Chapter 661: Standoff between Goddesses and Countesses.

Scathach, Agnes, and Natashia, at this point, were very irritated.

The reason?

The three Goddesses in front of them.

Athena, the dumbest bitch on Olympus. [According to Agnes.]

Hera, the woman who could be up for the biggest green hat award in the entire Universe, proclaimed by all to be the most despicable cuckold in all of existence. [According to Natashia.]

Artemis, the most annoying woman to ever exist. She shouldn't even be called a woman but rather some parasite; she didn't qualify as a woman. [According to Scathach.]


Ever since the Goddesses met the Countesses, the women were acting... well, like Goddesses, and this attitude was really pissing off Scathach, Natashia, and Agnes. They just didn't do anything at Hestia's request.

As the Patron Goddess who Blessed their Family, the three women held an Eternal Debt to Hestia, but… even The Buddha had his limits of patience.

And you can be sure the limit had been crossed for the Three Countesses.

"Enough." Scathach slammed the butt of her Spear into the ground, causing a loud crash around, drawing the attention of all.

"..." The Goddesses and the Amazons watching looked at the group of Countesses, specifically the Strongest Female Vampire.

Runes began to glow on Scathach's Spear, and a killing intent forged through millennia of fighting wars exploded with her in the center.


Athena, Hera, and Artemis shuddered at the sight. Scathach's killing intent was as great as Ares' himself. Despite not liking the rival God of War, Athena was the one who knew most about his ability.

'And to think that a Mortal could do the same things as the God of War...' Athena swallowed hard, and she looked at the Spear in the hand of Scathach, which was giving off an ominous feeling.

"I've lost patience for dialogue." Scathach's red hair began to float as if defying gravity, and her killing intent increased several notches.

"I will only say this once, so listen well."

"First, The Amazons come with us, and no, they don't have the right to an opinion. They will come, and that's it."

"..." The Amazons really wanted to protest, but they were too scared to do so.


Meya Neyku, The Queen of The Amazons, didn't say anything. As Queen of The Amazons, her obligation would be to listen to the Goddesses who had helped her people in the past, but... Unfortunately, those same Goddesses were divided.

'One side wants to use us in a War of Gods, an act that would see my people exterminated.'

When Gods fought, Mortals should hide and pray they don't get caught in the crossfire. That was common sense.

'While the other side wants to preserve my Species and ask for our help in times of emergency.'

From a logical point of view and for the good of her kind, going with Scathach was the best decision for her people.

"Second, if you three bitches don't get out of here in less than 5 seconds... I guarantee you; nothing will remain of you to remember the 'proud Goddesses' you are." The Runes on Scathach's Spear began to 'move' across the entire weapon as if they were alive.

The three Goddesses shuddered.

...It was noteworthy that Master and Student were very similar in terms of patience. After all, Victor was doing the same thing in Hell.

"Third." Scathach looked at Hestia, "Before you complain, understand; despite being our Patron Goddess, there are limits to our patience that we can endure, and the attitudes of these three bitches do not help much."

"..." Hestia just sighed.

"I know. I'm sorry for asking something unreasonable. I just didn't want them to die right now. Like it or not, they are still important to the civil war of Olympus. Even if Zeus brought them back, he would hardly waste the Energy to bring Hera back... and Hera is my sister..."

What could the Goddess of Marriage do in war? Marry enemies and allies for peace? That would hardly work on the Titans. She was effectively useless in battle. If they died now, Zeus would just use his Energy to bring back Athena and Artemis. Hera would remain dead until she came back naturally after a few millennia.

Hestia knew her younger brother's personality very well. He would not hesitate to sacrifice everything and everyone to maintain his power and Authority.

Scathach's annoyance lightened, and she looked at Hestia with soft eyes. She couldn't get angry or hate somebody who was very loyal to the family:

"You were born into the wrong family, Hestia."

Hestia smiled sadly, "…I get told that a lot."

This sight made the irritation of the three Countesses lessen a lot.

In the middle of all this confusion, a certain Goddess of The Night was sitting on a black sofa with gold details eating popcorn, with an excited glow on her face. It was obvious that she loved this whole mess.

"With Scathach's temperament, I thought they would fight as soon as they met... It seems that Countesses evolved as people as well. The old Scathach wouldn't have cared about anything and just attacked everyone. She's become more patient... It must be because she has the equivalent of a literal Sex God in Mortal form catering to her bestial needs." Nyx commented with slight hints of envy as she thought of the man who was Aphrodite's male counterpart.

'Lucky woman, that Aphrodite. She didn't just get her old love, Adonis. But gained a new love that would do anything for her. That bitch doesn't deserve him.' She snorted in irritation and continued watching.

"Just get the hell out of here, Goddesses. Don't you have a lot of work to do on Mount Olympus? Return to your broken home. Your executioner is waiting for you." Agnes spoke dismissively, shooing the women away like stray dogs.

"Indeed, just get the hell out of here while we still have our patience," Natashia spoke in the same tone of disdain as Agnes.

Veins began bulging on the heads of the three Goddesses.

"These Mortal whores—." Hera began.

Rumble, Rumble.

"Wait, Natashia! No, don't, please!" Hestia screamed in horror.

Hera couldn't continue as she felt something sharp pressed against the back of her neck.


"Say that again, and I promise I will shred you into so many pieces that my dog ​​won't need food for several years." Natashia's cold voice and expression sent chills through everyone present except for Scathach and Agnes.


"I said, Say. That. AGAIN!" In the end, her tone became much more monstrous."Let her go—." Artemis was going to say something, but Agnes interrupted.

"People underestimate how broken speed can be... There's a reason Clan Fulger has been a Clan of Vampire Counts for a long time." Agnes spoke as she walked forward, Fafnir's Blade beginning to catch Fire and her eyes glowing as if the very flames were embodied in her being.

"In the time it takes for you to speak a single word, in her current position, Natashia could kill Hera a hundred times over and return to where she was before."

"Against Natashia, only my Husband, Speed Aspected Gods like Hermes, or Scathach, using her strongest Technique, could have a chance of defeating her in a fight."

"A Goddess of Marriage is just a powerless civilian before her."

Pointing her Sword wreathed in flames at Artemis, who had her Divine Bow pointed at Natashia, she asked:

"So? What will you do? Because the moment you loose that arrow, I will incinerate your existence with the Flames of Fafnir."

"...." Artemis shuddered when she heard the Dragon's name, and with squinted eyes, she glanced at the Blade in Agnes' hand.

Utilizing her Divine Senses, she opened her eyes wide when she saw a massive Dragon watching, waiting, begging for her to make the wrong choice.

'... The blade is still alive...'


"I can't." Athena quickly spoke, already knowing what her fellow Goddess wanted.

"Huh?" Artemis looked at Athena and was shocked when she saw the Goddess' state. Only her head was in sight, the rest of her body resembling an ice sculpture.

'Urgh, I can't move!! I can't even break this Ice! What is this stuff made of!? It's so tough!' Athena snarled inwardly.


"The moment you showed intentions to attack," Scathach replied coldly.

Artemis looked at Scathach with the same shock on her face. 'How can Mortals be so strong? I couldn't even react; what's wrong with these Mortals?!'action

"Oya...? They became much stronger than before, especially Natashia and Agnes." Nyx scanned the two Countesses with her Divine Senses.

Using her Authority as The Mother of Concealment, no secrets could be kept from her; as long as she wanted to know, she would.

"I see... The Progenitor's Blood is strong in their veins. It seems they performed the Clan Initiation Ritual. This explains the sudden increase in strength... Even Fafnir isn't teasing its current host anymore and has fully accepted Agnes as its 'Master'.

"I don't know if you lot are arrogant or stupid. Maybe both." Suddenly Nike, who had been so far silent, began to speak.

The three Goddesses looked at Nike.

"They have me here, The Goddess of Victory. Your chance of winning anything in my presence is slim to none." It wasn't arrogance if it was a fact.

"What will it take for you to understand that you have no chance to do anything here?" She spoke in disdain:

"Forget about taking the Amazons. I will not condemn an ​​entire Race for Zeus's mistake. He and his inner circle can all die for all I care."

"..." A saddened look fell on Hestia's face. Even though she knew it was inevitable, she still felt depressed hearing it.

'Haaah, at least my mother and my sister, Demeter, are safe...' She tried to comfort herself with that fact. There were times when Hestia just wanted to kidnap her wayward brothers, put them in a basement, and keep them for herself, but she lacked the strength to achieve such a feat.

"Now get out of here before we ignore Hestia's kindness, and do something that'll make the gentlest Goddess sad."

"..." A stalemate fell into place, but that stalemate ended when Hera spoke.

"F-Fine, we will leave."

"...." Even though she didn't want to show it, Artemis sighed in relief. As a Goddess who helped the Amazons, she didn't want to condemn them to a war that wasn't theirs to fight.

'Not to mention that even if they did interfere, nothing would change.' What could Mortals with Divine Artifacts do against Titans? Titans, who are basically Second-Generation Primordial Entities?

Yes, they couldn't do anything. What Hera was ordering was unreasonable.

Scathach looked at Natashia and nodded.

Understanding the redhead's message, she clicked her tongue, disappeared in a trail of Lightning, and returned to the Countesses' side.

Natashia crossed her arms and snorted in irritation.

In her opinion, it was better to kill these Goddesses. Even if they returned a few days later due to the interference of Zeus, who wouldn't want to lose his war potential, it would at least bring Natashia a sweet sense of satisfaction.

Scathach hit the ground with the butt of her Spear, causing the Ice that encapsulated Athena's body to disappear slowly.

The three Goddesses came together again, and it was at that moment that the reality of the situation came back to Hera:

"W-Wait, I don't want to go back to Mount Olympus! I'm basically useless! Can I go with you, Hestia?"

​ "......" The whole place fell into absolute silence. Even the Amazons and Nyx looked at Hera with dead eyes.

'She's too shameless!' Everyone thought unanimously.

"You can't. I won't allow it," Nike replied before Hestia's kindness was exploited again.

"I asked my elder sister! And not you, Nike!"

"She's just your 'elder sister' when you need something from her." Nike said dismissively, "I will not let you exploit Hestia like this. She might be too dumb and kind for her own good towards her family, but she's still our Hestia. I will ward off bad influences like you!"

"..." Hestia felt an arrow pierce through her heart.

"Just leave, bitches. Just seeing your faces is making me want to vomit with disgust." Agnes spoke with a disgusted face.

'Wow, she is cruel.' The Amazons thought.

"Shoo, Shoo, leave now! Why are you still here!? Get the fuck out of here!"

Veins bulged on the heads of the three Goddesses. Agnes had a natural talent for pissing people off, something Violet inherited splendidly.

"!@%!%, get us out of here!" Athena shouted.

Question marks appeared on the heads of the Countesses, Hestia, Nike, and Amazons.

'What did she say?' They all thought, confused.

"Bitch! She almost outed me! Good thing I hid my name." Nyx screamed in anger and relief.

Soon she spoke words that only the three Goddesses could hear, "Just use your Divine Energy and think about returning to Mount Olympus. The entrance is not closed to you."

White energy covered the bodies of the three Goddesses, and soon they disappeared.


Arriving on Mount Olympus, Hera shouted:

"Those whores! This is the attitude they show to The Queen of Olympus?!"

Artemis and Athena rolled their eyes.

'That Title isn't worth shit to that group.' Athena thought.

"I thought you didn't want to return to Mount Olympus? Why didn't you hide in the Mortal World?" Artemis asked.

"A goddamn Genesis War is happening on Earth. Going to that place without protection is just asking for other Supernatural Beings to kidnap me."

"…Oh, I had forgotten about that shit," Artemis commented, frowning in frustration. So much shit was happening in so short a time that she could barely keep up with everything.

"Anyway, where is Nyx?" Athena asked.

"Just forget about that woman and her machinations." Hera huffed and returned to her personal area.

Despite having heard Hera say this, Athena did not stop thinking about the woman. When a Primordial Goddess like Nyx moved, it was because she wanted something, and Athena wanted to know what.


"Finally, they are gone!"

"Hey, Amazons! Throw salt around! Don't forget about the Holy Water too! Cast out the evil energies of those thots!"

"..." The Amazons stood in silence, not knowing what to do.

"What are you waiting for?! Do what I said!" Agnes screamed angrily.


'What an unreasonable woman!' All the Amazons thought.

"I presume you have no objections about what was planned, right?" Natashia asked Meya.

"Of course not. This is better for us. Now that the barrier that protects our Kingdom has fallen, and our Kingdom is in this state..." Meya looked at the state of her city, gazing mournfully at all the destruction.

"It is better for us that we follow you."

Natashia nodded and announced, "... Just know that your culture will not be tolerated in our domain."

"... I don't particularly care. I already wanted to change that, I thought it a barbaric practice, but the older women who are the Elders did not allow me to change 'tradition'." Meya replied.

"For those people, we have the best remedy."

"Please, no deaths, Scathach. Enough people have already died today." Hestia begged.

"... Who said I would kill them?"

"You won't?" Hestia asked in shock.

"Of course not. What do you think of me as?"

'A bloodthirsty, homicidal maniac?' Hestia thought but didn't dare speak aloud, just standing there silently.

"For those people, a good beating until all the bones in their bodies are broken is the best solution."

"..." A shiver rushed down Hestia's and Meya's spines at Scathach's smile, which displayed a mouth full of sharp teeth.

"Fortunately, we have a Goddess of Healing in our domain," Natashia spoke with a smile much like Scathach's. She thought this was an excellent idea.

"Right~?" Scathach replied, "Thus, we can repeat this method as long as necessary! Or at least, as long as we want."

"As the saying goes, what time can't mend..." Natashia started to speak.

"A well-delivered spanking can!" Natashia and Scathach spoke in unison.

"Yay." The two gave each other a High Five. They really were getting along now that Victor had come into their lives.

"...." Nike, Hestia, and Meya looked at these Countesses with a look that asked:

'What is the problem with these women? Aren't they very bloodthirsty?'

"…well, as long as you don't kill them, then I guess that's fine," Hestia spoke without knowing what kind of fate those words brought to the aforementioned individuals.

'Huuu, please don't lose that kindness and naivety, Hestia.' Nike thought as she prayed to a God... Herself, of course. She was the Goddess of Victory; there was no greater God than her.

Yes, she was narcissistic too.


Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable

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