"Father thinks to have perfected the method to harmonize Zor's life forces and he's putting his theory to the test. As you know, his and Zor's condition is very similar." With her troll and black cores, Xenagrosh's physiology was the closest to Vastor among the Eldritch-hybrids.

The Master had developed a Chaos and a Decay eye that worked similarly to Zoreth's cores and they were also stable. Vastor had studied the changes in his body and hoped that once applied to Zoreth, they would work for her as well.

She was his first successful hybrid and if the experiment even just furthered the merging of her life forces, he could use the collected data to find a procedure specific for each of the other hybrids.

"Dammit and congratulations." Lith sighed. "How long will it take?"

"There's no way to tell." Bytra replied. "From a few seconds to one more week tops."

"Can you come with us?"

"No, I'm sorry. I'm not the only one who knows the inner workings of the machine but I'm the best chance at success Zor has. I won't leave her side but I can send someone else. Like Kigan." The Raiju scratched her head in embarrassment.


"Would he let us take the Ears in the case he discovers the truth?" Lith asked.

"No way." Her shoulders slouched. "I get what you mean. Please, check your amulet from time to time. The moment Zor comes out of the tank, she'll come to your aid."

"Thank you, Bytra. Lith out." He hung up the call. "Machine? Tank? What kind of device are they using for their experiments?"

"Beats me." Solus pondered. "But if I were a betting woman, I'd say something like the Spark. After all, Bytra was Menadion's apprentice and that floor of the tower was no secret."

They were suspicious of Vastor's activities and magical research, but the thought he was using Arthan's Madness was hard to consider. Between the many Eldritches at his service and Bytra, there were plenty of less creepy and just as likely possible answers.

"I hope you are right." Lith sighed. "Let's get ready."



Aran and Leria, instead, sat quietly on the back of their respective steeds. Onyx and Abominus were the only Emperor Beasts of the group, making their presence the most imposing.

The following day, Strider and Ryka walked through the Gate of the Verhen Mansion, finding a heterogeneous welcome committee waiting for them. Protector's children sniffed at them, shapeshifting from one form to another. Garrik flew above their heads in circles, using his eyes to scan the newcomers.

Aran and Leria, instead, sat quietly on the back of their respective steeds. Onyx and Abominus were the only Emperor Beasts of the group, making their presence the most imposing.

"Are you a cat man?" Garrik asked.

"No. My forefather evolved from a white tiger." Strider's hands went instinctively to his blades when a cold feeling of dread froze him in place.


"Yes." Ryka the Titania said with a chuckle. "He purrs if you scratch him under the cheeks."

"Ryka!" Strider tried to sound stern but his voice came out in a low meowing, like he was in front of a veterinary, ready to be neutered.

"Onyx does that too." Aran scratched the huge feline's snout and she produced a sound similar to the ignition of a muscle car. "Are you as strong as my big brother?"

"Yes." The Zouwu cleared his voice, trying to regain face.

"He wishes." The Titania sucker-scratched his ears, making him purr.

"Ryka, stop it!" The fact that she was as tall as him and even physically stronger didn't help.

"You two are so cute." Leria giggled. "Are you together?"

"No!" Strider would have turned beet red if not for the thick white fur covering his skin.

"Yes. You've got a good eye for this kind of things, young lady." Ryka offered Leria her hand who promptly shook it. "I'm Ryka the Titania. Nice to meet you."

"Leria Proudhammer-Verhen. This is my cousin-"

"Uncle!" Aran corrected her.

"Cousin!" Leria rebuked him. "Aran Verhen, and these are my friends. Lilia and Leran Fastarrow, Garrik, Fluffy, Onyx, and Abominus. He is my Grampa."

When the little girl pointed at the door, Strider was expecting an old man. What he saw, instead, was an angry Guardian wearing full war gear.

Leegaain's human form was shorter than both the Titania and the Zouwu, but that was by choice. They felt like small children caught red-handed in the cookie jar as the Guardian glared at them with thick black smoke coming out of his nostrils.

His black armor absorbed every speck of light, making it look like it had been crafted from a single shadow. His wings rested on his shoulders but their inner side burned with Flames and anger.

What looked like a small shield hung from his hip, its form ever-shifting. "Grampa Leegaain, these are Ryka and…" Leria looked at her guests but they were frozen with terror.

"Strider the Zouwu. He comes from Zima." The Guardian completed the phrase for her. "What the farm did you think you were doing with those blades, kid?"

Strider swallowed and remained silent, knowing no answer could quell a Dragon's anger. Anything he said would only fan the flames of Leegaain's wrath.

"Do you like harming children?" The Father of all Dragons walked in front of the Zouwu who found himself kneeling to be at Leegaain's eye level. "My children?"

"Sir, no. Sir." He lowered his gaze, realizing his blunder. "I apologize."

"Leave your hands in your pockets or I'll do it for you."

"Is everything alright, Grampa?" Leria hadn't noticed the shift in stance, the movements of the hands, or the spells the Zouwu cast in reaction to the perceived ambush.

"Yes, dear." The Guardian turned around and walked away. "Everything is alright. It always is."

Only when Leegaain disappeared from sight could Strider and Ryka breathe again.

"Can we meet your uncle now, Leria?" He asked.

"You are a rude cat!" Leria pouted. "You use my name yet you haven't introduced yourself."

"I'm sorry, Leria. You are right. I'm Strider the Zouwu, of the Emperor Beast Yi dynasty from Zima. Nice to meet you." He offered his hand to the kids and they shook it in turns.

He had to endure a barrage of questions about his homeland, his eating habits, and his personal hygiene.

"No. I don't lick myself clean." He said with a tinge of irritation in his voice.

It wasn't addressed to the kids but to Ryka who had yet to stop laughing after the children had offered him a plate of small fish and a saucer of milk.

"Because you don't want to or because you can't?" Aran asked. "Both." Strider sighed heavily. "Can we go now?"

"Yes, sorry." Aran blushed a bit and turned Onyx around to lead the way.

"What the actual farm?" The Zouwu blurted out in astonishment as he walked past mysterious Emperor Beasts (the Hati), a couple of legendary dark elves (reverted orcs), and a stunning woman with six eyes and soft feathered wings on her back.

"What's going on here? Who are all these people?" Ryka translated his thoughts in a more polite wording.

"They are my mother's friends." Leria puffed her chest out with pride and struck Abominus with her heels to make him stop. "She's helping the people of Zelex to get accustomed to life on the surface."
