Chapter 3117 Building Up (Part 1)  

Building Up (Part 1)

"It is a big deal to me to me." Kamila nuzzled her face on his shoulder. "Thank you. Do you have any other surprise up your sleeve?"

"Just one." Lith took the Tuner he had given her as a betrothal gift out of his pocket dimension.

Unlike the other Tuners he had crafted, the betrothal gift had several empty slots for songs that he would add as their relationship progressed.

"I know this isn't a romantic song, but this is how you make me feel." Lith conjured a Hush zone to not bother people and activated it.

The notes of Unbeatable by Skillset broke the silence of the night, making Kamila's eyes go wide in stunned surprise. It was clearly a rock song and she found it hard to believe Lith would play something like that on a date.


'It doesn't matter. As he always says, when you're happy you enjoy the music, but when you are sad, you understand the lyrics.' She thought, taking his hand and using a mind link to make up for her limited grasp on the nuances of the English language.

Once the song was over and she understood its meaning, she went from confused to flattered.

"Really? This is how I make you feel?" She giggled.

"Yes. When I'm facing a tough opponent or some shit happens because of my undead nature, just reminding myself about you gives me strength." Lith was referring to the accident with the blue flames and the attack he had suffered from the wandering souls.

"I know that I can still die like anyone else, but you do make me feel invincible."

Kamila said nothing, just hugging him tight and emitting a purring sound. Sure, Unbeatable wasn't a love song, but it was his love song to her. It made even noisy music a priceless gift and the highlight of their date to her.


"I'm a bit tired." She said after cuddling for a while. "If we don't get back to the hotel now, I'm afraid you'll have to carry me in my sleep."

"Steps or flight?"

"Steps, please. I don't want the wind to dispel this warmth." She buried her face in his chest to emphasize the concept.

Lith brought them straight in front of the Crystal Cauldron and from there they walked arm in arm to the fourth floor. The only sour note was that Vonam accompanied them.

"I'm sorry for the intrusion, but I wanted to show you your room personally." He brought them in front of a large hardwood double door tagged with the words: Magus Honeymoon Suite.

"It was supposed to be Royal, but since you've visited our establishment first, we have renamed it after you. Please, enjoy your stay." The concierge handed them a key with a green mana crystal, gave them a deep bow, and left as fast as decorum allowed him to.


"Good gods!" Kamila said upon opening the doors. "This place is much more romantic than the Flying Griffon resort."

The suite was as big as an apartment, with a spacious living room, two bathrooms, and a huge bedroom.

Every centimeter of the floor and furniture was covered in red rose petals. Trays of different kinds of chocolates arranged in a heart shape were placed at the four corners of every room and in the middle of the bed.

A bottle of red wine was kept fresh by a container enchanted with water magic and two crystal glasses sat nearby, their top covered by silk heart-folded napkins to keep the dust out.

"I'm glad you like it." Lith poured two glasses of wine but Kamila turned them down.

"Not now. I'm beat from the long day and tired from flying so much. Give me a few minutes for a quick shower."

Lith nodded, groaning in disappointment as soon as she closed the bathroom door.

'She didn't invite me in and is about to take the makeup off. Can she really still be so upset from the joke I made during dinner that she wants to end the date early?' He thought.

Lith wasn't proud of it, but he had searched her drawers before leaving the Mansion. He knew Kamila had left her cat lingerie at home along with his favourite cosplay sets.

'My only hope was whatever she was wearing under the dress, but if she's going to change, I'm royally screwed. And not in a fun way.'

Just as he feared, when Kamila came out of the bathroom, she had changed in plain clothes. "Well, boss, what are we going to Forgemaster today?" Her long black hair was held up in a ponytail, leaving her slender neck exposed.

She wore thick leather working gloves and boots, shortalls, and nothing under it. Kamila had applied makeup on her nose, left cheek, right shoulder, and bosom, making it look like soot.

She held one of Lith's old Orichalcum hammer as a prop.

"Well, who's predictable now, mister smarty pants?" She said with a giggle while noticing his shocked, surprised, and absolutely aroused expression.

Lith's knees started to wobble and he needed to sit down, holding the sides of his nose with his hands to keep his bottled emotions from ruining the mood.

"What's wrong, babe?" She held his face, forcing him to look her in the eyes. "Don't you like my costume? I thought the sexy Forgemaster was-"

"Thank you, Kami." Lith hugged her close, forcing her to sit on his lap.

"For what?" She asked in confusion.

"For building me up every day instead of tearing me down, even when we fight." He replied. "For caring so much about what I like and for making even the silly dreams I've forgotten about come true.

"I wish I could talk with my teenage self and tell him that it was worth it. Enduring all that shit was worth it."

"It's okay, baby." She sniffled, feeling him quiver under her touch. "You can cry if you want."

"Crying?" Now it was Lith's turn to be confused. "I'm not going to cry. I'm just having a really hard time not tearing your clothes off and ruining your hard work. Also, I can't find a way to go on with the roleplay without talking to your breasts the whole time."

The well-placed makeup, the lack of a shirt, and her bountiful chest that seemed to be about to pop out of the shortalls at any second, glued his eyes to her cleavage.

"That was the plan, boss." She chuckled, getting back into character. "Don't worry about the details. Just focus on teaching me how to handle and wield your hammer."


Free country of Lamarth. Beyond the eastern borders of the Gorgon Empire, in the Headquarters of the Master, that same day.

Bytra sighed in relief as the red lights on the Madness turned green one after the other. Zoreth's vitals were stronger than ever and the system revealed no anomalies in her physiology, yet that just meant the experiment hadn't worsened her condition.

Only when the final red light turned green and the nutrient liquid started to be flushed out of the gene tank did half of the Raiju's worries disappear. The other half would have to wait for Vastor's examination.
