demon's body as it silently screamed.

"This never happened before. I have never been away from my Master for so long."

"... My beloved Master... My beloved Husband... This whole situation is because of you..." Kaguya's eyes glowed a vicious red.

"Bunch of sneaky creatures."

"..." Kuroka and Shuten couldn't help but shudder at the sight.

Shuten Doji was really wondering who the Demons were here.

Kuroka squinted at Haruna, Morgana, and Mizuki, who looked at this vision and thought it was... Normal.

Okay, she understood that Haruna saw a very dark part of the Beings in the war to conquer Japan's Supernatural side, but... shouldn't she react more to Kaguya's brutality? Why was she staring at this scene without reaction, like this was normal?

"It might not look like it, but Kaguya is a lot like Violet, huh?" Mizuki commented.

"I think it's a normal reaction. How would you react if someone you love was taken from you?" Morgana asked with a dangerous glint in her eye, giving away her current mood.

"Very angry," Mizuki growled with obvious annoyance.

"Correct," Morgana spoke.

"Oh?" Morgana's attention shifted to Maria.

"Interesting... Maria can even control Demon Corpses."

"Is this unusual?" Mizuki asked.

"Yes. When the Ghoul's harmful poison reanimates the Demon's body, normally, that body will go into a rage. They can't be controlled... in theory."

"Come on, children, fight, kill, die, and come back to life again… Come back to life to serve me and my beloved Master~." Her eyes gleamed with malice visible on her face.

"But this is clearly happening," Mizuki spoke, unfazed by the sight before her.

"Yes, that's why I said 'theory'. But, as we know, nothing related to Victor and those close to him is normal."

"She is quite special, this Ghoul Queen," Morgana added.

"…Remind me not to antagonize you guys." Shuten Doji commented.

Until now, he thought that Scathach or even Haruna were scary, but he had to re-evaluate that perception when he saw how these women reacted.

"Oh, I forgot to mention, thanks for lending those two men," Haruna spoke suddenly.

"Their skills are very useful, especially for that 'Lucky Human'."

"It's okay; they are Victor's servants and loyal to him for having their lives changed by Victor." Morgana dismissed the thanks with honest words.

"Still, thank you. They are instrumental in discovering the Demon's locations, especially the 'Lucky' one. That man has the gift of getting into trouble."

Haruna was still surprised when she received the report that Watanabe Gintoki, or as they nicknamed him, 'The Lucky One', continuously managed to 'coincidentally' encounter groups of Demons on his walks.

"That Human must have been born with his ass facing the moon or something; he's really weird. How can someone be so lucky and unlucky at the same time?" Shuten spoke.

"Alucard once said that Gintoki's Power acts more passively. He is lucky, but consequently, everything around him is unlucky. It's as if he sucks the 'luck' from the environment and transfers it to himself."

"An outrageous skill if that theory is proven correct." Shuten couldn't help but comment.

"Yuuya Shinji is another irregular; he is a Living Ghost. I have never seen such a unique case until today." Mizuki spoke.

Silently everyone agreed with her.

"Anyway, use two as you see fit. They are now living in nightingale and get paid a good wage for their 'hazardous' activities, but try not to endanger them too much; after all, they are not war potential." Morgana warned.

"I know. I only send them out on missions they can complete." Haruna replied.

"I'm happy to hear that." Morgana nodded.

"Lady Haruna, Lady Haruna !"The group looked towards a Fox servant that had three tails.

"She is here!" He shouted as he took a deep breath; he was very tired.


The Three-Tailed Fox took a few seconds to compose himself, and soon after, he replied:

"… Amaterasu-sama!"

"She's here to see you!"

"Amaterasu and who else?" Haruna narrowed her eyes; she wasn't a big fan of the Gods; even though Amaterasu was a God-King level Diety, there was no respect in Haruna's tone or word choice.

"No one! She came alone!"

"... That's it?"

"Strange." Morgana and Mizuki added.

"Yes. Very." Haruna couldn't help but agree. She didn't even try to scold her subordinate; if Amaterasu wanted to come here, who would stop her?

She was a God-Queen for a reason. She was the one who commanded hundreds of Gods in Takamagahara, the Shinto Pantheon's paradise.


Sitting in front of a black-haired woman wearing the traditional clothes of a feudal Queen, the group can't help but feel tense.

After all, the Leader of the Gods herself was in front of them.

The only ones who looked composed in the room were Haruna and Morgana herself, who called Jeanne through Natalia for backup at some point.

Just in case, they left Aphrodite, and the Goddesses, in readiness, as well as Scathach herself.

It only took one word for Natalia, who was silently waiting for a response on her communicator, and a portal would appear.

Of course, the same portal would appear if she suddenly lost contact with Jeanne.

"First…" Amaterasu, speaking only after sipping her tea and lowering the cup, opened her eyes: "I apologize for coming here without warning or sending a messenger… I understand that my visit may have brought about various problems due to the current... relations of the Youkai and Gods."

Haruna raised her eyebrow at that statement; she didn't expect it.

The expression of shock on Genji's face and Yoichi's was quite visible; they also didn't expect this reaction from the Goddess.

Haruna noticed that Amaterasu looked askance at Morgana and Jeanne for a few seconds.

And with that simple gesture that lasted less than a second, she understood: 'She's being cautious because of the two women... It seems that she realized the Power of the two women. Especially Jeanne.' Haruna thought.

"Apology accepted. I only ask that, in the future, I receive some prior communication." Haruna replied in a neutral tone with no hint of anything in her tone, just formality.

"This will not happen again." Amaterasu nodded her head slightly.

"Unfortunately, due to recent events, I've found myself with no time to spare for formalities… Even now, I have my hands full with my Pantheon due to the post-war situation that you all know."

"So forgive me for being blunt…." Amaterasu looked at Haruna seriously:

"Haruna-dono, I came here to engage the Youkai in a mutually beneficial deal for the Youkai and Gods."

'... Well, I definitely didn't expect that.' But it definitely got Haruna's attention.

She didn't want to work with the Gods, not after everything that had happened, but she also couldn't ignore that her Faction needed several things, chief among them being connections to various groups and a steady source of income.

Currently, the entire Faction was being supported by Clan Alucard, even the funding they had came from Alucard, not to mention contacts with important Beings like Jeanne and Morgana.

She knew the two women wouldn't be here if she weren't somehow related to Victor.

As a Faction Leader, she knew it was detrimental to depend on just one source, in this case, Victor. Instead, she needed her own influence.

Not to mention that she couldn't just ignore the God-Queen of her local Pantheon and just tell her to go home. She would only get her Faction in trouble; therefore, she decided to listen:

"... Continue."


Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable

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