Chapter 3065 The Limits of Talent (Part 1)

"Indeed." Solus pondered. "We should also repeat the process every time Ryla makes progress. On the one hand, it's going to be a pain in the neck. On the other hand, if she truly has found the right path, after enough modifications she might evolve.

"The process would reshape her life force as a whole and maybe undo the falling, turning her into a Fomor permanently. If we are right, she wouldn't be limited to living on the mana geyser anymore."

"It would be amazing." Ryla said with a sad smile. "But there are too many ifs and you guys are busy. I can't ask you to waste so much time on a pipe dream that would help a single person."

"Nonsense!" Morok said and Lith and Solus glared at him for being generous at their expense. "Quylla is specialized in Body Sculpting and once she'd done with that political nonsense, she won't have anything to do all day.

"Between her genius, free time, and the power-up she'll soon receive from the twins, it's going to be a walk in the park for her."

"I'm glad for the vote of confidence, but how dare you call me a slacker?" Quylla walked to him with a perfect mix of pride and outrage on her face. "Building political alliances is a boring but necessary task for *our* family.


"Studying Light Mastery to make it accessible to you is a job. My studies about light magic are another job! Just because I'm working with my brain instead of my hands it doesn't mean I goof off all day."

"Baby, what a pleasant surprise!" Morok said in a perfect example of closing the stable door after the horse has bolted. "How are you and the babies doing? Why are you here?"

He rushed to her side, checking on her Invigoration first and then on her womb. It was redundant since she was a better healer than him but the care and honest worry on his face made her heart flutter.

"We are fine, thank you." She sighed, feeling her anger subside. "I came as soon as I was done with political niceties because I was worried about you and Ryla. Lith told me about this experiment and I wanted to be here to ensure your safety. No offense, guys."

She said to Lith and Solus.

"None taken." Lith shrugged. "I wouldn't trust even Manohar with the lives of my family."


"Especially Manohar." Quylla chuckled.

After a mind link, she had all the information she needed along with two black spheres containing Ryla's Life Sculptures. One contained the details of her original life forces, both fallen and under the effect of the geyser, and the other contained the data collected by the Eyes after the partial evolution.

"Ryla is right, you guys don't have time for this." Quylla nodded. "Yet Morok is also right. I do have time and Ryla is part of my family. I'll take care of altering her life force with Body Sculpting, you guys focus on finding a cure."

"Are you sure?" Ryla felt underserving of such care. "We haven't known each other for long and don't share any blood. I haven't done anything for you."

"Nonsense." Quylla shook her head. "I was an orphan. I don't share any blood with my parents and siblings either yet it doesn't make me love them any less for it. You are Garrik's mother and he's Morok's only relative.

"Also, I know what you've gone through to protect your son and preserve my husband's bloodline legacy. It's enough for me." Quylla helped Ryla stand up and the two women shared a brief embrace.


"Thank you." The Fomor said.

"What a magical moment!" Morok said. "I knew something good would come from this experiment so I've reserved a table at the Travelling Tavern to celebrate. I've asked Haug to prepare the honeymoon table for us and all of your favorite dishes."

"Thank you. That's so thoughtful of you." Quylla gave him a sweet kiss and her stomach grumbled in approval. "I could use a good meal after all these emotions."

When the women left the room to prepare themselves for dinner, Lith dropped the act like a live grenade.

"I reserved a table at the Travelling Tavern for everyone since I have business there. When did you call Haug, exactly?" He asked.

"Hold that thought." Morok took out his communication amulet, begging the owner of the Travelling Tavern for last-minute changes to the menu and a bit of extra space for him and Quylla. "I'm sorry, what were you saying?"


Somewhere on the Garlen continent, Fringe of the World Tree.

The new Yggdrasil and heir to the First Awakened stared in annoyance as one of the self-proclaimed best Forgemasters on Mogar failed miserably to unlock the full potential of the Ears of Menadion.

Bringing Honsu Myen from Zima had been easy.

All that one of the Chroniclers had to do was to offer him the Ears and the opportunity to take a look at the blueprints of the legendary tower of Menadion.

The deal was too good to be true, but despite his better judgment, Honsu lacked the willpower to turn it down.

Meeting a legendary elf, wielding a branch of the Yggdrasill wood, and the idea of consulting the infinite knowledge stored in the libraries of the World Tree would have been temptation enough to convince him.

'If there is even a 1% chance that the elf is telling the truth and I'm going to inherit the legacy of the First Ruler of the Flames, this is a risk worth taking!' Honsu was over 900 years old.

He had long since reached the limit of the bright violet core and his skills as a Forgemaster. He hoped that building a tower would give him insight into the fabled white core or at least put his name in the history books right beside Menadion's.

'With a modern version of Menadion's tower, the Myen dynasty would be unstoppable!' With that idea in mind, Honsu had traveled to Garlen via the plant Gate network and from there, to the World Tree's Fringe.

Great had been the old man's joy in seeing the Ears with his own eyes, touching it with his hands, and being allowed to imprint it with his mana. He had felt invincible wearing it and when the Yggdrasill had also shown him the schematics of the tower, Honsu had believed that he would die a happy man.

Alas, he had never been more wrong his whole life.

The Ears turned out to be an instrument of torture. Between the massive flow of world energy swirling inside the Fringe and the mana coming from the World Tree, the Chroniclers, the elves, and all the artifacts stored in the living city, Honsu's ears bled the moment he wore the relic.

Every attempt to use its powers only worsened his condition, making the Forgemaster bleed from his eyes and nose as well.

"You need to use the world energy to fuel the Ears." The World Tree explained. "If you do that, you can activate a series of secret enchantments that will relieve you from the sensory overload."

"How?" Honsu asked in frustration after trying every Forgemastering spell at his disposal yet learning nothing from them.
